uhhh, remember he also won't let you make anonymous functions with statements inside them
and defends the inefficiency of higher-order functions in favor of comprehensions
so, no, i think he is quite serious that "elimination of stack traces" is a showstopper
list comprehensions are a cool feature though
Tobu has joined #ocaml
really? I think they make code harder to read than maps.
no way
I you are used to them, they are more easy
also the thing about anonymous functions is misguided
the thing you should really be complaining about is that python doesn't let you have assignment as an expression
(which is a much more useful feature than just 'multi-statement anonymous functions', which makes no sense)
((and, fwiw, TCE is totally possible in python. I even implemented it _in python_ for python))
everyonemines: but when you combine a filter and a map into a comprehension, it's a readability win
_habnabit: how about the fact that statements don't have values? aka there are things that are not expressions. Regardless, his stated reasoning is to discourage the use of lambda.
_habnabit: I mean filtermap.
Haven't you heard of filtermap?
It's a thing.
everyonemines, what?
In the set of map functions.
_habnabit: with a trampoline?
dsheets, nope. it just does bytecode hacking.
rewrites the CALL_FUNCTION opcode into a JUMP_ABSOLUTE opcode
_habnabit: nice! is python bytecode portable?
In other words, I think it's better to use an appropriate map function than introducing special syntax for something like that.
everyonemines, the difference is that python has 'an iterable thing' as a language concept and ocaml doesn't
everyonemines, so, it makes less sense in ocaml because of that
everyonemines, but it doesn't mean it's a bad idea
everyonemines: well, the philosophy of python is to add features in the language
_habnabit: so if you run a python service, you can rely on tco through bytecode transform but you can't ship tco-heavy apps?
and also, you can do lazy comprehensions
dsheets, it's a joke; I wouldn't rely on it ever
which are cool to build other structures
dsheets, but it was a proof-of-concept joke. it's totally a doable thing in python.
You can make iterable things in ocaml. Just do a partial application to a ref.
_habnabit: yeah but not actually usable so the language is still gimped
everyonemines, what ???
dsheets, huh? what's not usable?
_habnabit: hacking python bytecode to jump instead of call
_habnabit: the semantics of the source change and you need a special environment, yes?
dsheets, sure it's usable. if python implemented TCE, that's how it would be done.
dsheets, well, if by 'special environment' you mean 'a particular python implementation'
it's not implementation-agnostic
everyonemines: seriously...
let f x () = incr x; !x ;; let o = f (ref 0) ;; o();; o();;
everyonemines, okay? have you ever used python?
Hmm, not what you meant?
set(x+2 for x in foo if x not in blah) ← this is the kind of comprehensions python is good for
_habnabit: yes, it is possible but if the BDFL says "ni" why does it matter? It's also possible in javascript but you can't write javascript expecting TCE unless you control its runtime
You can use x as the index into an object.
in python, if you do `for x in y:`, y must be an iterable thing
Then have some transform applied based on another function argument.
'iterable' is a language-defined concept; it's a unified thing
isn't it actually done with magic properties, though?
and ocaml doesn't have that. yes, you can approximate it, but _there's no interface enforced by the language_
you can pierce the iterable abstraction, no?
Basically, you just want a map of a function with some internal state.
_habnabit: syntax extension! :-P
dsheets: with __iter__
dsheets, I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but you can certainly reimplement a for loop by accessing the same machinery that the for loop does transparently
`for x in y: z(x)` is syntax sugar for approximately `it = iter(y); while True: try: x = next(it);; except StopIteration: break;; z(x)`
_habnabit: or insert other side effects inside of __iter__ called by the comprehension syntax
everyonemines: not so trivial for 'yield' generators
for which you just want a python interpreter in ocaml with some state :p
dsheets, also, re: your previous statement, the BDFL is sadly both going back on previous decisions he's made and delegating more of his veto responsibility
dsheets, just Guido saying 'no' doesn't mean anything anymore
wow, really?
python, currently, is directionless and lost
_habnabit: oh? i haven't paid attention in awhile since he was breaking fp features
does he work for Google?
there still is itertools and functools
2.7 is a nice solid release. any higher version isn't worth using.
it's kind of sad.
3k is doa?
So they're going to add "all the features" and nobody will be able to read other people's code?
And the codebase will grow indefinitely?
py3k was a nice idea in theory, but it wasn't implemented well and it caused more issues than it solved
or they'll just migrate to Go or Dart
ha ha ha, dart
Go has a lot of problems actually.
but if you're talking about google, I guess, ..
