Obj.repr afaik is a NOP that only tricks the typesystem to think the value is a Obj.t
yeah, that shouldn't be too much of a problem
struct type t let repr x : t = Obj.magic x end ?
let repr x = ((Obj.magic x) : t)
It preserves physical equality so it can't really do anything with the argument.
and it's hashed based on its physical address?
btw, how exactly are values hashed?
I don't think you can hash anything by its physical address, because that can change
By recursively going through the memory representation up to a certain depth and width.
flux: except functions.
mrvn, yeah
# Hashtbl.hash foo;;
- : int = 44952997
# Hashtbl.hash (Obj.repr foo);;
- : int = 44952997
so functions are hashed based on their physical address
and this is decided at runtime
alternatively you could put "Hashtbl.hash f" into the h.
I think that would allow f to be polymorphic too
ah, righto
so why don't functions change physical addresses?
palomer: closures do but not functions.
functions == the actual code, closure = an functional object with a pointer to the code and already applied args
so the code never moves?
palomer, it's mapped from the binary to memory
why should it?
why would it move?
it's perfectly compact and its amount never changes
ah, so for every function you need to add it to the binary
functions only move once, when you load the binary.
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so every time I write (fun ...) in my code my binary gets bigger?
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palomer: no, that is a closure
every time your write -> a + b your code gets bigger
well, (fun a -> a + b) needs actual function binary also: function pointer + environment gets stored dynamically, the a + b -operation statically
so in (fun x -> {t}), {t} gets added to my binary
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and that expression evaluates to a pointer to the location in the binary
somewhere you need the actualy code that does t
try compiling "let foo x y = x + y" and running objdump -d. You will see a symbol containing "foo" that does an addition.
yziquel: Not really - isn't it a pretty straightforward thing to add the required BSS initialization to the dynamic loader?
or to file a bug with the project that they shouldn't assume BSS=0
doesn't ocaml use the normal dynamic loader?
thelema: do not understand the first line. i'd like to know where is the piece of code that does the loading. as for filing a bug, i expect it to be closed very quickly with a "BSS *is* supposed to be initialised to 0" (which is the case),
peper: you can't have cyclic types unless you use "type foo = .. and bar = ..."
peper: if you want to define recursive types you have to define them together: let foo = bar list and bar = foo option
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hmm, not really recursive, i want to have a record A with a function taking type B as one of the args and B has a list of A
so the and syntax is the way to go?
that falls under the same deal
what if B is a class?
same limitations. not sure about the syntax
you can use type classes though
type classes?
class type restricted_point_type =
object method get_x : int method bump : unit end;;
class foo = object ... end and bar = object ... end is supported too.
Anyone know how to do this if only one is an object?
mrvn: hmm so a class type is soemthing like an abstract class?
peper: like a module signature
hmm, can a class derive from a class type?
it can fit a class type
then i can make A's function take the B's class type instead and then make B fit it?
peper: functions always take types as argument.
peper: but B's class type Needs A's function already you said
classes just automatically define types for themselves
Or do you only need the part that doesn't need A?
You can use < foo : unit; ..> syntax too
ah i see
shame the 'and' syntax doesn't work
it does for type and type or class and class. Can't find one that mixes types and classes.
not common to recurse between records and objects
it is common to recurse between objects and variants, though
I do it all the time
# type bar = Bar of < foo : bar; ..>;;
Error: A type variable is unbound in this type declaration.
In case Bar of (< foo : bar; .. > as 'a) the variable 'a is unbound
palomer: how?
i'm trying to avoid objects as they seem a bit less functional than records
* thelema
remembers palomer having tons of headaches with object types back when, and the consensus was to avoid them as best as possible.
peper: you can write functional objects
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type foo = Bar of bar * bar | Baz of foo * bar and class bar = object val mutable body : foo option = None end <--this is the kind of stuff I would like to write
palomer: or without the "class"
instead I have to write class bar = object val mutable body : ([`Bar of bar * bar | Baz of 'a * bar] as 'a) option = None end
mrvn: hmm, mutable fields don't seem functional and w/o them it's a bit cumbersome
thelema, that was YOUR concensus ;P
but yeah, I get enormously annoying type errors
I'd do it differently now
palomer: I still think it's a good one. :)
I'd use datatypes and mutually recursive modules
peper: I think there is no { foo with x = 17 } syntax for classes.
(and classes)
palomer: modules can't be mutually recursive
mrvn, sure they can, if you define them in the same module
but the signatures can't be recursive, I think
* palomer
wonders why they have that strange restriction
I was thinking seperate *.ml files
palomer: because you can always shadow types
mrvn, you could promote them into 'real' modules by foo.ml: include Bar.Foo ..
ah, right, toplevels can't be recursive
what's the difference between include and open?
include is visible to outside
flux: right, forgot about that.
open is just syntactic candy
flux: Lucks stupid though if you have 3 files. foobar.ml with all the code and foo.ml just include Foobar.Foo and bar.ml just include Foobar.Bar
can i declare a record type inside of the class?
open imports the namespace while include imports the actual code?
peper, no
bleh ;/
peper, well, syntactically it's possible with let module -expression, but it won't do you any good :)
mrvn, I've seen it done, though
I think camlp4 or sexplib does this
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palomer: makes sense if you want to hide the interdependency
let module Foo = struct type t = {foo:int} end in {Foo.foo=5}
can i make the function take some abstract type but use it as B anyway somehow?
peper: not unless B is already decalred. And then you can give it B anyway.
actually, I can use let module to solve this!!
class bar = let module Foo = struct type t = Baz of bar end in object val mutable body : Foo.t option = None end
mrvn: by function i only meant it's signature, i would define the real functions later
peper: You might be able to put the type into one module and the class into a second and define them as recursive modules.
And then include them both.
doesn't work
mrvn: hmm, how can i do that?
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why can't I do class bar = let module Foo = ... in object ... end ?
module rec M : sig type bar = Bar of N.foo end = struct type bar = Bar of N.foo end
and N : sig class foo : object method foo : M.bar end end = struct class foo = object (self) method foo = M.Bar (self:>foo) end end;;
What is wrong there?
Something to do with the self:>foo I guess.
good question, seems ok to me
well, this kind of thing is why I won't use objects again
yeah, objects do come with some strange errors
mrvn, simple fix: replace (self:>foo) with (self:>N.foo)
heh, i can't even read that :)
with recursive modules you need to refer to the types in the signature
to enable recursion
flux: args
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thelema: it was a symbol collision. There was a 'box' in /lib/libncurses.so.5 which is loaded very early by ocamlrun...
collided with the box in libmonetdb5.so.
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yziquel: impressive debugging
thelema: gdb is becoming my friend.
i'm beginning to believe there's only two decent programming languages: ocaml and asm.