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<pnou> gl !
<pnou> avec un peu de retard
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<gl> pnou !
<pnou> gl !
<gl> ah :)
<pnou> :)
<gl> wassup ?
<pnou> ben là je m'occupe de mon mémoire de DEA
<gl> mitou
<pnou> enfin pas très activement comme tu le vois :)
<pnou> tu soutiens quand ?
<gl> le 10, rendu le 3
<gl> toi ? ta chef de stage est devenue moins con avec le temps ?
<pnou> heu ben, en fait je l'ai pas vu depuis presque deux mois
<pnou> elle est en vacances
<pnou> elle rentre le 15
<gl> sympa, dis donc
<pnou> ouais
<pnou> t'es dans les temps ?
<gl> non :)
<gl> enfin, le bon point c'est que je dois faire 30 pages au plus
<pnou> je me sens moins seul :)
<gl> j'ai deja 20 pages, sans les resultats ...
<gl> (parce que j'ai pas encore de resultats ...)
<pnou> c'est sur quoi déjà ?
<gl> mais ca avance, petit a petit l'oiseau fait son nid
<pnou> au moins en maths c'est pas compliqué, t'obtiens pas de résultat et tu recopies un bouquin
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<gl> a la base c'etait "translation binaire optimisee par simulation", mais le co-encadrant s'etant barre en cours de route en effacant les sources du projet, ca a change en "faciliter l'optimisation de code pour processeur VLIW"
<gl> en gros, faire un compilateur/simulateur generique pour processeur VLIW
<gl> reciblable et tout
<gl> impossible a faire dans les temps, mais bon, ma chef pense que si
<gl> elle me met a fond la pression parce qu'elle veut que je reussisse, sinon les gens vont se demander pourquoi ca chie, et la ils apprendront que le mec qui s'est fait la malle est son thesard de 3eme annee
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<gl> ce qui la discrediterait legerement, n'est-ce pas.
<pnou> mouais, ils ont souvent à penser que tout est faisable, surtout quand c'est pas par eux
<pnou> arf
<gl> d'autant plus que ce meme thesard a ete soutenu par elle au moment des allocations de bourses MENRT parce qu'il a eu une pneumonie le jour des soutenances (comme par hasard) et n'a pas pu presenter son taf
<pnou> c'est pire que dallas le milieu de la recherche
<gl> le dindon de la farce c'est necessairement moi, dans cette histoire
<gl> et l'an prochain, tu fais quoi finalement ?
<pnou> je sais toujours pas
<gl> uh
<pnou> y a de grande chance que j'abandonne la théorie des modèles
<pnou> mais pour faire quoi... je sais pas
<gl> du java :)
<pnou> arg !
<pnou> j'espère que non :)
<pnou> c'est chiant de pas pouvoir continuer ses études éternellement
<gl> c'est sur
<pnou> et toi, tu vas faire quoi ?
<gl> une these
<gl> mais je change de labo, je change meme de discipline :)
<pnou> dans quel labo ?
<gl> je me rapproche des maths et de la physique, je sens que je vais souffrir, pour me mettre a la page
<gl> le labo communication et electronique de l'enst
<pnou> et tu vas y faire quoi ?
<gl> ben
<gl> ...
<gl> :)
<gl> de la securite des crypto-processeurs
<pnou> sympa
<pnou> ça commence à me saouler les sujets de maths super abstraits complèmement déconnectés de tout
<gl> a la fois je flippe un max parce qu'a mes entretiens avec les mecs je pigeais pas le 1/10 de ce qu'ils disaient, et en meme temps je sens que ej vais apprendre des milliards de trucs qui recoupent plusieurs disciplines
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<gl> oui c'est sur, faut etre motive dans ton cas
<pnou> bah c'est normal que tu y piges rien, pas de quoi se faire du soucis
<gl> non mais c'est pas trop mes domaines quoi
<pnou> ouais et faut avoir la foi
<gl> j'ai recupere le demazure, la, pour me mettre a niveau en algebre, mais bon
<pnou> et je commence à le perdre
<gl> par contre les gens la-bas ont l'air super sympas
<gl> allons allons
<gl> tu veux pas faire de l'info? :)
<pnou> ha t'as besoin d'algèbre un peu évolué ? cool ça
<pnou> gl: ben justement j'y pense
<gl> ben je sais pas si c'est tres evolue, mais y'a une grosse composante crypto
<gl> <flood>
<gl> Pour te donner un aperçu, il s'agit d'utiliser les
<gl> idées de la "conservative logique" pour tirer des conclusions quand à
<gl> nature et à la réalisabilité de fonctions combinatoires d'une "certaine"
<gl> non-linéarité. Ce paradigme est utilisé (sans que les auteurs ne s'en
<gl> rendent compte) dans de nouveaux paradigmes de chiffrement (les codes de
<gl> scrambling), tels que DeKaRT. La même conclusion s'applique aussi à la
<gl> condensation (SHA-1, SHA-256, etc.). Mais on reparlera de cela quand tu
<gl> commenceras à proprement parler ta thèse.
