huum, maybe it's indeed going to just be a "Pstr_attribute" hanging around
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Drup: there's no concept of a file attribute...
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hey guys, I've got a stack overflow whose backtrace is entirely the same line in list.ml - any idea how I can find out where the error actually comes from?
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mpmilano_, which function?
list module in stdlib trades speed for tail recurisvness
and can blow the stack
don't use it for long lists
ygrek: just don't really know which of my many lists is long
I went and instrumented them all for length and found it. thanks though
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got an opam/iocaml package issue — what happened to the bytes.1.0 and bytes.1.1 packages?
they seem to have been removed, but that's made `opam upgrade` just now fail because iocaml-kernel relies on `Bytes` (presumably provided by the previuosly installed bytes.1.1 package)
sorry, iocaml-kernel appears to use ctypes which relies on bytes
(and findlib also warning that topdirs.cmi is in several directories)
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BitPuffin: What is the difference with Ocaml first class module? (except for the syntax)
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mort___: topdirs.cmi is minor warning, it doesn't ruin anything
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octachron: that it's polymorphic
octachron: think the object orientation of ocaml but for modules
so you can take a module that contains at least this function, but possibly more
plus working with first class modules in ocaml is a bit awkward because you have to unpack and all that stuff. Here it is the only way :)
hum, I am not sure how it is different from Ocaml.
If you have a function : (module S) -> thing we can use any module which implements at least the signature S
But I agree that Ocaml first class module syntax is awkward
octachron: well for one you will be able to do something like this:
m: Sig1..Sig2..
so it implements at least Sig1 and Sig2
or you can say Sig1..Sig2 where it implements both but no more
then I'm thinking there will be a way to make a subset of a signature
but I didn't consider that ocaml actually let's a signature to implement more
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so it's pretty much ocaml's module system but packaged up in a way that makes you want to use that and never use OO because it won't have any :P
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So what you want is to add more way to combine signatures?
I don't think ocaml infers modules either the same way
I mean you have to do let three = (module Three : X_int);;
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Is'n it equivalent to have some sort of higher-kinded function, ie function from type to type?
so you have to specify that the module type is X_int, so it's lame
octachron: which thing?
The union or intersection of signatures
yeah I guess it could be
but that's again awkward
Module type inference is quite limited but I am not sure if it is a theoretical problem or just a consequence of the fact that first class module is a quite recent feature.
that said it's not like the reason I'm creating the language is solely the module system, it's just a mockup on how I wanted the module part to work :P
octachron: I think it is mainly so that you can return Mod.t instead of some generic type
could be wrong though
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also the language is not really meant to make anyone happy but me. I'm basically inventing things as I go along according to what I need.
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Speaking about higher-kinded type problem, I always found quite distressing that you cannot write "Tuple.map functions_tuples argument_tuples"
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The main thing the subset of a signature thing will be used for is for domain specific APIs. So for example the thing I want to make is that if you have say a linear algebra math library. And you make a subcompiler that takes the yig (language name) code and compiles it to GLSL, you might only have a subset of the moudle available. So in this case the math library would normally expose an N dimensional vector
and an R*C dimenional matrix, but those are not available in GLSL or HLSL so you need to make a subset
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octachron: how come you can't?
BitPuffin: Have you tried to write down the type of this function?
I will be doing that
or wait you mean Tuple.map?
Yeah, I meant the type of Tuple.map
val map: ('a -> 'b) * ('c -> 'd) list -> 'a * 'c list -> 'b * 'd list ?
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octachron: I don't see why that doesn't work?
Sorry, I was thinking of the more general N-uple.map : " [prod (a_k -> b_k)] -> [prod a_k ] -> [prod b_k] "
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i.e you cannot type function which works for any kind of n-uple, even if you can "write" them
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sure you can
just wrap the tuple into a generic type
don't know if that works in ocaml
but in my language I guess that would be something like
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val map <A, B>: (A -> B) list -> A list -> B list
it's not apparent that it's a tuple here though
but I think I'll come up with some syntax to constrain it to a type kind
The problem is that every element of the list could have a different type
octachron: no it can't, lists are homogenous
But n-uples are not : n-uple are finite inhomogeneous list (or array)
val map <A(nple), B(nple)>: (A -> B) list -> A list -> B list
you can write something like a generic Tuple.map with GADTs for heterogeneous lists
octachron: well no an nple (a, b, c) won't be the same type as nple (a, b, c, d) so you couldn't have both in a list
it's less syntactically convenient than tuples, but it's only one syntactic sugar away
you can in fact also do that without GADTs, using combinators
you'll need an explicit arity marker in either cases
(which could be inferred by type-directed code inference)
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gasche: Really? Good news. Last time I tried to use gadt to do that I failed. Maybe I should have tried harder
it's not really an earth-moving problem in my personal opinion
what's gadt?
