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<alyssa> HdkR: ....No, it shouldn't :p
<alyssa> Wait the idea is 32-bit?
<alyssa> Uhhh
<alyssa> Hm
<alyssa> No, it still shouldn't fix it but what do I know :p
<HdkR> :)
<alyssa> belgin: It's hardly the pinnacle of design, but if you like it, feel free :P
<urjaman> he left
<alyssa> urjaman: We're publicly logged, ya never know :P
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<urjaman> ah
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<alyssa> I'm -this- close to have basic loop support
<alyssa> The "-"'s are due to RA being oblivious to the new control flow causing problems (the loop counter getting overwritten -> loops terminate immediately :P)
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<alyssa> (No, I haven't forgotten about the partial update stuff! Just trying to finish what I start first :P)
<alyssa> (Please... don't actually use loops :P But spec compliance and it's in glmark so)
<alyssa> ...or I could let myself wander and start researching partial updates :p
* alyssa reads lima issue tracker
<alyssa> tomeu: Er, which feature are we looking for?
<alyssa> EGL_KHR_partial_update or respecting EGL_BUFFER_PRESERVED?
<alyssa> Since it doesn't look like weston has support for the former yeeet?
<alyssa> [20:21:49.219] warning: EGL_EXT_buffer_age not supported. Performance could be affected.
<alyssa> [20:21:49.219] warning: neither EGL_EXT_swap_buffers_with_damage or EGL_KHR_swap_buffers_with_damage is supported. Performance could be affected.
<alyssa> So many extensions..
<alyssa> (I'm not supposed to be poking egl directly. How is this driver exposed uhhh)
<alyssa> Gah this is so complicated poking at mesa internals
<alyssa> I'm so confused what I'm supposed to be looking for anymore :P
<alyssa> The EGL code is so dense
<alyssa> Yeah, for now, it's probably easier to take the perf hit to get working output via the wallpaper method... but where does that even hook in?
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<anarsoul> alyssa: you just have to reload it whenever it's not cleared
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<alyssa> anarsoul: Hrm, ok.
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<alyssa> Uhhhhhh
<alyssa> Is EGL_BUFFER_DESTROYED even implemented at all in mesa?
<alyssa> It should be inserting fake clears, no?
<Lyude> cwabbott: server is going down for a short while so we can move an air conditioner out of my office without it potentially dripping water on anything
<Lyude> when i'm back online it's back up
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