Smerdyakov: you going to participate in the ICFP contest?
So... Is there a standard tool to generate .pot files from ocaml source ?
(I believe the answer is no...)
a .pot file contains a list of all the strings marked for translation in the .ml file
so you might write -> print_endline (gettext "Hello, World!");;
An the analyzer would see the "Hello, World!" and put it into the .pot file so people can translate it into different languages
I can do 'fun str = Grammar.Entry.parse implem (Stream.of_string str)' to turn a .ml into a nice AST, but it is then rather tedious to write a function that drills down into resulting tree looking for instances of (ExApp ... (ExLid "gettext" ...)) because there are atleast 50 constructors that can contain expressions...
In haskell I can use generics... but I am not sure how best to do this in ocaml...
maybe I need to parse the mLast.mli file, and then walk over that tree to generate a function that does what I want...
* stepcut
scratches his head
or maybe I should just make a new parser that just parses the stuff I need
I can reuse the existing lexer which correctly parses strings and identifiers according to ocaml rules...
open Generics;;
Can't you just use regular expression matching?
stepcut: use dynamic linking
stepcut: and make the dynamically linked module register the strings
vincenz, you've just reduced the problem to the same one of finding out which strings there are, so that the dynamic module can register them.
yes but remove the need for a lexer
and I misread the problem :D I thought the problem was the loading
I don't think that removes the need for a lexer.
I thought the lexer issue was for the loading of the preference file
Oh, vincenz.
Smerdyakov: I was hopefully for an easier alternative to regular expression matching, but there may not be one
stepcut, what could be easier than regular expression matching?
Find: gettext \"([^\"]|
Find: gettext \"([^\"]|\\\")*\"
Smerdyakov: the string could be on the next line
and I need to know the line number the string is found on