alyssa changed the topic of #panfrost to: Panfrost - FLOSS Mali Midgard & Bifrost - - Logs - Discord Discard
<alyssa> So, apparently Americans have some holiday next week (something about Thanksgiving? Wasn't that a month ago already? \shrug/)... so that means I should have a bit of time for Panfrost sprinting \o/
<alyssa> Unless I manage to distract myself with Differential Equations, but I guess that would be alright as well :P
<HdkR> alyssa: You may be interested in that then :P
<hanetzer> alyssa: 'murican thanksgiving happens in november.
<hanetzer> alyssa: as of 1941 it is defined as the fourth thursday of november :P
<alyssa> HdkR: Tempting
<HdkR> :P
<alyssa> I think I'll work on the compiler
<alyssa> Sounds a lot less gross than any other part of the spec right now haha
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<TheCycoONE> you're Canadian alyssa?
<alyssa> TheCycoONE: Only in speech ;P
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* alyssa refactors some serious bad code in the mdg compiler
<alyssa> Specifically, there's a huge amount of magic to support that we're using dynarrays for everything
<alyssa> So I'm 1) compartmentalising the magic and then 2) switching us to linked lists to wack it all together
<alyssa> Growing pains, alas
<HdkR> I like to ensure all magic is documented fully :)
<HdkR> Filed, sent through government approval, processed, stamped, mailed, etc
<urjaman> lol
<alyssa> Think
<Lyude> can't wait to work on panfrost this weekend
<Lyude> for once I have literally nothing else planned :)
<alyssa> Woo!
<alyssa> Okay, so now the dynarray madness is localized... I think
<alyssa> Wait no
<alyssa> There's still that other magic uh
<alyssa> So many layers of crud..
<Lyude> alyssa: if there's anything else you want me to help out with when I'm doing the uapi/actually-free-things changes let me know
<alyssa> I don't really have a coherent todo list, heh
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<alyssa> Oy vey
<chrisf> <insert joke about missing cache all the time as you traverse your linked todo list>
<alyssa> Hah
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