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There exist a shell written in O'caml?
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probably i should take that as no :-)
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ejt has joined #ocaml
hi, I'm about to start writing a gui app (chess client) in ocaml. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on what widget toolkit to use (gtk, qt ?) ?
ejt: lablgtk2 works good here
ejt: are there ocaml bindings for qt anyway?
I'm not sure how many standard widgets I need, I plan to bolt some graphics primitives onto my ocaml-scheme extension language and go from there (ie. follow an emacs style implementation)
kinners has joined #ocaml
Snark: lablgtk2 looks good, thx for the pointer
ejt: gtk is really easier to use with ocaml than with c
I'm also wondering about using SDL - I guess it's lower level so scares me less
SDL is lower level indeed
vodka-goo has joined #ocaml
Doesn't ocaml have gui libraries?
tk, I think
mlh_ has joined #ocaml
lablgtk2 is much better
is it part of the language?
no it's an external library
tk is part of the language though
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Why this doesn't work:
# let rec fact = function
n when n <= 1 -> n
| _ -> n * fact (n - 1);;
I thought function -keyword took one argument by default.
Unbound value n
| n -> n * fact (n - 1);;
mm.. i think i get it, is it because of the wildcard?
The first n is only bound for the first case.
I see.
This is interesting, i see i can use the wildcard with match.. with
I suppose it is because the match .. with bound the variable for all the pattern matching cases right?
_ is just a special variable denoting to throw the value away.
there is nothing bound for all the cases, each case binds it's own n.
let rec fact = function
x when x <= 1 -> x
| y -> < * fact (y-1);;
2 totaly seperate bindings.
How this works then: let rec fact n = match n with n when n <= 1 -> n | _ -> n * fact(n - 1);;
let rec fact x = match x with y when y <= 1 -> y | _ -> x * fact (x-1)
but that would be stupid code
let rec fact n = if n <= 1 then n else fact (n-1)
no point in using pattern matching there
i really don't care if ther eis a point, i am just testing :-)
So, why exactly works with the wildcard using match .. with?
araujo: look what is x and what is y
yes, i thought match .. with bound the varable to the pattern
No. The pattern binds something, match x doesn't.
The y is bound and _ but x comes from the let
i see
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* Snark
wonders how to clean his Makefile
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hi all!
hi krishna_
any free online books on ML, functional programming ?
i'm going through http://merjis.com/developers/ocaml_tutorial now, but i've been using ocaml for about 30 minutes now, so there are probably people here who can point you at better resources :)
mrvn_ has joined #ocaml
the O'Riley book
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I plan to start with that.
the language is very terse...
* raboof
already knew another functional language, Clean, so that helps
* krishna_
was simply blown off by the performance of the compiler.
aefkei has joined #ocaml
coming from a C/C++ background, adjusting to the fp style is a bit difficult...
hmm. so in ocaml `then foo ; bar else' won't work, that must be `then (foo ; bar) else'?
# if 1 = 1 then 1; 2 else 3;;
Syntax error
# if 1 = 1 then (1; 2) else 3;;
Warning: this expression should have type unit.
- : int = 2
Hi all. I'm looking for pointers to good documentation / tutorials on the "Format" library.
Any ideas besides the official docs?
As in Printf.printf "%d + %d = %d\n" 1 2 3;;?
Snark has joined #ocaml
As in open Format ;; open_hbox () ; open_vbox 0 ; print_string "text1" ; close_box () ; close_box ();;
Yep. But this url no longer exists... I dug in a little but couldn't find it.
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okay. Found it : it's now hosted by PAUILLAC.inria.fr...
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what do one actually do when saying; "let S = module SSA"
"module S = SSA"
Save typing, since now S is an alias for SSA.
ok then i have another question;
in ssa.ml there is a type definition; type cfgIntro = { name:string;}
what is the meaning of saying; "let ci = {S.name = "bla") in ..."
name isn't known, except in Ssa=S, so it's just a S.cfgIntro with name="bla"
that S. in front of name is confusing me
you have to prefix labels
ow ok, i thought this is where that OO came in
i was getting scared :)
recurods are not oo
it's a bit confusing I agree
records even
but type inference needs to know which "name" it is, so we need to tell it that's the "name" defined in Ssa
so it knows you've got a Ssa.cfgIntro
otherwise it could have been a Foo.foo if there is a 'type foo = { name : int }' in module Foo for example?