It would have been better if google backed D.
not saying it's a step up
it would have been interesting, if google had backed D
i'm not sure google's language choice affects much of anything
I'm liking lua so far. Less than ocaml, but...
more than python
yes I'm hoping google become more and more irrelevant
i'll drink to that
everyonemines: but lua lacks the libs of python
which ones
all of them?
all of them
ok back to debugging js_of_ocaml
thanks for the lulz, everybody
also come on
i mean, in python, if you want to compress a file and send it through xmlrpc, it's like 5 lines
I can't take any language seriously that uses 1-based indexing
oh yeah
haven't you read dijkstra's essay
I agree that it's a mistake.
dsheets, :(
mmm i love me some 1-indexed vectors
well, it's like ocaml having *.
in that it doesn't matter as much as it is visible
ocaml has a better reason for that, maybe I should say ;; instead
and ocaml has better syntax, but well
they're trying to be like c
Eh, all programming languages suck I guess.
in short, yes
sk calculus is perfect
just the facts
dsheets: no, it lacks libs.
that's just because it's unloved not because the language is bad
I should make an eclipse plugin for sk as a joke.
"Verbose? Just use an IDE."
try unlambda
but if you do it in eclipse, do a xml version of SK calculus
just implement redexes as xslt transforms
Oh hey, it'll even run in the browser!
That's a killer feature.
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hmm… i wonder what the combinators are for xslt redexes. composition in particular should have sublinear results
thank you for your fervor, i've scrawed my own string_to_list
everyonemines: oh, if you want to write a JS version, please do
no, a lot of browsers will automatically execute xslt
a fork of the language based on html
oh, cool
is there any counterpart of `show' in Haskell which takes any showable atomic data structure (string,int,float,..) or records whose members are all showable, and prints it in a human-readable way
my package manager Portage keeps all files under /usr/share/doc bzip2ed
ah, ok.
The deriving project introduces a deriving show in ocaml (https://github.com/jaked/deriving) However, the latest version won't compile. Anyone can reproduce it?
ah maybe I have a solution, gimme a second
yezariaely: it compiles fine for me.
seems to build for me
It works now, I was missing camlp4-extra
thelema: thank you!
the error message was kind of weird...
yezariaely: library to show all showable atomic data structures and there derivative?
yes, seems like that
But I am still playing around
but, there seems to be more which I do not get at the moment
cool. i'm looking forward to it not long ago
serializing is possible, as well
Looks quite usefull
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yezariaely: this repo doesn't come with a `make install' ?
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MaskRay: unfortunately not
I was missing it, too
MaskRay: However, the Makefile in the test dir shows how to use the library
yezariaely: i think copying the `lib' directory is enough
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there is also ocsigen fork and my deriving repo
both have install targets
ocsigen one is more featureful iirc
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f[x]: wow, ocsigen is a full blown web development system in ocaml?
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wow, you hear about it for the first time??
In fact, I do ;-)
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I heard some people even use it
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f[x]: where can I find your deriving repo?
ah, this is a fork to deriving
MaskRay: maybe this suits you better
i've alread made my homebrew ebuild to install it...
f[x]: hmm, odb can't auto-install your fork - it looks like it runs the old build system and then ocamlbuild, which complains because the old build system litters files everywhere
f[x]: mind moving the obuild target first in the makefile?
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thelema, hm, indeed
actually I have that change but not committed :)
done (one year since the last commit, lol)
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I have now been waiting for 20 minutes for OMLet to indent my 700-lines function :D
"150 lines to indent..."
blah. looks like a bad indenting algorithm
it is particularly slow when indenting the n-th "|" of a variant declaration / a pattern match
from about n = 50, it gets painful :)
now why would you have so many cases?
well... I do.
either fix your code or fix the indenter or don't use that indenter
but... vimscript...
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Ptival: maybe you can pipe your code into camlp4
:help filter
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when implementing methods for objects, is there a way to implement them outside of the "object ... end" block?
actually, like it's done in C++
I'd like to avoid having huge blocks of code
adrien: inheritance?
I don't have inheritance here; I'm using objects only to encapsulate state
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Hello. How can I create a binary type, that is, a type with two constructors: 0 and 1.
I know that I can just use `type Binary = a | b', but I was wondering if it is possible to do that with zeros and ones
type binary = Z | O
nope, can't use numbers as varinat constructors
I see, thanks.
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CAMLprim value win_system(cmd) value cmd;