alyssa changed the topic of #panfrost to: Panfrost - FLOSS Mali Midgard & Bifrost - - Logs - Transientification is terminating. Memory reductions in progress.
<Ashy> stikonas: i wrote an ansible playbook to build mesa on ayufan's bionic image on the rockpro64:
<Ashy> stikonas: i'd be interested to see if you get the same behaviour on yours (obviously backup your current storage if there's useful stuff on it currently)
<alyssa> BTW, I have some more hardware, so I'm trying to get mainline going
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<alyssa> Okay, let's figure out what versions of kbase I need
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<Lyude> alyssa: try the one on my gitlab first, or tomeu/narmstrong's
<alyssa> I'm trying tomeu's
<Lyude> cool
<alyssa> How do I actually, um, build?
<stikonas> hmm, I just use gentoo ebuild...
<Lyude> I made it so running `make -j$(nproc)` should work fine
<alyssa> Also, uh, Lyude why did you kick daniels? :P
<stikonas> for building mesa...
<Lyude> alyssa: wait wha
<Lyude> oh no
<Lyude> did i kick someone???
<Lyude> that is not something I would do intentionally D:
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<alyssa> "Daniel Stone ha salido de la sala (Expulsado por Lyude (daniels))."
<Lyude> !!! omg thanks you for letting me know
<alyssa> Okay uh
<alyssa> make[2]: *** /lib/modules/4.4.86/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
<alyssa> Lyude: How do I specify that it should be linking against the source tree I just built in ~/linux, not the current kernel?
<Lyude> alyssa: sec- that's easy
<alyssa> I know it -can- be done since I used to do that with old mali_kbase :p
<Lyude> alyssa: it should be the same process then, I made it so it passes down all the arguments you pass to make to the mali_kbase makefile
<Lyude> what were the config options you used?
<alyssa> So M=$PWD -C ${KERNEL_SRC}
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<alyssa> daniels: wb :p
<daniels> \o/
<daniels> our very brief spat has now been patched over :P
<Lyude> wb! sorry :p
<alyssa> Emphasis on *very*
<Lyude> alyssa: get rid -C replace with KDIR=${KERNEL_SRC} and remvoe M=$PWD
<alyssa> Lyude: Sweet :)
<Lyude> alyssa: lemme know if you have any issues
<alyssa> Lyude: It's built :)
<Lyude> awesome! insmod should be all that's left then
* HdkR moves bifrost disassembler to mesa source tree
<alyssa> HdkR: Yum
<HdkR> Gotta kill all these C++-isms
<alyssa> Yes please :)
<HdkR> It wounds me
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<belgin> hello
<alyssa> bonjour
<belgin> i've been fighting for 6 hours with a device that shares data lines between both the power and otg usb ports
<belgin> sorry for the offtopic, i had to vent somewhere
<HdkR> That's a fun one. As soon as anything uses the host-A ports the OTG port completely dies
<belgin> i believe it only does stuff with the data lines IFF there's power coming in the usb port
<HdkR> This is the Hikey960 I presume?
<belgin> gk802
<HdkR> Ah, completely different device then. The Hikey does the same thing :P
<alyssa> I'm low-key mad about the hikey
<alyssa> :P
<belgin> lol
<belgin> can you trick a usb port so that it thinks there's power coming into it when there's not?
<HdkR> eh?
<belgin> HdkR, i have sent you a pm, to stop offtopic-ing here
<HdkR> Bifrost boilerplate and diassembler in mesa source
<HdkR> Lyude: cwabbott: ^ Since I copy and pasted the disassembler source from ShaderProgramDisassembler I copied you two in to the license header if that's okay.
<alyssa> HdkR: Oh, cool :)
<alyssa> I'll review that if you review my stuff
<HdkR> haha, sure
<HdkR> They are reading for merging at this point now? ;)
<alyssa> Believe so
<Lyude> HdkR: that should be fine!
