how can i make a global variable that is visible by all forks?
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i noticed that after a fork all data is copied, so if i change a external value, it will not affect other forks..
Why do you want to use fork?
i am using Unix.establish_server
i could use threads, but threads has problems with locks
Does it have problems with using the Concurrent ML port, the Event module?
i don't want to use Mutex every time i change something.. i was thinking in make objects that use mutex transparently, but i am trying establish_server now
Smerdyakov, Event? huuum..
Event can store values?
i want a place to store global data
You use message passing, with no shared imperative state.
well, it can work like a 'shared imperative state'?
i think if every fork copies all data, it will be slow
because maybe i will have huge data
fork is very fast on Linux.
it copies nothing it doesn't need to.
dylan, but i want a way to modify a "global" variable inside a fork
from fork(2):
" Under Linux, fork() is implemented using copy-on-write pages, so the only penalty that it incurs is the time and memory required to duplicate the
parent's page tables, and to create a unique task structure for the child.
if i use event, i may have to copy all data in all forks
Either way you need to 'copy' the data.
if I use threads, the data would be shared
shared mutable state is bad.
either fork + IPC or threads + the event module is the way to go
ipc? unix sockets?
IPC -- sockets, fifos, sysv shared memory, etc.
currently fork + sockets will be more scalable on a multiprocessor machine.
ocaml threads cannot take advantage of multiproc systems because of a global lock on the garbage collector, I believe.
(it's not likely to change for a long time, either, as the ocaml GC has been proven correct with coq -- if I remember correctly)
well.. i though it would be very simple..
dark_light, with the CML style, "mutable" state is stored implicitly in closures.
Concurrent ML
it's another variant of ml?
It's a library for SML/NJ, originally.
Like I said, the major parts are implemented in the OCaml Event module.
is there any way to port fork() to windows? i am thinking in use thread in part because of this
There's one heap shared by all threads, and thread-local state is effectively encoded in each thread's current continuation.
I don't know any reason why you would want to use fork over threads.
i am using forks because they come with Unix.establish_server, because i am so lazy to handle with file_descr .. looking on establish_server's code, i don't know how to use thread instead..
CML is so much nicer. I'm sure you can reimplement any of that Unix.* functionality that you need quickly enough.
Smerdyakov: You'd want to in ocaml for decent performance on multiprocessor or dual core machines.
(to use fork)
Otherwise, you get the per-thread overhead of threads and all of the time advantages of a single-threaded state machine...
where can i find cml? it isn't on caml hump..
Event comes with ocaml
(Event being a clone of CML for ocaml)
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I doubt they would be shared about forked processes
maybe it's possible to build a Global module that shares global values transparently (maybe using event)
processes don't share their memory space, that's the main difference with threads
so you need some form of IPC
like Event?
they're shared memory segments, but you'll probably have to manage them by yourself
IPC = Inter Process Communication
how can i use ipc with ocaml?
that means sockets, pipes, shared memory segments,...
the first two is used with unix module, and the third?
and somebody said here that event module would be a good way to make two processes communicate with each other
thru pipes I suppose
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how can i have a list of all processes? i can make this list inside the main process, but i will be unable to read a modification inside a son..
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dark_light: that's usually not how it's done; instead you create an IPC in the main process, that's shared with children thru fork
some book on Unix programming would probably help
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and, a licensing question: i have a program released under gpl. if i need a improved version of a function in standard library (that is lgpl with some exceptions) and copy and modify this function in a file that is part of the program, can i still release the program (and this file specially) as gpl? i must write in this file the function author's name?
that's what I do, but I don't know if LGPL allows you to release the modified code under GPL
anyway, if it's a small function, especially since you modify it, this shouldn't be a very critical issue
There's always the option of, like, actually *reading* the license
the gnu licenses are large and my english isn't so good (actually i can't read even legal texts in portuguese, my first language.. :P), there are so much details
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i am with problems to pad a number with zeroes. Printf.printf "%0*d\n" 10 5;; returns "5" instead of "0000000005"
ops, prints 5 instead of 0000000005
Printf.printf "%*d\n" 10 5 works fine, but pad with spaces..
# sprintf "%.5d" 5 ;;
- : string = "00005"
thanks, but.. 00005 isn't 5 with width 5? i though precision is only for floats
and, well, i need a way to give the width with a variable
so i must use *..
and replace ' ' with '0'?
it seems like %.nd does just what you need, though
well, i am using the one with spaces and replacing to 0.. but the documentation says that if i specify 0 flag, it would pad with zeroes..
%.nd isn't what i need because i am doing it with a variable width
I can observe no difference between .nd and *d, other than one takes another argument.
but the argument is an int
use of . for ints is not even documented...
with .nd i would have to do string_of_int and use ^..
that looks like a bug in printf
. for ints is a normal feature of C's printf.
that why I wouldn't have guessed
printf.ml doesn't seem to actually bother looking for a '0' with the width specifier.
in 'flags', it don't look for 0?
but 0: for numerical conversions, pad with zeroes instead of spaces.
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can i execute a program getting a out_channel to write to its stdin (like Unix.open_process) but waiting for it terminates (like Unix.system)?