guarded algebraic datatypes
which is?
octachron: The hard part though is getting the ntuple out of a mixed list in a usable form though
BitPuffin: allows you to write a function returning different types dependent on the input
ohhh waiiiit
octachron: you mean mapping over the elements of the nple and not a list of nple?
octachron didn't say anything about a mixed list, AFAIU
BitPuffin : yes. But it seems I was wrong :)
mrvn: just do (cdr (cdr (cdr( cdr(...) :P
implement a c*r syntax extension
so you can do
BitPuffin: that would not give you the right type
sure it would
BitPuffin: not in a mixed list
well I mean the type of the nple is known
so it will know the type of the element at cddddddddddddddddddddddddddddr
you can never write an nple that you don't know the type of
anyway, back to the original problem. You want a function map that takes a list of funtions 'a_n -> 'b_n and apply that to a list of ('a_1 * 'a_2 * .. * 'a_n) tuples?
so a language could allow you to write a generic function to pass to a map and verify that the function indeed works for all the types
I've written apply2 and apply3 functions when I've needed it
actually probably apply4 as well
but applyn, well, it doesn't really fit the type system as of now :)
flux: well what I'm saying is that you could write one that works for any and can verify at compiletime that it will work
maybe not in ocaml
but it's theoretically possible
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with obj.magic anything is possible!
@mrvn : Just to apply the functions f_1,...,f_n to the arguments a_1,...,a_n for any n
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giving f_1 a_1, ..., f_n a_n as a result
Problem is tuples aren't extensible. You can't take a n-tuple and another element and produce a n+1-tuple.
So you need to have a witnes type that is something other than a tuple and allows such a transformation to build your f_1 ... f_2
so if you have a type (int * int * string * int * float * string * int), there are 3 different types in here, so if you write a val: 'a -> 'b that you want to map over the nple type you just instantiate that function for the 3 different types and verify that there is no type error and then you map
@mrvn: For this part of the problem, you can use a GADT type, isn'it?
BitPuffin: Huh? YOu only want to provide one int -> .. function and use that for all elements that are int?
octachron: you can. DOn't even have to I think
mrvn: yeah?
BitPuffin: then you need runtime type informations
BitPuffin: yes you do.
nple types are known at compile time
BitPuffin: nope. they can be polymorphic
how so?
BitPuffin: you know the n, not the types
well yeah
but you will instantiate map for all the different tuples
('a * 'b * 'c) tuples
Is 'a an int or a float? Who knows.
you will know
not if it is polymorphic
you mean generic
or what do you mean
let's say you have that function tuplemap. then you have function: let doit xs = tuplemap int_of_string xs . What is the type of 'doit'?
'a might be a variadic type sure
let map_twice f1 f2 list = map f2 (map f1 list)
but you can know statically that you then need to deal with that
only if you don't have separately compiled code, which ocaml does
flux: the type is generic
map_twice has no idea about any of the types in the tuples.
"generic"? ('a -> 'b) ?
mrvn: yes it does
well it can at least
dunno about ocaml
and then I wrote another module that calls doit 4.0
how does doit know what to do without runtime types?
BitPuffin: no it can't.
it has been compiled before I enter that expression (say, in the toplevel)
flux: because it knows at compiletime which nples you pass to it
bitpuffin, then you actually want a macro, not a function
BitPuffin: at compile time you don't pass anything to it. That bit of code is it.
flux: a generic function
but sure
because due to separate compilation it cannot know how it's being called
a macro works as well
well that's what I mean by instantiate
well, the new extension point systems might just give what you want
separate compilation
BitPuffin: ocaml doesn't instantiate
as I understand it it's possible to interact with the type system with some witchcraft
octachron was the one who wanted it
octachron: what you were talking about is a tuple of n functions, and all you want is to apply them to n arguments so you get a tuple of (f_0 a_0),..,(f_n a_n) right?
mrvn: but my language will
mrvn: like I said, it is possible, just maybe not in ocaml :P
BitPuffin: to make that work like you want you need a GADT that acts as runtime type. Then for each tuple element you can lookup the right function for the type at runtime and call it.
