adambeynon changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<GitHub152> [opal-jquery] DevL opened pull request #32: Add 2.0.0 and 2.1.0 to Travis builds. (master...master)
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<meh`> adambeynon, ping
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<adambeynon> meh`: yo
<meh`> adambeynon, I contacted the browserstack guys, to start testing opal and opal-browser in all the browers we want to support, they want us to link to browserstack on the project page and website to use it for free tho, anything against it?
<adambeynon> meh`: if it saves us having to pay $39/month, then I guess thats fair enough :P
<meh`> adambeynon, it does, I'll create the account, then we'll figure out where to put it
<adambeynon> meh`: it is worth noting that IE 6/7/8 didnt run the specs last time I tried
<adambeynon> too many specs and it timed out
<meh`> adambeynon, I'll try to figure out something
<meh`> adambeynon, it's more important for opal-browser anyway
<meh`> and it doesn't have that many specs
<adambeynon> meh`: agreed
<adambeynon> if opal-browser runs on those browsers, then we know the runtime all works fine
<meh`> indeed
<adambeynon> meh`: the Time.parse(str) bug must be recent. I have an app that is only just now breaking with the changes
<adambeynon> 0.5.x was fine
<adambeynon> 0.5.0*
<adambeynon> I upgraded to 0.5.5 which broke it
<adambeynon> actually scrap that
<adambeynon> its the json
<adambeynon> the update to rails is pushing different json
<meh`> adambeynon, when promises DO make a lot of difference
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<adambeynon> meh`: looks really nice. Going to put them in opal-jquery next week too
<adambeynon> meh`: the api worked out really nicely as well
<adambeynon> for the promises
<meh`> yeah
<meh`> I still have to add something from the Promise/A+ proposal
<meh`> which is progress promises
<meh`> very useful for http stuff
<meh`> like downloading/uploading
<adambeynon> (Y) sounds good
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<adambeynon> meh`: should a promise always be resolved?
<adambeynon> e.g. If I have a ` { ... }`
<adambeynon> but the user clicks 'cancel'
<adambeynon> is it bad practice just to ignore the promise, and never resolve it?
<adambeynon> rejecting it seems an even worse idea
<adambeynon> as its not really an error, kind of
<meh`> adambeynon, I'd reject it
<meh`> or send a progress when it's on
<meh`> but sincerely, I don't use promises for events
<adambeynon> meh`: If I dont register an `#error()` block, is it just ignored if the promise is rejected?
<meh`> yes
<meh`> the promise is realized as rejected
<meh`> the then blocks after it won't be called
<meh`> if you register a #rescue in the chain
<meh`> it will be called with the error
<adambeynon> woo, it works. promises are epic
<meh`> indeed
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<GitHub171> opal/master bafc36a meh: Fix Enumerable#each_slice yielding
<GitHub171> [opal] meh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<ryanstout> hey, can I ask you guys a question not related to opal? I need to redo my handlebars type parser to allow some things that aren't html in it. Is using a context free grammar a bad idea for html? I'm not worried about fixing things like missing close tags. (so assume "prefect" html)
<ryanstout> I'm new to the whole CFG thing and I keep running into String is not in the language (currently trying out
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1659 (master - bafc36a : meh): The build passed.
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<adambeynon> ryanstout: not tried to parse html before, but, using a CFG seems like it would be really tricky
<adambeynon> ryanstout: HTMLbars might be a good place to start, which probably has similar syntax requirements as your language did
<ryanstout> yea, I'm stuck at just parsing out the tag name and attributes, hehe. (but its new to me)
<ryanstout> htmlbars looks interesting, but this is for my backend component (in MRI/Jruby, etc..), so a ruby solution would be better.
<ryanstout> I guess if you have one sec, do you have any idea why something like: production(:tag) do
<ryanstout> clause('OPEN_TAG attributes CLOSE_TAG') { |name, attributes, _|, attributes) }
<ryanstout> end
<ryanstout> doesn't work?
<ryanstout> it works without the CLOSE_TAG part
<ryanstout> (and if I don't pass in a close tag from the lexer)
<adambeynon> ryanstout: what grammar/compiler thing is that for?
<ryanstout> its a LALR(1)/GLR parser
<ryanstout> should be similar to RACC
<adambeynon> ahh I see. yes, just a slightly nicer syntax to deal with it :)
<ryanstout> yea
<adambeynon> give me 10 mins and I will have a look through
<ryanstout> thanks so much
<ryanstout> sorry, I wasn't sure who to ask, I don't really know anyone who knows this stuff
<adambeynon> ryanstout: what error does it give you with the CLOSE_TAG?
<ryanstout> RLTK::NotInLanguage: String not in language.
<ryanstout> unfortunately thats all it says
<ryanstout> adambeynon: gotta run, thanks anyway. I'll probably just come back to it later.
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<DMDaMan> HI all!
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<DMDaMan> Greets all
<DMDaMan> Any links on relative performance of opal vs handcoded JS?
<meh`> DMDaMan, sadly not yet
<meh`> DMDaMan, but in my projects there are no perceptible slowdowns
<meh`> DMDaMan, the thing is, synthetic benchmarks about speed are kind of pointless when it comes to browsers, when the actual overhead is internal DOM handling and the like
<DMDaMan> Makes sense… but I live by the
<DMDaMan> eeverything nice has a price rule!
<meh`> well of course, but the only way to know if it's feasable is to test for your requirements
<DMDaMan> You are right… just checking to see if any reason not to proceed with a small pilot.
<meh`> we have stuff in production using opal
<DMDaMan> Much obliged --- off to work
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<meh`> adambeynon, can you give some super priority to fixing the a[b] += c regression please?
<meh`> it's extremely annoying
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<adambeynon> meh`: try and look at it in next few days
<adambeynon> meh`: you sure += is broken too?
<meh`> yes
<adambeynon> meh`: looks like the compiler is rewriting all the op_asgns to `+=`
<adambeynon> -%3D%204%0A%20%20%20%20hash%5B%3Avalue%5D.should%20%3D%3D%206%0A%20%20end%0Aend
<adambeynon> errrr
<adambeynon> dont think irc likes long links
<meh`> it doesnt :)
<meh`> adambeynon, in the meantime, awesomeness
<meh`> the result
<adambeynon> nice. Can imagine the code before promises (or what it would have been) would have been awful
<meh`> basically impossible
<meh`> waiting for multiple items is unfeasable if you want to keep sane with callbacks
<meh`> also note the canvas api
<meh`> and the prepare idiom is pretty cool in lissio, I have to find a way to standardize it
<meh`> basically the router calls the prepare of the page component
<meh`> passing the needed parameters
<meh`> and prepare returns a promise that resolves with the component instance or an error
<meh`> so you set the page as loading before starting the prepare
<meh`> and when it's done you just render the page
<adambeynon> meh`: thats really cool actually
<adambeynon> and a really nice usage for a promise
<meh`> yep
<meh`> I need to have a standard Page component
<meh`> since I'm using the same pattern everywhere
<meh`> like I did with Container
<meh`> maybe have something like
<meh`> @page.load Page::Guild, params[:name]
<meh`> and it does its thing
<meh`> adambeynon, also some of the power that lissio models and adapters give you
<meh`> had to do some pretty crazy stuff since their JSON API is awful
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