are there a lot of weird things here that should be done differently?
looks reasonable
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vixey: pattern matching is not limited to one level, you could match directly against Variable (Name _) etc. and capture parts of the pattern with 'as'
even through a ref?
a ref is just a record with a single mutable field, are you sure you need a ref in the first place?
ah match ref 1 with {contents = 1} -> 2;;
that's cool
mmh yes, you sometimes mutable the content. I hope it's ok (no backtracking?)
what is backtracking?
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undoing some unifications because you found a dead end (or because you want to try all possible unifications, if you model allows choices at some unification steps)
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"Backtracking" applies to a broader notion of choice than just unification.
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I put undoing of side effects in the try's with claus
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using only immutable datastructures would be less error prone
I'm not keen on the complexity going up by a few orders though
have you tried
(not in ML though)
seems like a classical argument
vixey, you can use a monad to make the complexity increase negligible.
Smerdyakov: I don't really see how that is possible
vixey, then you don't understand what monads are.
I'm curious.
Is there a theorem stating that every imperative algorithm can be monadified into a functional program without fundamentally altering the algorithm ?
what is a monad?
Yoric[DT], it's completely trivial, if you're just looking at the final observable behavior. For instance, write a functional x86 simulator.
I read about them in beauty in the beast
Smerdyakov: it looks trivial, but is it ?
vixey, a very standard state monad would handle your situation.
Yoric[DT], yes, it's trivial to implement a functional interpreter for OCaml. I'm sure it would only need small modifications to 'ocamlrun'.
I mean, the whole point of monads (or at least one of the main points) is to apply functional discipline to imperative constructions.
But, as always, applying a discipline means discarding some algorithms.
Well, make up you're mind about exactly what you're asking, Yoric[DT]. :P
vixey, I'm not going to try to explain monads here. There are many references online. I don't know which references are appropriate.
vixey: take a look at "Don't fear the monads", it's a nice video explaining monads
(although, if you're already familiar with some functional programming, the first part may not be necessary)
Smerdyakov: Let me rephrase: what is the complexity of your x86 simulator?
(also, note the absence of spacing between "simulator" and "?" :))
Yoric[DT], for OCaml, it makes more sense to talk about the OCaml bytecode language than x86, so I will switch to that.
Smerdyakov: If I thread state through the unification function then I still have to perform a rewrite at the end (as well as doing lookups in the state at ever node of the terms being unified) so it doesn't seem to be any less complex
Yoric[DT], I think it's trivially complex to implement in ML.
vixey, are you talking about code complexity or runtime complexity?
I was talking about algorithmic complexity.
vixey, oh, I thought you meant the other.
Using a balanced tree to represent the mutable store, there's an easy argument for no more than logarithmic increase in time complexity in functionalization.
* Yoric[DT]
thinks he found a bug in Enum.fold.
Oh, no.
Confusing two functions.
Yoric[DT]: Is this frama-c project related to your C analysis project?
Not yet.
But we're going to merge.
Very cool
Yoric[DT], are you personally interested in C analysis, or is it a desperate funding thing? :)
Are frama-c and your project (and/or the combined form of them) something that is or will be useful for simplifying C library binding generation for OCaml? I am not a CS person, and am unfamiliar with the details of what a project like this involves
Desperate funding, I'm afraid.
hcarty: if you need a name, my project is ExtraPol.
(and it's not as wide as Frama-C)
I don't think either would simplify C library bindings, I'm afraid.
CIL might, possibly.
(it's the underlying library for Frama-C and now for a part of ExtraPol)
Yoric[DT], what's novel about what you
Yoric[DT]: Ok, thanks.
Yoric[DT], what's novel about what you're going to do?
Essentially, it's a form of dependent typing + types and effects for C, applied to system security.
Gotcha. The Deputy project at Berkeley has been doing dependent types for C for a while, but not types and effects, as far as I know.
Smerdyakov: do you have a link ?
Sounds interesting.
(although ExtraPol has reached early testing stage, so it might be a bit too late to draw inspiration :))
They have most of a realistically-configured Linux kernel checked for memory safety.
Quite different from our objective, but nice.
In ExtraPol, the idea is to find out which system calls are performed -- and the value of their arguments.
So as to be able to reject statically things like [fopen("/etc/passwd", "r")] .
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like in systrace & co ?