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<Lyude> HdkR: one thing: change the email to
<Lyude> Since I'm not doing this with RH yet
<HdkR> ah, sure. your commit log was using the RH address previously
<Lyude> It's ok if it doesn't match up with my gitlab
<Lyude> HdkR: ah, I'm fine with either then
<HdkR> lol
<Lyude> I forget to use the right address a lot since I have it set in my defaults :P
<Lyude> Probably doesn't matter
<HdkR> Yea. that's why I've stopped using global defaults actually
<Lyude> Might be a good idea for my email at least
<HdkR> Sounds good. I'll change it over
<HdkR> alyssa: Comments on everything except !10 atm. Need to run to the store and get dinner things.
<HdkR> email address issue addressed
<alyssa> That is a lot of emails :p
<HdkR> :)
<urjaman> address addressed
<urjaman> sounds like pointers to pointers :P
<alyssa> You have no idea how suspicious it feels to simultaneously use two laptops... of the same type...
* HdkR starts stacking Razers
<HdkR> Gets really confusing when you end up having something like four devies with source trees on them and trying to remember where you were hacking on something
<HdkR> pfft, who pushes code to a central repo :P
* urjaman looks up while behind two C201s side-by-side
<urjaman> suspicious? :P
<alyssa> urjaman: :P
<alyssa> tomeu's tree isn't building, argh
<alyssa> Missing drm_screen_create reference
<alyssa> Wonder if I'm missing a meson configure optio
<alyssa> Oh, missing the rockchip driver
<alyssa> Duh
<alyssa> Ostensibly we're built
<HdkR> woo
<alyssa> Now for the moment of truth, eep
<alyssa> ....what now? How do I use this? :P
<HdkR> Run cpuburn and use it as a cup holder
<HdkR> Keeps hot chocolate warm for hours
<alyssa> kik
<alyssa> erm
<alyssa> lol
<alyssa> Okay, so I got kmscube/weston to run with Panfrost.. sort of
<alyssa> The stride is all wrong which is breaking things
<alyssa> tomeu!! :P
<alyssa> Nvm, that one was unambiguously my fault
* alyssa whistles
<alyssa> Apologies for potato quality :P
<alyssa> Lyude: ^ Panfrost-accelerated Weston-drm, mainline blaze-it kernel with tomeu's fork
<Lyude> Need to chmod them
<Lyude> Permissions are broken
<alyssa> Whoops
<alyssa> Lyude: la
<Lyude> Oh heck yeah, nice!
<Lyude> You're sure it's panfrost?
<alyssa> Lyude: Quite, nothing else could possibly create that many visual artefacts when moving windows :angel:
<Lyude> Nice!!!
<alyssa> Lyude: This leaves me thinking
<alyssa> Should I abandon old-kapi / Xshm-hacks?
<Lyude> yeah
<Lyude> Ideally
<alyssa> With two machines I can afford to run mainline on the other one, I think
<Lyude> That is what I was eventually aiming for
<alyssa> Yeah, for sure
<alyssa> And then sway will work and hopefully I can dogfood dev on that machine
<alyssa> If that's the case, I have a yuuuge set of merge conflicts to deal with :)
<Lyude> It might be easier to rebase tomeu's branch against master
<Lyude> Then merge that
<Lyude> most (but probably) of the merge conflicts will be silly stuff like renaming
<Lyude> Whoops, -(but probably) it is late and I have been up to miscellaneous schenanigans
<Lyude> as is customary during holidays
<alyssa> Mm
<HdkR> Shenanigans are the best though
<alyssa> Tasty.
<HdkR> Hm. Bifrost's scoreboard dependency index is a mask for the next 8 clauses?
<HdkR> Looking at the clause header for making some assumptions about how to make this IR :P
<HdkR> Oh. more that it ties to the scoreboard_index that I assume wraps around. So if you set that dependency for that scoreboard has an index < this_bundle_index it makes zero sense
<alyssa> "Error: eglCreateWindowSurface failed with error: 0x3009"
<alyssa> Trying to get glmark2-es2-drm
<HdkR> Probably a bad config passed in
<alyssa> Buh
<HdkR> well, "bad", one that isn't supported
<alyssa> Bu bu
<alyssa> Lame-o
<HdkR> Most commonly happens when the window surface passed in doesn't support some colour depth asked for
<HdkR> Sadly es2_info doesn't return this information like glxinfo does
<alyssa> Hrm
<alyssa> kmscube and weston were fine.
<alyssa> HdkR: Any idea how to actually, uh, fix it then?