<gl> </flood>
<pnou> si t'as des questions d'algèbre, n'hésite pas, je me sentirai utile :)
<gl> ah merci :)
<pnou> hum je crois que ce genre de thèse me plairait bien
<gl> ca serait plus ton domaine que le mien
<pnou> heu, tu veux que je montre mon mémoire voir si ça a un rapport ? :)
<gl> j'ai vu que 3 personnes pour le moment, dans l'equipe: un cryptologue, un physicien, et un matheux qui a fait de la physique quantique
<gl> je vais me sentir tout petit
<gl> fais peter
<pnou> j'en suis encore à l'intro :/
<pnou> faudrait que je regarde les thèses proposés en info, y a peut-être moyen de récupérer ma bourse de thèse
<gl> je pige rien :)
<pnou> moi non plus en fait :)
<gl> mais bon c'est loin d'etre au point
<pnou> le pire c'est que je suis sérieux, j'y comprends pas grand chose à tout ça, mais apparemment ma directrive non plus, je me sens moins seul
<gl> tu dois rendre le tien a quelle date ?
<pnou> je sais pas trop
<pnou> quelque chose du genre dernière semaine de septembre j'imagine
<gl> ah ben ca va, encore
<gl> moi j'ai plus que quatre jours
<pnou> à vrai dire j'aimerais bien qu'il me reste plus beaucoup de temps
<pnou> bon, quatre jours c'est pas assez
<pnou> mais une dizaine de jours ça serait bien
<pnou> histoire d'avoir enfin des vacances
<pnou> c'est dur d'avoir un poste de maitre de conf en info ?
<gl> je sais pas trop
<gl> a mon avis c'est un peu moins la deche qu'en maths, quand meme
<gl> et visiblement en maths le localisme joue a fond, pour l'obtention de poste
<pnou> sauf que la plupart des labos refusent de prendre quelqu'un qui a fait sa thèse dans le labo
<gl> ah ?
<pnou> ça doit pas être propre aux maths d'ailleurs
<gl> ca depend des labos
<pnou> c'est ce que ma directrice m'a expliqué
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<gl> t'es a paris7 ?
<pnou> d'après ce qu'elle me disait c'est très répandu
<pnou> ouais
<gl> ah bon, ca doit pas etre la meme chose avec les postes d'ATER/demi-ATER/Post-Doc alors, mon frere, sa copine et la mienne ont fait des demandes cet ete, et ils ont tous ete acceptes dans leurs propre labo, meme s'ils n'y vont pas forcement
<pnou> peut-être
<pnou> ils étaient dans quelle fac ?
<gl> nanterre, orsay et orsay
<gl> en droit, maths et physique
<gl> mh en fait en physique le labo etait a orsay en etant paris-7
<pnou> il me semble qu'elle m'avait justement dit qu'Orsay était très strict à ce sujet
<pnou> bon, je vais m'y mettre...
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<jyrix> hi again
<jyrix> what's the difference between sml and ocaml?
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<mflux> does there exists operator < similar to ==?
<mflux> say, if I wanted to build a Map that is based on physical equality, not structural..
<jyrix> what's operator ==?
<mflux> it tests for physical equality
<jyrix> what's = then??
<mflux> structural equality ;)
<ronwalf> structural equality
<ronwalf> How would a < work in a physical way?
<mflux> it would use some secret information, maybe their physical addresses
<jyrix> could i get an example?
<jyrix> i still dont get it
<mflux> (ref 4) == (ref 4) is false
<jyrix> ooh
<mflux> (ref 4) = (ref 4) is true
<jyrix> okay
<jyrix> what's the difference between sml and ocaml?
<ronwalf> There is !=
<mflux> yes there is, but you can't build a tree with !=
<mflux> or atleast it would be very dull tree
<ronwalf> Well, you can, it's just very boring
<ronwalf> Indeed
<jyrix> why would you want to build a tree based on physical equality?
