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Somehow it feels like ocaml wastes a lot of ram. My AST of a C preprocessor takes 2000 times the size of the source.
Tell it to garbage collect sooner....
I think I have to convert some x@[y] into y::x and List.rev the result
or do some profiling to see what it's doing
mrvn, that shouldn't have much effect on memory usage, just runtime.
On live memory usage, that is.
x@[y] creates a new list each time, y::x just creates another node.
or not?
Wow, that brought the ram useage down from 800 MB to <20 MB and the input file as char list and as token stream together are already 19MB. It now also parses within seconds
It creates a new list each time, but the old lists become garbage very quickly.
Appending a 15000 items long list item by item realy isn't a good idea.
x @ [y] is a lot more expensive than y :: x, that's fofsure
probably linear overhead
where adding an element to the head is constant time
and I hate my cab le connection, always dying
Does ocaml catch a segfault cause by out of memory and tries to GC more often?
The 800 MB must be just because the GC can't keep up fast enough.
I think I see why the @ wastes so much ram:
let rec loop l tokens =
let (part, tokens) = parse_group_part tokens in
with Parse_error -> (l, tokens)
I'd avoid using @ and go for :: and a reverse (if order matters)
{+ before the with} loop (l@[part]) tokens
The old list is still bound to l because it will be used in the "with" case. So as long as the recursion runs all lists would be alive.
or not?
How do I tell ocaml to let the GC run?
look at module Gc
somehow Gc.major ();; doesn't realy free any memory.
Is memory only freed when the GC compacts?
looks like it. Gc.compact ();; cleaned up nicely.
oh cool, we teased Riastradh into helping out the crazy cons cell person
I don't think I want to know.
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"There is a joke about American engineers and French engineers. The American team brings a prototype to the French team. The French team's response is: 'Well, it works fine in practice; but how will it hold up in theory?'"
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is there some code somewhere to perform a small checksum (30/32 bit)?
nm :)
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pattern_: :)
Kinners: openssl has good checksums.
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Can somebody give me an example of Scanf?
I want to read lines, each consisting of an int and a float...
Didn't you ask that here before, or was it someone else?
Hm, not sure, I think I didn't ask before :)
Someone did, and so I'll answer using knowledge gleaned only from the reply the last time it was asked.
Scanf.scanf "%d %f" (function n f -> (n, f))
It is an interesting phenomenon that I'm able to answer questions here despite never having used OCaml =)
Well, the answer was slightly wrong :)
That's OK. I use an iterative approximation algorithm for becoming an OCaml expert without ever using it. ;)
(What was wrong?)
You need fun, not function
Yes, one 'function' alone can't create curried functions, while 'fun' can.
I'm astounded that 'function' is used for such a common purpose in OCaml.
That's a lot of typing over \ in Haskell =)
Or fn in SML
No, 'fun' is used far more often.
Why is 'function' there?
'function' can automatically match its arguments; 'fun' can't.
function [] -> "nil" | x :: xs -> x
Fancy schmancy. 'fn' does that in SML. :P
Smerdyakov: How do you match "fn x y", i.e. two currified parameters?
Smerdyakov: can you write "fn [] [] -> [] | x [] -> x | [] y -> y | x y -> x@y"?
mellum: Is your tree merging tail-recursive or just recursive?
mrvn - No, you can't write that, because in SML, its 'fn args => body', not 'fn args -> body'.
can you with =>?
I dunno. I'd test it but breakfast is waiting.
-> is only used in types in SML.
And there is no currying shortcut with anonymous functions.
That sucks. I love currying
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Oh my! fn x => fn y => e is such a hassle!
"fun x y -> e" is just more _fun_
mellum: ping
mrvn: pong
mellum: Is your tree merging tail-recursive or just recursive?
mrvn: not sure
Shouldn't really matter though, since the depth of the trees is <100
If its recursive all temporary bindings will remain alive until the recursion is finished. I noticed that when my pcpp used up 800MB to parse a c.
Well, it takes only like 200M
last graph took 49542s though
mellum: Wenn du beim XO verlierst, machst du dann den verlierenden Zug?
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mrvn: klar
Waer aber auch erlabut dann garkein board auszugeben, oder?
