this is highly likely to lead to paid work if it hasnt already
Ashy: Yeah, but, I kind of have a lot of differential equations I've neglected to solve
BenG83 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
alyssa: oh nice
is that with mali_kbase.ko ?
hanetzer: Yeah, but... latest kbase
anarsoul|2 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
And with a mainline kenrel, not old ChromeOS
If only audio worked... *sighs*
If audio worked I could switch both machines to mainline :V :V :V
why is audio broken?
Ashy: You tell me, you're the one who works on mainline kevin :p
(...or is that thefloweringash?)
different ash, heh
So there are 3 ashes, got it :p
i vaguely remember a line somewhere with a git commit hash that introduced the break, i could be thinking of the hdmi support though
ah from the rockpro64 wiki page: HDMI Audio - Stopped working in Ayufan is looking into it.
HDMI audio is the least of my worries, hehe
Rather more concerned about, like, internal speakers or headphones
but which one has a pikachu?
Too many ashes. I’m more of a “just make it go” kinda person with not a lot of time to spend on my Kevin at the moment. Stealing as much as I can from ChromeOS.
The weird part, I think, is that USB audio doesn't work either?