<jyrix> is sml > ocaml or not
<mflux> physical equality is sufficient for me, no need to go through the data structure to check further
<grirgz> jyrix: ocaml > *
<ronwalf> ocaml > ocaml ?
<jyrix> okay now im confused
<mflux> * = everything but ocaml?
<grirgz> ocaml > [^(ocaml)]
<jyrix> really confused
<jyrix> not anymore!
<jyrix> good ol' regex
<jyrix> but how are they different
<jyrix> sml and ocaml i mean
<jyrix> there are lots more people here than in #sml
<jyrix> although none of you is very active or helpful
<mellum> We only lurk here to occasionally bash newbies
<jyrix> well could you atleast bash me then?
<jyrix> how's ocaml != sml
<mellum> No standard. Only one implementation. OO cruft.
<jyrix> and that's it?
<mellum> That's about it.
<jyrix> does anyone use that oo stuff
<mellum> Yes, for some things it's useful.
<mellum> I don't, though.
<jyrix> i still dont quite get how you can do anything without oo
<mellum> Huh?
<jyrix> it so uh..
<mellum> I fail to see any problem there.
<jyrix> uh.. functional?
<jyrix> nah i cant do it
<mflux> have you actually written any ocaml?
<jyrix> think without objects
<jyrix> even in c my code's oo
<jyrix> nah
<jyrix> cant look at postscript
<jyrix> im on windows
<jyrix> what's it about?
<Smerdyakov> OCaml = is so awful.
<jyrix> besides java suck
<Smerdyakov> I can't believe that it isn't guaranteed to terminate.
<Smerdyakov> jyrix, and I doubt your C code should count as OO. Do you use dynamic dispatch?
<jyrix> nope
<Smerdyakov> jyrix, then it's not OO.
<jyrix> but it has objects
<Smerdyakov> You, like most people today, have probably confused OO with data abstraction.
<mellum> Oh. You are probably simply the 5th billion person to confuse object orientation and abstract data types.
<jyrix> ( i doubt im the 5th billion )
<jyrix> but could you explain a little
<jyrix> how having objects isnt oo
<Smerdyakov> Read about abstract data types in the OCaml tutorial and see.
<jyrix> which one
<Smerdyakov> Any one.
<jyrix> this 'a stuff?
<jyrix> wierd syntax
<Smerdyakov> And I thin it's funny that you think any C-struct-like-thing is an "object" and deserves to be considered the basis of a paradigm.
<Smerdyakov> No, "'a stuff" is orthogonal to abstract data types.
<Smerdyakov> They'll be called "abstract data types" explicitly.
<jyrix> well there is data and methods which act upon that data
<jyrix> i thought that is an object
<Smerdyakov> jyrix, that is how all programming has worked since the beginning.
<jyrix> still..
<Smerdyakov> If you agree, then you should agree that a name for a property that is true of any language is not a useful name.
<Smerdyakov> Luckily, the _real_ meaning of OO includes dynamic dispatch as a hard requirement.
<ronwalf> I've seen Dyn dispatch in C
<ronwalf> I haven't seen inheritance yet
<Smerdyakov> ronwalf, how is that relevant?
<mflux> ronwalf, taken a look at gtk+?
<ronwalf> It's not
<ronwalf> But if you want a pointer to some code that does
<ronwalf> for jyrix, really
<jyrix> i think glib has inheritance
<jyrix> what about this concise intro?
<jyrix> nothing about abstract anything
<Smerdyakov> jyrix, which "concise intro"?
<jyrix> could you point me to html tutorial on "abstract data types"
<jyrix> A Concise Introduction to Objective Caml by David Matuszek
<Smerdyakov> URL?
<Smerdyakov> That's a lame introduction!
<jyrix> well then the pdf one and the one for perl,java and c++ programmers
<jyrix> if a signature is an interface for structures why couldnt they call it an "interface"?
<Smerdyakov> If an interface is a signature for structures, why couldn't they call it a "signature"?
<jyrix> oh i get it
<Smerdyakov> ML is older than Java by a few decades.
<jyrix> sig doesnt collide with int
<Smerdyakov> Java should be using "signature." :P
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<jyrix> what's a "function" from structures to structures?
<jyrix> and dont tell me its a functor
<Riastradh> ...why shouldn't he tell you that?