Crash, unintelligible output, or failing to make a move within 20 seconds is equivalent to making a losing move.
"unintelligible output"?
Nicht parsbar, soll das wohl heissen
nen leeres File faellt da doch wohl druner?
Achso. Was dann der Score ist, ist allerdings unklar.
das selbe als wenn man XX setzt.
Weiss nicht. Lohnt sich irgendwie nicht, das extra einzubauen...
ich schau mir halt nur gueltige Zuege an und dann findet er keinen.
Die beste Loesung ist es, einfach nie zu verlieren ;)
Kann das ein 4x4 Board komplett durchspielen wenn man den timer killt?
Wow, sogar halbwegs schnell. Nach 3 halbzuegen brauchts keine Zeit mehr
Es merkt aber nicht wenn das Spiel schon verloren ist :(
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mellum: Bei 4x4 verliert X bei dir gegen dich.
Kill halt das Limit.
hab ich
Ja? Dann ist da wohl ein Bug.
4 4
Da ist nen Bug irgendwo:
4 4
4 4
Der Zug war doch garnicht noetig.
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mellum: Hast du mal nicht quadratische Spiele ausprobiert?
4 3
4 3
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mrvn: du denkst, dass das nicht schlau ist/
mea culpa. Die specs sagen das es "hoehe breite" ist und ich hatte "breite hoehe"
mellum: Aber bei fehlerhafter Eingabe haette man ja auch abbrechen koennen
mellum: Aber das du verlierst obwohl du nen draw kriegen kannst ist schlecht.
mrvn: in der Tat
Kann es sein das der 1. zug egal ist? Irgendwie ziehst du da sonstwohin und mein prog sagt das alle Felder gleich gut waeren (er aber verliert)
Hast du mal nen kleines Testbrett wo X gewinnt?
1 1
ein nicht triviales
mellum: Noch ein bug:
3 3
Das haengt sich auf
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mrvn: Hey, ich hab das ja auch nur eben in ein paar Stunden hingehackt :)
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mellum: Wie rechne ich aus wieviel Steine ein Spieler noch maximal belegen kann?
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mrvn: du zaehlst die nicht vergifteten Felder
Auf nem leerem 4x4 Feld kann man aber nciht 16 Steine setzen.
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hrm, I know this is the third time asking this do I match 2 parameters with a pair?
like let x = fun a b match (a,b) with...
let x = fun a b -> match (a,b) with...
whats wrong with this pattern? | (x,x) -> [x]
x is bound twice.
why is that evil?
which binding should it take?
palomer: thats the same as (_,x)->[x]
ahh true
not the same!
let's imagine some language where I can do assignments in parallel, and I say x = 3 and x = 4
I want them to be identical
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what's the value of x after that :P
(x, y) when x = y
Like Scheme: (let ((x 3) (x 4)) x)
Riastradh: thats 4
we would need a language that states that being equivalent must mean that assignment produces the same result
No, that's an error.
is evaulation order defined?
That expands to: ((lambda (x x) x) 3 4)
so how would I do what I want to do?
palomer: erlang does that
but that comes from the prologish background, I think
And since x can't appear twice in parameter lists, it's an error.
so how would I do this in ml?
whee - It doesn't matter if evaluation order is defined (though it's not) because the function takes two arguments instead of being actually curried.
I would have to use an if instead?
palomer: (x, y) when x = y
if you want to remain doing it in that style, anyway
whats wrong with this?
let rec interval = fun a b -> match (a,b) with
| (x,y) when x = y -> [x]
| (a,_) -> a::interval(a+1,b);;
why use fun and match?
oh, meh. forgot the original syntax is more restrictive with fun/function
let rec interval a b = if a = b then [a] else a::(interval (a+1) b);;
but I'd do what mrvn just said, heh
so sometimes pattern matching isn't the best solution?
It's often simpler to use 'if' if there are only two clauses.
and what's wrong with my solution?
(a+1,b) is a tuple but interval takes two ints.
what does the compiler say?
well, that too :)
This expression has type int * int but is here used with type int
ahh I see
# let rec interval = fun a b -> match (a,b) with