* vincenz
this is also the reason why labels have to be unique within a module
because of this mechanism recordfields dont have to be unique right?
recordfields this is
nlv11757_: yes
ah i understand
if you have them in different modules
ofcourse, qualified unique so to say i meant
actually, caml could be smarter with that, for example, identifying two identically defined records, as it does for modules... I'm not sure if it's possible theoretically, anyway it isn't currently.
structural equality you mean?
yeah, if the type definitions are the same, types should be identified
vodka-goo: do you expect people to often make identical records?
vincenz: it happens
I would rather not have ocaml mix records from different modules. If I wanted them mixed I would have made a common type.
Me too
in my current project we've got many definitions of what's a metadata { title : string ; track : int ... }
What if I change the type of one of them? Suddenly lots of stuff stops working.
it makes a bit of juggling impression on me
vodka-goo: to be honest, sounds like bad design
well actually, we removed that now.. but it can happen
a good design would abstract this into noe module
vodka-goo: it badly designed code, anything can happen
vincenz: what if you want to design ocaml-vorbis and ocaml-mp3id3 separetely and then merge them into a big project ?
vodka-goo: reuse modules
so you ask the user to install ocaml-abstract-metadata-def, one more lib
it's a bit annoying
actually, vorbis metadatas are (string*string) hashtbl.t, so there's no problem
I was just trying to make an example
vodka-goo: I assume that if they are two diferent programs, it matters little
vodka-goo: and I don't ask them to install another lib
vodka-goo: it's a compile time module, it gets compiled INTO the different applications
You're reaching to find an example... I would hope that proves something
vincenz: it's two different libs, but one may expect them to be merged easily in another app
libs are expected to be compiled once, then installed, then used
vodka-goo: modules are not per se compiled to libs
vodka-goo: moduels are like .cpp files
you compile a bunch of them into one lib or app
and there good design dictates....one datatype, one .cpp and not a dozen classes
ok but it's still annoying to make another library package for that common interface
btw anyone here ever worked with static single assignment form?
who's talking about library packages?
me :)
we were talking about records...in a module
nlv11757_: why not go with dsa?
yes, and I'm explaining that in some cases (two libs used in a same app), a type defined twice (once in each lib) isn't recognized as being a single type
vincenz; in CIL there's a ssa module which i want to use, but im figuring out how since it wasnt integrated really
oh, haven't erally used CIL, I looked at it briefly
vodka-goo: no you're mixing binary and sourcecode
vincenz, but its a ssa question actually
vodka-goo: types are defined in sourcecode, not in ilbs
libs don't contain types
why would there only be a function transforming function definitions to ssa versions.
You put the type into one lib and the other depends on the first.
I'm talking of libs as ocaml-libraries, coming with interfaces
vodka-goo: you're mixing issues
mrvn: that's the solution, yes, but it's painful
vodka-goo: you can compile a few modules of code WITH the one module of the type definition in one lib
vodka-goo: then you compile another bunch of code with the module of the type definition in another lib
they share the representation
it doesn't matter so much, I'm just saying that there are examples where identifying would be useful
vodka-goo: normaly when you use a type of another lib you also use some of its functions. So that comes naturaly.
vodka-goo: imho, you're reaching to make a point
You can also just merge the two libs into one.
splitting is better
you want people to install only what they want
but splitting to much is annoying, you get many tiny packages (one per module)
vodka-goo: nothing prohibits REUSING a module in multiple libs
hey! it's called software reuse
and thereby removing the need to find identical record TYPES at compile time
vincenz: if I've module A coming with two libs, an error occurs if I compile my app against those two libs
you must call them A1 and A2 and then some identical things are different for caml
so therefore you'd rather duplicate the code and make two different records and then hope the compiler finds them equal, but yet still have two diffrent recorsd in the two libs?
in some cases I would do so, yes
hopefully there was no such problem really arising in our project
(but I wouldn't hope anything, I would write a dummy translation function)
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I think that if you're duplicating code just because you'd like a lib less (not a package, a lib), the...