BitPuffin: then your language doesn't have polymorphic functions.
mrvn: no it will have generic functions
BitPuffin: which is like c++ templates and sucks
it would be even easy in cases where you explicitly spell out the value, say @@[tuplemap int_of_string (42, "42")]
mrvn: no it doesn't
BitPuffin: yes it does. it needlessly duplicates code like crazy and take forever to compile
ousado: yes, for any n
mrvn: you could probably be smart about it
mrvn: instantiate some, polymorph some others :P
BitPuffin: that takes ever more time. And whole programm optimization
BitPuffin: as soon as you polymorph some you are back to the original problem.
BitPuffin: I am not even sure that I want it, it just seems strange that this kind of function is that much harder to write than to define
applying non-polymorphic functions to a polymorphic type needs some runtime type infos.
mrvn: so polymorphic functions determine their behaviour at runtime?
BitPuffin: no. polymorphic functions don't care about the type at all.
For the polymorphic function the polymorphic type is simply abstract. That's why you can't call the int -> .. function when the 'a happens to be an int.
well then you see what you do, is that you first instantiate a polymorphic version, and then for types that don't work with polymorphic functions you instantiate the function template style
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octachron: you need to build the list of functions for map the same way you build the tuple so you can match the resulting types.
mrvn: I think it's a nice compromise between the two
BitPuffin: nope. it sucks.
polymorphic functions have size advantages, so it's preferrable, but sometimes it doesn't work, so for those cases you generate code
it doesn't suck
it's perfect
the optimal way :)
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BitPuffin: with first class functions you quickly have function taking multiple polymorphic functions and then your type space grows exponential. You compiler quickly takes more time than the univers still has to compile your code.
mrvn: yeah, but generally you will be using polymorphic functions :P
@mrvn: Do you mean by constructing the function tuples and argument tuples silmutaneously? i.e consructiong a 'a * ('a->'b) tuple or is it some other way?
mrvn: I mostly care about which one is faster at runtime though
octachron: For your ('a * 'b) nupple you need a (('a * 'b) -> ('c * 'c)) mapper
mrvn: but how the hell does static dispatch work with polymorphic functions
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BitPuffin: since there can be only exactly one of each function it just gets dispatched.
BitPuffin: that's the part you break when you specialize.
octachron: s/'c/'d/
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octachron: the map function then can match the ('a * 'b) tuple against the ('a * 'b) in the mapper.
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octachron: by the way, your type isn't a tuple, only a fixed length list.
mrvn: Well it doesn't break, but it grows in size
BitPuffin: no, it breaks. you get mulltiple flavours of the same function. Then you have to worry about calling the right one.
mrvn: no, the compiler worries about generating code that calls the right one
BitPuffin: you == your compiler
Thats the part that grows exponentially if unstoped.
mrvn: which it won't, because usually it will be polymorphic
mrvn: there is only in edge cases like this nple-map where you need to instantiate
BitPuffin: which grows exponentially
@mrvn : Interesting. What distinction do you make between tuple and finite length list?
mrvn: it does, but you rarely need it
so in the end I don't think it will destroy the compiler particularly much
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@mrvn: Commutativity?
BitPuffin: which you often can only know when everything is compiled. So goodbye to the seperate compilation units.
octachron: nothing to do with it
mrvn: you mean compiling on multiple cores?
you can probably get around that
octachron: val map_tuple : (('a * 'b) -> ('c * 'd)) mapper -> ('a * 'b) tuple list -> ('c * 'd) tuple list
with more passes xD
BitPuffin: no, compile one module at a time so you only need to recompile the module that changed in a large source.
mrvn: caching?
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BitPuffin: any function like map can only be compiled when you see how it is finally applied. So basically you end up doing whole program compilation for every little change.
I guess the ocaml arrays are as crappy as they are because of polymorphism
because their size are a runtime value
BitPuffin: how is that crappy?
less static checking
That's because of float specialisation, not polymorphism
you need both though
You can do static size with GADT
how does that work
BitPuffin: you get a witness type for the size
could you show an example?
not from memory. Bu you get something like "val make : 'a size -> 'b -> ('a size * 'b) array" and "make (D Three Four Two) 0" to make an array of size 342.
@mrvn: I understand my error was trying to construct the mapper as a simple tuple. I see how it works. Thanks. But I still don't understand the difference between tuple and finite list :)
octachron: a tupple has O(1) access to each element. Your type has to iterate over your type till it gets the nth element.
mrvn: hmm
mrvn: GADTs seem interesting
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mrvn: Ok. I was just thinking about the mathematic semantic and not the algorithmic complexity.
BitPuffin: Once you have such a sized array type you can also proof that your quicksort never has accesses something outside the allowed size.