<HdkR> Would need to figure out what window attributes it is asking for and which the backend isn't providing :P
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<alyssa> Should I maybe not care since eventually it'll run under Wayland anyway...?
<alyssa> Oh, here hoes. Kinda
<alyssa> mali mmap failing tho
<alyssa> "mmap: Bad address"
<alyssa> It's.. what?
<alyssa> The init is failing for some reason
<alyssa> But isn't it the.. same... init as kmscube?
<alyssa> Niiiice
<alyssa> Got glmark going
<alyssa> ...FPS sucks
<alyssa> There's something decidedly alluring about hidpi fullscreen glmark
<alyssa> Next up, the video players
<alyssa> Kodi won't start
<alyssa> "ERROR: Unable to create GUI. Exiting."
<alyssa> Rather wish it gave more info than that
<alyssa> Unless Kodi just doesn't do DRM in which case okay then
<alyssa> Moving on, mpv
<alyssa> mpv works. Nice.
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<jernej> alyssa: Kodi works with GBM interface (using directly DRM/KMS), you just have to compile it to use that
<alyssa> jernej: I take it Debian's builds don't do that?
<jernej> idk, I don't use Debian :)
<alyssa> :P
* alyssa builds sway
<HdkR> Heads up, GCC and Clang have a different understanding of what the size of a bitfield is in a structure with destination type of uint64_t :|
<HdkR> Bunch of derp
<alyssa> Uh-oh
<HdkR> Doesn't harm anything in practice since it will zext accordingly but eh
<HdkR> zext or sext depending I guess
<HdkR> oh, since this project is on gitlab now, do we want a CI runner just to ensure nothing breaks?
<HdkR> Something that just builds everything possible?
<HdkR> lol
<alyssa> So sway starts and is able to render a clock
<alyssa> (Like, the first screen is up and I can tell it's alive since clock is ticking)
<alyssa> But the minute I try to open a terminal, it goes back to the TTY and is frozen
<alyssa> uh
<HdkR> :D
<alyssa> "double free or corruption" isn't that great
<alyssa> "Missed nonrenderonly KMS handle" Fixing this seems to be pretty hi-prio..
<HdkR> Tomorrow I'll be working on MIR + code emission. Try and get some code emitting in a broken fashion :P
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<alyssa> I can't parse that
<HdkR> Dvalin is such a silly codename
<alyssa> sway works :)
<alyssa> ....I don't know why I'm still awake, but sway works :P
<alyssa> And I don't mean fake sway with Xshm and weirdness
<alyssa> I mean, honest to goodness sway, right out to the DRM via Panfrost
<Ashy> nice!
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<HdkR> I just asked someone about the C/C++ spec that those bitfield warnings came from and I hate it
<HdkR> `A prvalue of an integer type other than bool, char16_t, char32_t, or wchar_t whose integer conversion rank (6.7.4) is less than the rank of int can be converted to a prvalue of type int if int can represent all the values of the source type; otherwise, the source prvalue can be converted to a prvalue of type unsigned int.`
<HdkR> For the exact wording from the spec
<HdkR> So I'll eventually murder all uint64_t usages in bitfields and probably replace with either uint32_t or unsigned :/
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<HdkR> Oh. Wrong paragraph of the spec
<HdkR> "A prvalue for an integral bit-field (12.2.4) can be converted to a prvalue of type int if int can represent all the values of the bit-field; otherwise, it can be converted to unsigned int if unsigned int can represent all the values of the bit-field"
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<Lyude> HdkR: re scoreboard: mhm
<Lyude> Might help to look at the assembler I wrote btw
<Lyude> (also, try to leave some stuff for me ;)
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<sleepymario> hello. every now and then i come here to ask about 'the driver formerly known as chai' (it's panfrost now, right?). how's development progressing?
<sleepymario> i'd love to give it a spin on my tinkerboard
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<HdkR> Lyude: No worries, there will always be plenty to do :P
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<HdkR> It's a jelly!
<alyssa> Yum
<anarsoul|2> alyssa: nice
<alyssa> Really high CPU usage on the compositors, need to sort that
<anarsoul|2> tiling/untiling? :)
<alyssa> I can use the same s-pen for both kevins
<alyssa> Memes