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fremo: systrace is dynamic, we want to do that statically.
cil is apparently providing a base for many projects
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hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to write a function, which, using pattern matching, would be able to print to std output in a poliphormic manner?
but you may use sum types
type data = Int of int | Float of float
let print = function Int i -> print_int i | Float x -> print_float x
rwmjones: ping
is there a C checker can check ocaml-C bindings ?
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Not that I know of.
actually, I've read of one
but I don't think it's maintained, and I don't think its coverage was great
perhaps google will find it
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I would like a binding ofthe FLTK graphic toolkit, I didn't found one, I may try one day to write one but I am kind of afraid about writing C/C++ code...
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* Yoric[DT]
wonders why, in ExtLib, [append e e] actually succeeds in appending [e] to itself.
That's not moral.
in a mutating fashion?
I mean, with my definition of --, [let e = 1 -- 10 in append e e]
Besides the fact that I chanced upon this behaviour when a hack of mine failed, it shouldn't be possible to read an enumeration twice without cloning it.
Otherwise, this defeats the whole semantics of enumerations.
Now, it might well be a bug in my additions to Enum.
Ok, it is.
But it's still immoral :)
Does append clone the source enums?
But my print function clones the result of append, which in turn closes the source enums.
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So the bug is in the debugging code.
Or maybe not.
* Yoric[DT]
I guess I'll just add that to the documentation.
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hcarty: thanks !
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fremo: You are quite welcome. Happy to point out something from (near) my home turf :-)
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appending the wrong enumerations leads to all sorts of nasty surprises when you actually try to clone them
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hello, is there someone who can help me with a camlp4 grammar and related ASTs?
I might be able to help tomorrow.
Right now, tooooo tired.
can I contact you privately (via e-mail) so you can answer whenever (and if) you're willing to?
I'd prefer IRC.
Other people might drop in and give a hand.
ok, no problem
Plus if the question is too hard, I can always pretend I'm afk without being quite as rude :)
that's the best part of IRC
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I bet my question isn't so hard because I'm an ocaml newbie :(
just ask mate
just ask ?
well, I'm trying to define a simple grammar and simply print the AST generated
why did you choose camlp4 ?
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(i mean, ocamlyacc could do the grammar part, is there a reason for this specific choice ?)
I was looking around for a way to implement a parser and I stumbled across camlp4, maybe it isn't the right tool at all
camlp4 is probably a good tool to write a parser in
the problem is the poor documentation right now
what camlp4 are you speaking about ? what is your ocaml version ? >= 3.10 ?
yes, I was reading that before coming here
someone knows something about enter/leave_blocking_section
just to make thing clear, this is just a simple parser for a (little) subset of pi-calculus, nothing complex so if you say that ocamlyacc is more suitable for the job I'll go and look at some documentation for it
actually i'm not sure ocamlyacc is simpler. There are differences because camlp4 is more or less recursive-descent while ocamlyacc is LR, and some grammars are nicer to work with in one of those setup
but overall the camlp4 parsing should be fine
(it's just that i've never tried it)
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so you've defined an empty grammar and tried to add some rules ?
well, this (http://pastebin.com/d70135265) is what I came up with and it (sort of) works, the only thing I'd like to be able to do is print (on the toplevel) those AST that the parser generates
if you want to use the actual value printer of the toplevel, you should have a parsing function (and not let _ = ...) and get the value (right now, are you doing anything with it ?)
let parse input = PiGram.....
and the in the toplevel (parse "foo";;)
yes, I just don't know how to tell the toplevel to use this file, a simple #use doesn't work
do you have ocamlfind ?
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(and btw, do you have a sane toplevel with directional keys actually working ?)
I guess I don't, unless it's installed by default
hmm try "ocamlfind -list" in a terminal
yes, I use rlwrap
nope, going to install it
the next time you install ocaml, you should try godi
it's quite fantastic (and comes with ocamlfind)
anyway once you've got ocamlfind, you can do lots of things to load things nicely in the toplevel
(however, some nasty camlp4 bugs may remain)
mmm, it seems I don't have the required module Tk...
how did you compile it
(your code, not in the toplevel)
I was talking about findlib, not my code
however my code was compiled using: ocamlc -I +camlp4 camlp4lib.cma -pp camlp4of.opt pa_pi.ml
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isn't there a portable way to load this file of mine at the toplevel without ocamlfind? 'cause I might have to run this things on some machines I don't have admin rights on and I won't be able to install it
if you replace your last line with
let parse input = PiGram.parse_string process (Loc.mk "<string>") input