BitPuffin: as it in only compiles if it is correct and then you can use the unsafe_get functions.
s/as it in/as in it/
mrvn: It seems awfully a lot like the type properties I wanted to have in my language
mrvn: Ie not just type parameters, but parameters to the type that are only used at compile time. Such as vector size, if it is normalized or if a matrix is orthogonal
BitPuffin: problem is that the code gets a lot more complex to write because you have to annotate the types everywhere. Would be easier with some compiler magic.
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mrvn: yeah, i was thinking maybe I could take this but wrap it in a way that gives you fuzzy feelings and looks just like templates, except it isn't
so you could do type <T>[D] vector = T array D or something
just some sample syntax
so from that you could do
type vec3 = <float32>[3] vector
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Oh length, I thought you meant element size
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Never mind me.
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mrvn: do you by any chance know a good paper about GADTs?
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BitPuffin: no. but there are good posts on the ML
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I am having trouble with polymorphic variants and "generic" printing function. Here is my file: http://pastebin.com/dhzn1RNA (45 lines, half is empty lines), and what the toplevel says is here : http://pastebin.com/wNA3Qk75.
I never used polymorphic variants for real application before, so maybe I am doing it wrong
does my code looks like junk?
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sagotch: your to_string has the wrong type
sagotch: why do you use 'a alloca in 'a load and 'a store?
(and there is one error on the `Return, which misses a parameter)
Because you load from an alloca
and store to an alloca
which has to be typed
cant store or load a float to or from a int alloca
sagotch: so make it type 'a store = [`Store of 'a * 'a typp];;
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sagotch: this might also work better with GADTs
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I do not think making [`Store of 'a * 'a typp] is going to work. I need to know the alloca where I want to store, not only the typp
sagotch: and alloca is only the type
At least match against `Load (`Alloca t) so you avoid the broken recursion
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Okay for matching `Load, but alloca could have more than a type later, such as a name
at the moment it only has an alloca so you need to match that
I will try with GADT (I actually tried before and did not suceed, but not with the same example)
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Seems better with GADT indeed :)
That's why they were added
...until you need a list, set, or map of them
mrvn: btw aren't functors a little bit like templates?
since you can do substitution stuff
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how the hell does variant types work behind the scenes?
but they can have string values and stuff
couldn't you do a lot of optimizations and jump directly to a match branch?
that is when the value isn't coming from a runtime value
They're either an integer or a pointer to a tagged block
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(In OCaml: the abstract nature of the types permits other possible implementations)
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BitPuffin: if you don't know Idris, look it up
and mrvn, no, this is not gadt, it's dependent type
you can emulate a subset of dependent types with GADT, but it's a huge pain in the ass
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Drup: thanks that will be a useful resource
BitPuffin: the concept you are looking for the "type only at compile time" thingy is "type erasure"
and it's something quite powerful (and useful) in dependently typed languages, because you it can also erase equality and type witnesses
type only at compile time?
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no more types at runtime
yeah that I don't want
ocaml does it, but not for gadts
does idris do it?
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will have to read up on this language
beware, it's a bit heavy on the type theory stuff, because dependent types ;)
well it sounds interesting
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in fact I may even have to write some code in this idris :D
ATS and Coq extraction also do this kind of crazy type erasure, but I would argue they are less viable as the practical programming language
as a*
(and Agda do barely any type erasure at all)
Drup: thanks for pointing me in this direction, super nice inspirations
kinda funny, because the main thing about my idea is that you could have type properties (type dependencies) of any type in the language and it turns out it's been done xD
of course it's been done
language designer should be forced to do like PHDs
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do the fucking bibliography first
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Drup: well I'm only designing this language for my own needs :P
because no language provides everything I want :P
I know, I know, let's say it's my personal never-ending-rant ;)
Drup: how is idris on the concurrency+parellellism front?
I don't know.
Drup: yeah :) you are probably right when it comes to general purpose take over the world languages
Idris is very young anyway
(it's 2 years old, I think ?)
so there is room for improvement, I think you would find very happy people if you want to add concurency stuff
-- WARNING: No guarantees that this works properly yet!
well gtg! see y'all!
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just read gerd's post, am I the only to think "use a fonctor" ?
Drup: functors are cancer.
like templates in C++
Drup: I'd say you should probably think a bit more about it and more than that, try to think from Gerd's POV
heavily functorized code is hard to write, hard to test, hard to use and especially hard to have sane documentation for
whitequark: I respectfully disagree :)
he's german, he speaks in a funny way :P
* orbitz
likes functors quite a bit
I know one thing, *almost* every time I had to use a functor, I regretted it
I write functors to maek it easier to test
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Why didn't they just introduce rstring isntead?
and have conversation functions?
making string immubtale seems like a pretty heavy handed change, no?
adrien : I don't think he's completely wrong, just that I don't think his solution are good
When reading it my first thought was if you're going to break backwards compat, why not use a phantom type?
orbitz: phantom type would fix .get
indeed, and restrict .set
if you don't mind just having a read only view you can just make it a projection on a strong as well
what am I missing?
