it's nice because it has a bunch of things done ml style, and it's basically C so it's fast
the region based memory management is also interesting
Nothing C++ can't do with a proper compiler.
mrvn, i was joking... of course any language is a legitimate choice for the contest
well C++ brings along a lot of crap :P
The only reason C has buffer overflows is that people are too lazy (or want more speed) to build in the checks into the compilers.
I want to see me work on the Cyclone compiler, if I go to Cornell. =)
You can write an Ansi C++ compiler that does GC, checks arrays and pointers and all. Perfectly valid.
ignoring the safety features, cyclone has nice things like pattern matching and array comprehensions and blah blah
array comprehensions?
you can go and do something like int @{50}derf = new {for i < 50 : i**2};
that sucks.
plus it includes type inference
well, almost entirely
That realy does look unreadable. Just like perl
some things can't be inferred at the moment, but it's still nice to have it on top of C
perl is not unreadable
I like the pattern matching part.
perl gets an undeserved bad rap for that... i think it's perfectly readable
and taged unions.
pattern_: die if not dead;
That construct alone is hell.
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The if after the body for the if. *arrrgggghhhh*
I don't mind reading perl, but I'd much rather be using something like python if I had a choice between perl, python, and ruby
out of the interpted languages, anyway
i don't know python or ruby
You have like 10 page of cod you look through and try to understand why it gives some error and then, suddenly, you notice the "if" at the end and realize that this part gets skiped.
parsing perl code must be fun
and, right now, i find ocaml much harder to read than perl.... and it's infinately harder to learn, for me... of course, i expect to feel better about all this once i actually learn it
whee: There are several constructs in perl which can meen multiple things. The compiler has to guess what you probably ment.
i never had a problem with that
just look in the manual if you're unsure of what the language you're writing should do
pattern_: the point is it could do eigther of multiple things and all would be valid.
I just view perl5 as a hackish language, I wouldn't want to write larger programs in it
you have some code that does this, then you add some () for readability and it does something else. That is real fun.
yes, it is hackish... i wouldn't call it's design elegant or well thought out... but it's easy to learn, easy to use, and easy to read (for me)... all three being quite the opposite of my experience with ocaml so far
well, ocaml's a different beast than what you're used to
perl is a langugage to write code. don't try to read or understand code :)
perl's associated arrays were something i found particularly poor, as far as syntax goes... but the rest of it is nice, imo
pattern matching in perl is fun. You can do some real nice exponential explosions with it.
perl6 is something I'm going to definately look into, but that's just so I'm not behind
match something like a 20 char string for hours on end.
well, as long as we're bitching about readability... i've found a ton of ocaml code that is inexusably written, imo... virtually _no_ documentation, and variable names constantly consisting of a single character
talk about unreadable!
that's due to the programmer, not the language
pattern_: which?
i know this isn't a fault of the language itself... but it seems to be quite common for ocaml programs to be like taht
And whats wrong with single letter bindings?
mrvn, well, take the ocaml examples
or take the libraries that come with the language
which in particular?
mrvn, there's nothing wrong with them for a little bit of code, but when your whole program is made up of them there's something wrong... especially when combined with a lack of documentation
All the user directed libraries have docs:
val set : 'a array -> int -> 'a -> unit
Array.set a n x modifies array a in place, replacing element number n with x.
Raise Invalid_argument "Array.set" if n is outside the range 0 to Array.length a - 1. You can also write a.(n) <- x instead of Array.set a n x.
Stuff like that.
whee, i can give you plenty of examples... gimme a second
and all the libraries are parsable with ocamldoc
My docs even have highliting for stuff that changed recently.
x1, x2, n, l ? what the hell are those?
yes, it is common
n is common for use as integers, x* as elements, l* as lists
val sort : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
Sort a list in increasing order according to a comparison function. The comparison function must return 0 if it arguments compare as equal, a positive integer if the first is greater, and a negative integer if the first is smaller
(see Array.sort for a complete specification).
For example, Pervasives.compare is a suitable comparison function. The resulting list is sorted in increasing order. List.sort is guaranteed to run in constant heap space (in addition to the size of the result list) and logarithmic stack space.
The current implementation uses Merge Sort. It runs in constant heap space and logarithmic stack space.
i like to write code with _informative_ labels like "input" "output", at least...