<jyrix> cause im dumb
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<jyrix> could some please explain this to me
<jyrix> Functors are ``functions'' from structures to structures. They are used to express parameterized structures: a structure A parameterized by a structure B is simply a functor F with a formal parameter B (along with the expected signature for B) which returns the actual structure A itself. The functor F can then be applied to one or several implementations B1 ...Bn of B, yielding the corresponding structures A1 ...An.
<jyrix> waitwait!
<jyrix> nah.. i still dont get it
<ronwalf> Function takes a structure, returns a different structure based on it?
<jyrix> and that's it?
<jyrix> that cant be all
<ronwalf> In a functional way, of course
<jyrix> there are much more words in that than there are in your answer
<ronwalf> Well, if you're providing a mathematical basis for your language features, then yes
<jyrix> omg!
<jyrix> it's teh manual
<jyrix> you could have told me its the manual
<jyrix> so ocaml is sml with oo stuff?
<jyrix> and therefore ocaml > sml
<jyrix> this is much harder than brainfuck
<Riastradh> jyrix, please define what you mean by 'OO.'
<jyrix> that "class" keyword
<Riastradh> So is Haskell OO, because it has a 'class' keyword?
<jyrix> dunno
<Riastradh> (Hint: no.)
<jyrix> alright it has inherit aswell
<Riastradh> (I don't think anyone would agree that Haskell is 'OO.')
<Riastradh> So do Haskell type classes.
<Riastradh> My point is that particular keywords of a language don't matter; that's just syntax. I'm asking you about a semantic definition.
<jyrix> <mellum> No standard. Only one implementation. OO cruft.
<jyrix> that's what i mean
<jyrix> are those all the differences
<Riastradh> Pretty much.
<jyrix> but ocaml seems to be more popular
<Riastradh> How do you measure popularity?
<jyrix> more people using it?
<Riastradh> How do you measure this use?
<jyrix> do i really have to define everything i say
<Riastradh> Everything that is, without definition, otherwise meaningless, yes.
<jyrix> well umm.. you ask people?
<jyrix> lemme check the dictionary
<Riastradh> You have conducted a survey of programmers to see who uses SML and who uses OCaml?
<jyrix> :d
<jyrix> :D
<jyrix> no
<jyrix> when i did that id find that they're both dead
<jyrix> lol
<Riastradh> So how are you measuring the use of SML vs OCaml?
<jyrix> argh!
<jyrix> is this "bashing newbies"?
<jyrix> do you think ocaml is more popular than sml or not?
<jyrix> yes/no, no defining anythin
<Riastradh> No. I'm just somewhat indirectly trying to show you that your statements about popularity are rather empty.
<Riastradh> I honestly don't know.
<jyrix> well that's it! all i wanted to know
<jyrix> thank you
<Smerdyakov> OCaml is full of undesirable hacks.
<Smerdyakov> That is why I prefer to use SML when possible.
<jyrix> what kind of hacks
<mellum> Smerdyakov: which implementation do you use?
<Smerdyakov> ==
<Smerdyakov> mellum, MLton and SML/NJ
<jyrix> == is a "hack" ?
<jyrix> wow
<mellum> Hey, Scheme has three kinds of equality :)
<Smerdyakov> Yup. It would be even worse if anyone had any notion that there could some day be multiple OCaml implementations.
<Smerdyakov> == would probably allow a program to figure out which implementation it's running in.
<Smerdyakov> Using very underhanded means.
<jyrix> well if it werent made by people like you, the compiler would just say who it is
<Smerdyakov> It does.
<Riastradh> mellum, Scheme also doesn't have a fascistly strict static type system for them to break it.
<Smerdyakov> But you can probably use == to tell the difference between different garbage collection algorithms, for instance.
<Smerdyakov> And that, of course, means your program might work with one algorithm and not work with another.
<jyrix> well okay thats kinda hackish
<Smerdyakov> Of course, you're used to this from C, Java, et al., I'm sure, but that's no reason to settle for it in ML.
<jyrix> but optimizing and taking advantage of new cool features is okay with me
<Smerdyakov> Pointer equality is not a "cool feature."
<mellum> Smerdyakov: so don't use it, then.
<mellum> Doesn't strike me as a large problem.
* jyrix agrees
<Smerdyakov> mellum, it makes program analysis systems for OCaml significantly more complicated.
<jyrix> a new super-fast garbage collector is a "cool feature"
<Smerdyakov> OCaml has never had a super-fast garbage collector.