then... even
I would have to package that lib separately, cause two different packages would depend on it
I think we understood each other :)
can anyone guess why there's only a 'functiondefinition_to_ssa' function....
my point is, from a source code design point of view, there is no good reason to duplicate code, in fact it's a typically frowned upon practice...
surely that doesnt suffices
vincenz: practice is a bad guy.. you're right.
packages and modules should be the same
I wouldn't go that far...you don't make a lib for each .cpp file in a c++ project
And in fact some modules are not even usable, codewise without other modules to generate them (functors)
mrvn: you ever played around with monads in ocaml?
ocaml doesn't have true monads.
no callcc
monads and continuations are two different things
you can do callcc with monads
yes you -can-
but that is an application of monads
you can do callcc with ocaml too...just make sure everything rests on top of something that can save continuation poitn
and you can't do callcc in ocaml due to the stack
sure you could
if you put all the computations in something similar to monads..
ok, if you totaly transform your program to e.g. cps style.
that is what monads do to get callcc
In haskell that is somehow buildin
the -library- has monads which allow one to more easily do callcc
but you don't need to rewrite your coding style for it in haskel.
it's les work
but I wonder whether it's possible to rewrite the standard ocaml library so it's fully monadic
doesn't work naturally in ocaml.
if so then it would be just as much effort in ocaml
let foo = (bar ()) + (blub ())
that already destroys continuation mondas.
anything non tailrecursive will with the current compiler.
I'm saying rewrite the entire library
so + also works on monads
as well as calling stuff
write a new compiler. sure go ahead.
no the library
I could be wrong but I think recursive calls are part of the compiler.
does ocaml have hashtables built-in?
module Hashtbl
well, that's not exactly built-in
yeah, but good enough for me ;)
basically nothing is built-in
(which I like)
Polymorphic hashing is either built-in or implemented by a naughty C library, which are effectively equivalent.
part of the stdlib anyway.
Polymorphic hashing is fundamentally a hack. I'd even argue it could be considered a language flaw if a library could implement it.
why? then marshaling and Obj.* is also a flaw.
Gueben has joined #ocaml
they are hacks
Yup, they are.
you could define a buildin hash function that gets automatically derived from the type definition instead of poking into the memory representation.
having it in a normal library is nicer I think.
Haskell-style type classes provide a better mechanism.
bah, go join #haskell
Smerdyakov: how would you react to this statement "monads don't work properly in non-lazy languages"
Doesn't seem fundamentally true to me.
(From what I know now)
well the case that's in my mind is this....
in haskell if you do IO, then it must return an IO monad
asm is non-lazy, right? So how come haskell monads work?
print : String -> IO () for isntance
fun s -> let a = print s in ()
this function has type signature String -> () even though it does IO
in haskell this wont' work as let is lazy and since a is not used, print will not run
fun s = function () -> let a = print s in ()
vincenz, it doesn't _use_ IO. It just builds a value of type IO ().
vincenz, and then discards it.
vincenz, so no problem there.
well one of the nice parts of monads in haskell is that as soon as you DO io, it must return a value of type IO
vincenz: thats just a matter of having all I/O functions of that type.
vincenz, you're using the wrong formalism, I think. "Doing IO" and constructing values of IO are separate.
vincenz: can you do "ignore (print_int 1)" in haskell?
Smerdyakov: very true...but the way that io monads are written in haskell, you can only do IO when you return a value of type IO
mrvn: maybe...but it will not print due to the lazyness
they use these sort of assumptions a lot in haskell
vincenz: yes, due to the monads you wouldn't see anything.
vincenz, rather, there is no concept of "doing IO" in Haskell....
vincenz: assume all ocaml IO functions would just append to a string and at the end you return that string.
vincenz, and I don't believe this is fundamentally tied to built-in layzness, since closures provide all you need to implement it in ML.
true but you can bypass em
You are assuming that the OCaml standard library is unchanged, and you just want to assign some new types to library members.
vincenz: replace the normal I/O functions with nomadic I/O and you can't anymore.
That's fundamentally impossible, but it doesn't mean ML (the language(s)) doesn't support monadic IO just as well as Haskell does.
Smerdyakov: even if it is changed, the let x = doio in don'tusex...
breaks out of the IO monad... The idea of hasekll is that once you're in a monad you can't get back out of it