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whitequark: yet you solved the issue with a functor in ocaml-sodium
he said he regretted it though!
Drup: nope!
in sodium, it's used to switch between Bytes/Bigbytes
it's still a functor, used for the same kind of thing !
I used functors in my unicode lib
and I think it was not a bad choice
orbitz: I feel like just making them immutable would break some code, but not that much
changing the arity of string would break a lot more stuff
yes it would
IMO, adding rstring type is better, but that's me
orbitz: well, that's basically the same as the current solution
no it isn't
from what I understand
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I dunno, i think it will break a lot of code to be honest. Enough to be really annoying, at least.
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whitequark: since you seem to have a strong opinion about functors, what do you think of typeclasses (either the Haskell, Scala or Rust variation) ? :p
Drup: never seen Scala, Rust has a really great implementation
and apparently Haskell's is inferior to what is planned for OCaml
I think the typeclasses as they hopefully will appear in OCaml are really great
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and why do you think it's better than functors ?
they're orthogonal?
whitequark: not quite, as far as I undertand
typecalsses are essentially functors that write more code for you
so here's Drup's answer: I don't have to do so much work
so much work ?
yes, functors are a lot of work, see above. testing is a pain, knowing how to properly instantiate them is a pain
figuring out docs is a pain. ocamldoc *sucks* at documenting functors, you never know where you'll see the docs and where you'll just have three levels of hierarchy ending in an empty page
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I agree about ocamldoc
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I think you haven't used typeclasses enough to see the pain point :p
It's unclear to me how testing a functor is a pain. I use functors expliclty to make the code more testable
same here
for example I factor out the communication transport with a functor so in my tests aI can implement a dummy transport that just runs inmemory for testing network realted things
and I don't clearly see how it's complicated to instantiate them either, it's basically a big function application
(not saying you're wrong whitequark, just trying to understand)
(and I definitely agree with the documentation issue)
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well, I think there are two general cases for using functors
one is for polymorphic data structures, like Hashtbl.Make
it's ok, but probably can/should be replaced with typeclases (?)
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yes it can
the two are mostly dual
another is for parameterizing code with behavior
you trade spagetti at declaration site (functors) for spagetti at usage site (for typeclasses)
i use the latter a lot
and that is what I find contrived and terrible
e.g. take a look at Cohttp source
why is that ?
everything is functorized, and like half of those functors pass their arguments to other functors
because that's the part which is very painful to encode using typeclasses
or rather, the inner ones infect the outer ones
whitequark: as a user of Cohttp do you have to deal with that problem?
it's something that has to be done to encode the feature Cohttp wants (duality for Lwt/Async), and there's no easier way
but it doesn't change the fact that the functorized source is contrived and hard to understand
that's because in cohttp, they have to abstract over two different library
orbitz: it depends. I have to deal with it while reading the docs, I have to deal with it when reading the source because the docs aren't enough and/or there's a bug in Cohttp
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it's very hard to abstract over lwt *and* async because they are too different
but imagine how you would do that with typeclasses
(hint : you wouldn't)
I wouldn
I've only got one level of indirection so far in my functors
maybe someday i'll be a two, or three, functor programming
in fact I don't know a good solution for the latter, but that doesn't change the fact that functors aren't a good one
I haven't used Cohttp, in the functor code I have used it seemd rather antural and I didn't feel it wa a problem
* orbitz
to each their own
whitequark: I think you are wrong :p
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that may be possible
what's definitly true is I shoudln't have eaten that ice cream
but then I think that today's statically typed languages are needlessly painful and not advanced enough so...
(but I like functors a lot)
whitequark: oh, I agree about that :D
well, functors are just a special case of that rule
* orbitz
writes very functorized code in Erlang actually :
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I was going to publish my LZ4 bindings, and here you are, JaneStreet already made them
except they're ungoogleable and undocumented :(
typical jst x)
"Note that none of the sizes supplied by the caller are verified and arguments are handed off to the C api as is. These bindings can serve as the basis for a more highlevel API for LZ4 -OR- when the caller does not want to pay the cost of additional checks.
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whitequark: yours are not dependent on core, which make them probably easier to use for a significant part of the ocaml ecosystem
Drup: do you think I should write to jst, or just release them under some different name?
well, you can always ask
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why the fuck do lz4 depends directly on pa_ounit ? x_x
I'll just name it "ocaml-lz4"
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