I mean, it's not like these are named "kjdfs" and "jfkdf"
these _are_ informative
there's nothing more to know than that they're two lists
pattern_: the functionality is documented.
i'm sure if you dig in to the code you can figure out what each part means, but you shouldn't have to dig in to it... you should be able to glance at a comment and see what that section of code is for
with an algorithm like mergesort the variable names aren't that important
pattern_: n is usually and int, some counter or something.
pattern_: l is usually a list
cmp a comparison function
and key variables should be crystal clear... the only excusable short variable names, imo, are local, temporary variables... and few and far between, if possible
h/t for head and tail
or x::xs
what do you suggest that they're named?
I mean, n and l are really not that important in one function call
pattern_: your n and l are temporary local names.
whee, i'd have to analyze the code before i can give you an answer to that
this looks like a common implementation of mergesort with a couple optimization cases
pattern_: another rule in variable names: accu is used to accumulate results when transforming stuff into tail-recursive form.
mrvn, i know there are many temporary variables there... but, taken as a whole, the effect is a goobledygook that is only matched by complex regex's in perl
pattern_: You get used to look at the useage of the variables rather than the names.
in regex's too, if you know how to interpret them, they're decyphrable.. and they're concise, and you don't really need to say "\newline", because everyone knows that "\n" means that... but get a huge regex, and try to parse through that by hand... it's a bitch
that's why commenting and informative variable names are key
variables like n, l, i, j, x, xs are perfectly clear to me.
Maybe its just practice or a different way of thinking.
I even use one letter bindings all over the place
Just try to read formal lambda calculus code where all variables are named s', s'', s''', s'''', ...
x1 x2 l2 s1 s2 ? they're only decyphrable in the _context_ of the code they're in... that means that to see what the code is processing you have to get your hands dirty in the implementation, and spend time decyphring it
sometimes you're just writing higher level functions where the actual meaning of these variables is unimportant, and so are the variable names
pattern_: no, you look at the type.
it's the manipulation of them that matters, not what they are
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pattern_: It would be great if you could hover over a variable name with the mouse in xemacs and it would tell you the type of the variable.
pattern_: the meaning of x1, x2, ... are first element of list, second element of list, ... using longer names would be cumbersome
and x and xs in the context of x::xs ? x is the head of the pattern and xs is the rest, but the head of what? tail of what? what exactly is being processed here? you can't tell, especially if it's in the middle of a hundred lines of similarly uncommented code, like the list.ml excerpt
kinners, head of which list?
pattern_: of a list, any list
well, being in list.ml, probably a list
the one matched against
an 'a list
you don't know which list it's talking about... following that code is a nightmare
mrvn, yes, the one matched against... but what is the purpose of matching it there?
rec sort n l .. match n, l with ... 2, x1 :: x2 :: _ -> ... that's perfectly clear
no comments and poor choice of variable names make this indecyphrable unless you go deep in to the code
pattern_: there are only ever 2 lists in the code.
l1 and l2 or s1 and s2 for them being sorted.
the documentation in list.mli make it clear as to what it does
Ok, s1 and s2 is not quite clear without parsing the s1 = rev_sort n1 l i
then from there it's just getting familiar with the algorithm
kinners, that may well be perfectly clear... but i didn't say that small bits of uncommented code, with short variable names was indecyphrable, but long pieces of code that were uncommented with poor choice of variable names certainly are
but these aren't poor choices of variable names
I can take a random line with variables, and tell you what they likely represent
which is just as good as a variable name like the_head_of_the_first_List_which_is_partially_sorted
pattern_: The thing is that the function is documented to do merge_sort. Merge sort is a rather simple and short algorithm and needs no further explanation here.
whee, yes you can, by looking at it and _analyzing_ it.. but you shouldn't need to analyze the code when looking at it to figure out what it does... that's what comments are for
pattern_: Your not realy supposed to read the code anyway without knowing what merge sort is.
pattern: check list.mli
that tells you what it does
knowing how it does it is a matter of understanding the algorithm
i did look at the list.mli
there's plenty of documentation on what a merge sort is, it's not worth clutting up the code with it
it tells you what the whole code is _for_ and how you use it.. but that doesn't document the implementation, and that's what i'm talking about
pattern_: what would be a better name for any of the variables?
whee, the merge sort is just a simple example... ocaml code seems to be littered with this poor style
again, not a fault of the language, but a vice all too common to ocaml programmers, as far as i can see
which would make it not poor style :P
what would make it not poor style?