<mellum> Smerdyakov: Does anybody really do that? Doesn't seem like the ideal target
<Smerdyakov> mellum, yes. French people do.
<mellum> Smerdyakov: Okay, except them of course :)
<Smerdyakov> mellum, why would I want to use a library when I don't know if its functions will respect referential transparency? I prefer the language to _force_ them to do this.
<jyrix> well i dont like languagues that force me to do stuff
<jyrix> id like them to recommend, but not force
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<Smerdyakov> jyrix, no offense, but most everyone who thinks like that turns out to be a mediocre programmer at best.
<Smerdyakov> jyrix, programming is HARD. Someone who understands the issues wants as much automated help as possible in avoiding mistakes.
<jyrix> but its not always helping
<Smerdyakov> It's not always helping _for_your_current_style_.
<jyrix> lol
<Smerdyakov> You can change your style, and in doing so optimize your productivity.
<mellum> I agree with Smerdyakov. It's really helpful if you can absolutely rely on something not being possible instead of just hoping it won't happen because it's bad style.
<jyrix> what's caml light?
<Smerdyakov> A toy
<jyrix> so sml doesnt have == or any other (")hacks(")?
<Riastradh> SML has hacks that are just as bad: the built-in operator overloading cruft.
<jyrix> ooh operator overloading!
<jyrix> so thats umm.. bad?
<mflux> jyrix, don't get exited. with ocaml you can define operators of your own!
<jyrix> yay!
<jyrix> always wanted that
<jyrix> what about scala?
<Riastradh> The concept alone without principle like Haskell is bad enough, but by 'built-in' I meant that it's totally inextensibly encrusted into the system and you can't define your own.
<mellum> You can have great operators, like <<<-<<$!@!!!
<mflux> mellum, funny, I use that operator for everything.
<Riastradh> By 'without principle like Haskell,' I referred to Haskell's principles of 'overloading,' not its lack thereof.
<Smerdyakov> Riastradh, OCaml has _many_ more hacks.
<Riastradh> Smerdyakov, I didn't claim otherwise.
<jyrix> its ocaml for me then, id really like operators like that
<mellum> Maybe we should just go and write our own ML clone.
<Smerdyakov> jyrix, actually, SML is even more flexible about defining your own operators.
<Smerdyakov> jyrix, you can use words, not just symbols.
<jyrix> ocaml doesnt do words?
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<mflux> yeah, that's a stupid limitation, considering ocaml has 'mod'-operator
<Smerdyakov> I think infix operators have to be symbolic in OCaml.
<Smerdyakov> mflux, no, it's a good one. SML fixities are a big pain with separate compilation.
<jyrix> still, what do you think about scala?
<mflux> smerdyakov, oh, so ocaml learned something ;)
<mflux> but it's still inconsistent to have buil-in operators built that way
<jyrix> * any method may be used as an infix or postfix operator, and
<jyrix> it doesnt have mi though
<jyrix> no!!
<jyrix> damn! it has xml in it
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<Riastradh> jyrix, why are you so completely affixed to the notion of 'OO' that you haven't even shown you're able to define?
<jyrix> lol dunno
<jyrix> im sure there are specific sections in my brain that deal with this kinda stuff so wouldnt have to
<jyrix> there's an 'i' between so and wouldnt
<jyrix> i dont know how escaped
<jyrix> if you find it please but it back
<jyrix> again
<jyrix> there's an 'it' between how and escaped
<jyrix> what do you think about adding xml into ocaml?
<jyrix> xml is *so* cool, it really should be everywhere
<jyrix> instead of samsung on my monitor there should be <company name="samsung"/>
<Riastradh> What is so new & cool about XML?
<jyrix> its so nice and verbose, we should always be using on the net
<Riastradh> XML is merely a textual format for representing data, and it is a reinvention of a wheel that Lisp invented decades ago.
<jyrix> maybe like <byte value="h"/>
<jyrix> ormaybe <byte><value value="h"></value></byte>
<Riastradh> And what do you mean by 'adding XML to OCaml?'
<jyrix> well like scala does it
<Riastradh> That didn't answer my question, jyrix.
<jyrix> it didnt?
<jyrix> why not?
<jyrix> i have no idea what id do with xml in ocaml
<Riastradh> I asked 'what do you mean by "adding XML to OCaml?"' You responded with a silly _rationale_, not _explanation_.
