fkchang, for future reference, you can also put raw stuff in the DSL
style 'key', 'value'
fkchang, but most things should be implemented, if something isn't it's a bug
I mean, I know many things aren't
but I usually just add them as I go
and I really don't like the extension mechanism for for the CSS DSL, but I still haven't figured out a good way
can someone explain bridged types to me? Like I noticed passing a opal string to google maps causes some issues. But I thought opal strings were just normal JS strings
.to_n fixed the issue
ryanstout, that's not an issue with bridged types
ryanstout, if you try to pass a new String("whatever") to Google maps
you'll get the same thing
it's a retardation inside js
if you call a method on a literal that returns this
so are they doing typeof(val)
the this becomes an object
=== 'string'
#to_n calls .valueOf
ok, thats what I figured
so you get a literal back
cool, thanks for the info. So opal strings are created with new String('...') ?
[travis-ci] opal/opal-browser#134 (master - 0b74e56 : meh): The build has errored.
fucking travis
no, fucking browserstack
this is why we can't have nice things
meh`: next time, when u r cursing travis, js, IE, opera, etc. do it in italian, I'm curious to see how that looks :)
it would include a lot of heresy
adambeynon: sorry, I wasn't around. All code in the views evaluates in the context of the controller. So you could just make a controller method. (still need to figure out if I want to do it another way). As long as that method also returns a reactive value, it will updated in the binding. So you could do something like:
so normally you could do something like:
def format_with_breaks(str)
str.gsub("\n", "<br />")
or you could just put the gsub in the binding
but there's one issue with .to_s, which is that ruby basically requires that you return an instance of string. So to_s is weird in volt.
ryanstout: the str you pass into that method will be the reactive value, yeh? (so gsub is just another chained call)
so for formatting a number, you have to use .with, which takes a block that passes in the current value for the ReactiveValue, and the return value is used in a new ReactiveValue, with the dependencies set.
ryanstout: I guess I need to make one too, then :)
dleedev: yea :-)
dleedev: if you're interested, check out Volt. I would love some more feedback on it. Its still really early, but the basics for the front-end are there.
anyone know if its possible to redefine new in opal?
ryanstout: yeap, it is
adambeynon: thanks, must be another issue then
adambeynon: does allocate work?
ryanstout: it should do
what class are you changing it in?
just a custom class of mine
not inheriting from anything
I'll keep messing with it, maybe I'm just doing something wrong
what error are you getting?
Cannot call method '$new' of undefined
let me try this on MRI
ryanstout: are you calling super in that method?
its a class method
ryanstout: it might even be that the constant is missing
new is
humm, that would be weird
ryanstout: on master, const_missing is off by default, so a missing constant is likely to cause that error
sure its required?
adambeynon: ok, yea, I think it isn't for some reason
yea, sorry, that was it
ryanstout: back to reactive stuff, ever seen frappuccino?
adambeynon: yea, my stuff is somewhat similar
though I tried to make it feel like writing normal ruby
also, its more event oriented than stream
yeah. I see similarities. I always found ruby's Observable really awkward to use, so frappuccino felt very limited
adambeynon: yep, I have very similar thoughts
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meh`: seems like when I override css in a lissio component, it overrides the parent
meh`: I see, it's because I override the css for background color, but the tag class is the same as the parent
so the last one wins
so I thought I'd try tag class: "card bug-card", which generates the class on the parent div correctly, but not the generated css, i.e. <style type="text/css">.card bug-card {background: red;}</style>
is there a way to specify a higher level css than starting from the component parent?
fkchang, tag class: [:card, 'bug-card']
fkchang, also, how old is the lissio version?
because it should magically assign inheritance missing classes
dleedev has quit [Quit: dleedev]
meh`: cool, the array of classes worked. Lissio is probably about a week old
I don't remember if I fixed that before or after
fkchang, in general, now, you could even go without assigning a class to the component
it will create one itself
I still use classes because it makes your life easier when inspecting the document tho
basically it adds a lissio-#{Component.object_id} class
and it goes up the inheritance chain
I could probably use the name of the class as well
to make it more understandable
but there may very well be a bug in the tag inference
it tries to just use the assigned class in #tag if it can
I'll go for a smoke and see if there's anything wrong going on
and add the other attribute support to #tag
meh`: I'd probably also like to override behavior. It seems when I add css or on to the subclass, the parent get those too
I just put an on :click on the child, and the behavior showed up on the parent
somehow there should be a way to pick include parent behavior or override
maybe super the way do it in methods
fkchang, that shouldn't be the case
I'll update lissio and see
no wait
you're right, somewhat
let me ask you something
do you mean that when you define an #on on a subclass
you get the behaviour even when you create a parent component
or that when you define an #on on a subclass, you get both behaviors?
the parent and the subclass behavior
fkchang, ^
meh`: in my case, I added another on :click to the child, and both child and parent classes show both behaviors
fkchang, ok that's definitely a bug, so yeah, try updating
because from the current code, it shouldn't happen at all
fkchang, are you defining those #on in #initialize?
or on the class?
no wait, it wouldn't make sense either
yeah, it doesn't make sense with the current code