pattern_: Tell us a better name. Otherwise I will assumeits just you not yet being familiar with the nameing conventions.
that it's common not to comment your code?
it's common not to comment code which is obvious in function
that it's common to choose short variable names?
whee, what is the function of this code:
let n2 = n - n1 in
let l2 = chop n1 l in
don't describe what it does, but what is it for?
pattern_: it splits the list into two lists
and what is it used for?
for sorting?
you have to look in to the rest of the code, don't you?
merge sort.
sort first half, sort second half, megre both
you wouldn't know that if i hadn't already shown you where it came from
so what do you suggest those two lines be changed to?
i can grab some random lines from another piece of ocaml code if you like
pattern_: Of cause not. It could mean anything without context
whee, i suggest some comments
well, i'd have to analyze the code myself to find out
should every line be able to stand on its own?
(* lets do mergesort here *) :)
let x = 3 (*this is the number 3, which is used to implement a timer (we're in the timer module here, and the timer module does a lot of things, like scheduling, and signals) *)
i'm not saying that every little bit of obvious code should be documented... but in what, 65 lines that i pasted there, there isn't a single comment
pattern_: your line is from "let rec sort n l", which is merge sort. What else should it do but merge sort?
pattern_: There realy is not a single line there that needs a comment.
i disagree
i guess we should leave it at that
then tell us a comment for some line.
but, when hearing about how unreadable perl is, it's always going to compare unfavorably to ocaml, in my eyes... just because of the poor programming style that i see to be so common... that's just my oppinion, and it may change as i get to know the language better
pattern_: as if perl would have more comments :)
generally, yes... and more descriptive variable names too
like $_, $1, $2, $3...
very descriptive.
that's only used in regex's
or just not passing a paramter and then its automagically $_
and i always assign $_ to a more descriptive variable name right away, and use that
$_, $&, $!, $", $', et cetera...all of those are used in just regexps?
Riastradh: $_ is the last return value.
i comment when using those special variable names
Yes, I know.
That allows for some realy nasty code.
* Riastradh
knows a thing or two about Perl, and that those don't involve regexps.
Or at least most of them don't.
for example: "# turn off newlines"
I know $_, whats the rest of those?
$! is the last error.
I don't remember about the rest of them, but I'm fairly certain they don't have to do with regexps.
riastradh, <mrvn> like $_, $1, $2, $3... <--- that's what i was commenting at, and three out of four of those variables _do_ deal with regex's
pattern_: arent $1, $2, $3,... the arguments passed to a function too?
No, they're regexp matches.
I think that's somewhere in @_
no, you're thinking of shell
$x where x is a positive integer are arguments to a shell script.
and this is why I don't like perl
I would hate writing anything in a language where it feels like everything, even function arguments, was hacked on
yes, @_ is the argument array, which i always match like so: ($name, $date, $time) = @_ <--- perfectly readable
pattern_: most people don't.
"x a b s1 l" is not
Noone said you couldn't write readable code.
i plan to write readable ocaml code
...go against the grain :)
pattern_: Thats perfectly readable.
x is applied the agruments a b s1 and l.
yeah, but what do those arguments mean?
Without context I would say two things, probably ints, the first string and a list.
is l a list of dates or times or what?
pattern_: an 'a list.
yes, context is necessary unless you have comments and good variable name choices
that is my whole point
pattern_: doesn't matter what it is and most likely its not clear.
anyway, enough flaming
i think you see my point, even though you may not agree
and vice-versa
pattern_: Get used to abstract code where you only have an abstract knowledge of variables, like l being an 'a list. Who cares what 'a is.
pattern_: I see your point, but not your example.
let's leave it at that, then
I find ocaml very well documented.
and i don't
I practically learned all of ocaml just from the docs within days.
that may change, though, as i said... as i get to know the language better and get more experience in reading other people's code
pattern_: If in doubt just ask your friendly neighbourhood ocaml runtime.
"syntax error"
not very descriptive
it highlights the part thats wrong.
not always
or gives the character position
not always a reliable one, anyway
show me a case where it doesn't
whee: adding an extra ; at the end of a toplevel "let"
That syntax error gets detected 2 lets down the road.
if you use the camlp4 parser instead you can get better messages
let a = 1; let b = 2 _let_ c = 3
Syntax error
that must explain why I never get odd messages, I'm always going through camlp4
mrvn: in the toplevel loop?