<jyrix> absolutely no idea
<jyrix> if it werent so nice and new and cool id say its bloat or something
<jyrix> which it of course isnt cause its xml
<Riastradh> It's not new, jyrix.
<jyrix> its extremley cool nonetheless
<Riastradh> It is merely a textual format for data representation.
<jyrix> if we all use xml then there will be no more hunger or war
<jyrix> everlasting peace!
<Riastradh> I'm not sure whether you're a troll or just sarcastic.
<jyrix> im probably both
<jyrix> i hope i dont need to define that
<jyrix> well.. ocaml is definately better than c++
<jyrix> c++ seems like a big hack to me
<jyrix> ( and i aint gonna define that )
<grirgz> c++ suxor :p
<jyrix> no! c++ sUx0r
<jyrix> although i doubt id write an os in ocaml
<kuz> Or anything else.
<jyrix> why not?
<kuz> You're too busy.
<jyrix> i am?
<kuz> Yes.
<jyrix> okay then
<grirgz> dont try to write an OS in c++ too
<jyrix> why not
<jyrix> there are plenty of oses written in c++
<grirgz> because c++ suxor, of course
<jyrix> it doesnt suxor that much
<jyrix> it's still better than asm
<grirgz> objective C is much better
<jyrix> objective c for an os?
<jyrix> ???
<grirgz> why not ?
<jyrix> doesnt it require a little too much runtime support
<grirgz> i dont know
<jyrix> how do i write objective c when i dont have an dynamic memory allocator for example
<jyrix> and besides l4ka is written in c++, and its *teh* os (kernel)
<grirgz> mouais..
<jyrix> huh?
<jyrix> is that french?
<grirgz> yes
<jyrix> if everyone would be using l4 i really think we would have everlasting peace
<jyrix> l4 and anarchy!
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<grirgz> strange guy
<kuz> Sort of boring.
<grirgz> he thinks l4 and xml will brings the peace, but i am not sure
<kuz> I think he was just trying to be annoying.
<grirgz> lol
<grirgz> he is young, dont be so hard ;)
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<ronwalf> bah, == makes some optimization techniques possible
<ronwalf> Well, that and the weak hashtable
<ronwalf> I would have made != less obvious, though
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<Robert> Is a 4-line paste considered flooding in here?
<Lemmih> I don't think so.
<Robert> let rec sur_be x y =
<Robert> let (xl,xr) = x in
<Robert> let (yl,yr) = y in
<Robert> (not (List.exists (fun l -> sur_be y l) xl))
<Robert> The very last "xl" there is of the wrong type, it appears.
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<Robert> Should be ('a * 'b) list, but gives the error: This expression has type 'a but is here used with type ('a * 'b) list
<avlondono> you mean that x is ('a list * 'b) list?
<Robert> No
<Robert> x isn't a list, it's a tuple of lists.
<Robert> At least it SHOULD be.
<Robert> Do you see anything wrong?
<avlondono> yes you're right
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<Robert> And xl, xr, xl and yr are all lists of these 2-tuples, containing lists. So it's a recursive datatype, just not defined as a named data type.
<grirgz> Robert: i think you can't use such type and should use a variant type
<Robert> A what? :)
<Robert> And why can't I use that type?
<grirgz> i am not sure, however you can use "type t = C of (t list * t list)" instead of "type t = (t list * t list)" which cause an error
<grirgz> any expert here to confirm ? :p
<Robert> Hmm..
<Robert> How can I specify the type of a parameter?
<grirgz> "let f (a:int) = a+1" ?
<avlondono> you see you exchange y and l in the recursive call
<avlondono> so each element in xl is itself of the same type of y
<Robert> It should be. xl should be a list of list-tuples, and y should be a list-tuple.
<avlondono> y also a list of list-tuples?
<avlondono> or a list-tuple
<Robert> No, y is a list-tuple.
<Robert> And xl is a list of such tuples.
<avlondono> the type of x and y should be the same in your function
<Robert> I think they are.
<Robert> Here's the last line of it
<Robert> && (not (List.exists (fun r -> sur_be r x) yr))
<mflux> I think grirgz was onto something there, I believe you cannot make instances of anonymous recursive types
<Robert> What can I do instead?
<grirgz> let rec sur_be (C (xl, xr)) ((C (yl, yr)) as y) = (not (List.exists (fun l -> sur_be y l) xl));;
<grirgz> this work
<grirgz> :)
<Robert> Thanks
<Robert> Didn't know of 'as', btw.
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