The let b isn't toplevel anymore so it expects an "in" before the next let.
oh, now I see what you're saying
ocaml could be more descriptive here saying that it expected an identifier or "in"
# let a = 3; let b = 2 let c = 5
Parse error: 'and' or 'in' expected (in [expr])
But after a few of these errors you just know to check for it.
that's a problem with using LALR parsers instead of hand made recursive decent ones I think
How do you use camlp4 prser?
in the top level you can do #load "camlp4o.cma";;
and in makefiles?
or run "ocaml camlp4o.cma"
or camlp4r.cma for the other syntax?
is there a camlp4 parser for the old syntax?
when does an else block end? like if i have let () = if something then something else something in something
palomer: with the end of the statement
is the in a continuation of something or does it scope the let ()
what he said
then and else have no implicit begin/end
so how do I know if an in belongs to the else or the parent let?
if true then 1 else 2;3 ===> 3
palomer: in allways belongs to the last in
last let
and let has an implicit begin than end with the in
let () = if true then 1 else let fudge = 5 in bar fudge;;
palomer: only top level lets have no in
Scary, I think my xterm dissapear on me sometimes.
it's hiding from something. perhaps you should have a talk with it :)
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meh, I'm still having problems using streams for parsing
streams are fun!
hrm, today I got hired by a computer engineering student to implement a toking ring network in C++
any clues at what I should charge him?
I really should be able to pull this off, it can't be much different than parser combinators
.. nuts. heh
I can't figure out what basic idea I'm getting wrong :\
so you're doing his hw?
anyone want to help me with my hw? :)
well, that was interesting
did a rewrite of this stream parser and it just magically works
I'm incredibly amazed that this actually parses correctly
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well, almost :\
noone has streams experience? heh
I looked at it and then decided to just read in my input file as char list, convert it to token list and then to AST.
having the dumbest problem with getting it to skip over things that don't matter
If you create a stream of a function, is it ever called twice on the same value?
and if it called in order?
yes, it's called in order
basically: does Stream.from (fun i -> read_char ()) work?
I gave up on streams because they have no unput function, not even for a single char.
there's functional streams, which don't remove what you take off
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but I guess you're expected to use npeek in that case
But I guess it can be done with peek instead.
hhrrrrrmf, this is really confusing.
trying to get a parser that will return a value of type t if the next item on the stream matches some list of chars; if nothing matches, it'll ttry the next value in the stream
but it's just raising an Error exception and I can't figure it out :\
insanely confusing. hurf
I have to transform a minimax search from the simple recursive form into an continuation based form.
the same exact thing I'm doing is in the camlp4 implementation somewhere, but it won't wofk :|
the difference in clarity is like night and day, imo
Thats more comment than code.
and that's just a random perl snippet that came up first in a google search for: perl "merge sort"
Also its horibly wrong
# Shift the left array over by 1 to the right to make room for the
# smaller value
i'm not arguing correctness, just clarity
You never do that. That makes it O(n^2)
or worse
just commenting and variable naming style
n^2 log n
you can't sidetrack me! :P
and i'm not saying every piece of code has to be that heavily documented... obviously that code was for tutorial purposes
The only thing that might be better is using left and right for the boder index.
Thats somewhat clearer than 1 and 2
but if you look at it in contrast to that 65 lines of completely uncommented ocaml code that i pasted a link to earlier the difference is pretty plain
# Store the right index value that needs to be brought to the front
my $tmp = $array_ref->;[$right_index];
Yes, I can read the ocaml code and the perl is just unintelligable bunch of comments.
now, without that comment, how are you going to know why the right index value is being stored?
Might be increased by the font.
you have to be intimately familiar with the algorithm or analyze the code
you should not have to do so
what is going on should be plain from the comments and variable names
pattern_: yes you should.
well, maybe you _should_ be familiar with any code before you even look at it, but i don't think that's realistic
Something as common as merge sort should not start to explain merge sort inside the code.
Thats what books on algorithms are for.
when i look at code i don't want to spend an hour figuring out what it does or how it does it
You should only comment on stuff thats out of the ordinary and on the interfaces.
In my code the commenting is usualy the debug output I commented out:)
Not the best style.
comments in the interfaces should be for people _using_ your function, not trying to maintain it or understand how it works
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hi mellum
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Bah. "not" really should be a keyword and not a function.
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meh I tell you
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my interpreter is somehow incorrect ;\
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