alyssa changed the topic of #panfrost to: Panfrost - FLOSS Mali Midgard & Bifrost - Logs - <daniels> avoiding X is a huge feature
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<icecream95> alyssa: It looks like vlut can be used for writeout, but only if it doesn't write alpha
<austriancoder> alyssa: do the perf counter get reset when they are read?
<icecream95> austriancoder:
<icecream95> yes
<austriancoder> icecream95: thx
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<macc24> does panfrist support opengl 3.3?
<tomeu> macc24: though panfrost is very close to compliance with some opengl(es) specs, I don't think we're 100% compliant
<tomeu> macc24: may be better to tests yourself the code you are interested in running, maybe with the MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.3 env variable
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<alyssa> icecream95: Interesting... almost smells like errata...
<alyssa> Or maybe there's some crazy alpha testing shenanigans they have (Bifrost has the whole ATEST shtick)
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<alyssa> Ohhh, I see how the Midgard blob mipmaps
<alyssa> Send a single job chain which does all the tiling all at once (to different polygon lists)
<alyssa> then send a single job chain which has all the fragment jobs (with barriers set)
<alyssa> which is significantly less back-and-forth than we have, though I dunno how much it matters in practgice
<alyssa> bbrezillon: ^^
<alyssa> About a 1/4 of the time spent in -bterrain is mipmapping so...
<alyssa> Though I doubt that applies to real apps.
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<macc24> can i play games like xonotic on mali t760 mp4?
<alyssa> macc24: IIRC yes
<macc24> how's the performance like?
<alyssa> haven't tried
<alyssa> urjaman: maybe ^?
<urjaman> the only game i've played is extremetuxracer :P
<urjaman> oh and neverball i guess
<alyssa> Well, it's official.
<alyssa> I have no idea where these cycles are going :-(
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<alyssa> ha-ha!
<alyssa> Once I add back the conversion patches, fp16 is showing real wins on heavier benchmarks
<HdkR> woo
<HdkR> So actually ALU bound? :)
<alyssa> Perhaps, yeah
<alyssa> So I guess the perf counters are still not reliable then :-(
<alyssa> Though fp16 mostly helps on mdg with thread count / residency, so maybe this means more in flight etc.
<alyssa> Should look at where else we're falling out of 16-bit
<alyssa> Would love to flip fp16 on by default, but that means no regressions in perf *or* function
<alyssa> On that note - if people could try their favourite workloads with PAN_MESA_DEBUG=fp16 enabled, that'd be swell :-)
<macc24> does wayland work fine?
<macc24> because on xorg i'm getting Potato™ experience
<alyssa> both should be fine, what's wrong with xorg?
<alyssa> uh, bad questions, lots of things
<alyssa> what issue are you having related to panfrost on xorg?
<macc24> bad performance
<alyssa> what compositor?
<macc24> none
<alyssa> what wm?
<macc24> xfwm4
<alyssa> :|
<alyssa> xfce was okay when I last tried it..
<macc24> is fbdev driver ok?
<alyssa> does top show anything CPU heavy?
<macc24> yes
<alyssa> no, fbdev is software-only, that's not using panfrost.
<macc24> Xorg
<alyssa> you need glamor
<macc24> oh
<macc24> what ddx driver should i choose on rk3288?
<alyssa> ...none?
<alyssa> glamor?
<macc24> isn't glamor a driver thing?
<macc24> option in driver
<macc24> after inspecting xorg log
<macc24> i am using glamor
<macc24> through modesetting driver
<macc24> ill just use waylan
<urjaman> the correct answer is modesetting (comes with xorg)
<macc24> urjaman: i used it and it's slow
<urjaman> did it actually enable glamor?
<macc24> yes
<urjaman> like look in the xorg log
<macc24> i looked at xorg log
<macc24> from my experience, xfce dislikes arm
<urjaman> what mesa version, kernel version, etc?
<macc24> urjaman: latest
<urjaman> also what board
<macc24> asus c100pa
<urjaman> lemme build the latest mesa to check
<macc24> oh not that latest
<macc24> archlinuxarm latest
<macc24> kernel 5.6.13
<macc24> mesa 20.0.7
<urjaman> but again, what kernel btw? (just saying because newer than 5.4 is not good ... unless someone patched it)
<macc24> archlinuxarm kernel
<macc24> on weston i can move windows without lags
<urjaman> is it spewing stuff into dmesg when doing the Xorg stuff?
<macc24> nope
<urjaman> because "lags" sounds like gpu timeouts
<macc24> it's lagging like it was running on software
<macc24> lags more like framedrops and doesn't refresh background
<urjaman> which it what kernel >5.4 can cause because they're trying to figure out setting a voltage again
<macc24> when firefox installs i will check sway
<urjaman> but anyways i dont have anything noticeably bad with 5.4.36 (my own) and mesa master from a couple of weeks ago
<urjaman> i havent tried the mesa arch ships
<urjaman> and i use XFCE
<macc24> did you have to make changes in xorg config?
<urjaman> on a C201 (veyrons both of ours...)
<urjaman> no xorg conf changes (i do have a 'Driver "modesetting"' line in a xorg.conf.d fragment but that's just leftover from debugging of disabling glamor...)
<macc24> on wayland it is pretty fast
<macc24> for a gpu that uses less power than my hard drive
<macc24> after starting xcompmgr it's a bit faster
* urjaman frowns
<urjaman> XFWM already has a compositor?
<macc24> that is pretty bad
<macc24> imo
<urjaman> Window Manager Tweaks -> Compositor -> "Enable display compositing"
<macc24> urjaman: have you tried kde plasma on your c201pa?
<urjaman> nope
<urjaman> sounds like a death wish (tho my last KDE experience is half a decade old i suppose), but umm ... maybe it'd work who knows
<alyssa> I run GNOME on my Kevin, \shrug/
<macc24> s/\shrug//¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<alyssa> ty
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<Lyude> xfce might be nice if it didn't evolve at the speed of a turtle
<macc24> Lyude: why change something perfect? ;)
<Lyude> macc24: hehe
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<alyssa> Lyude: People say that but I mean
<alyssa> I remember using GNOME3 my first year of high school
<alyssa> and I remember it being... pretty much how it is right now :-)
<alyssa> Probably perf has improved but I've also moved to a slower machine so :)
<Lyude> perf has Extremely improved
<Lyude> I actually used gnome3 since the first version, got really annoyed with how unusable it felt like it was and ended up going to xfce, switched back to gnome a few years later and the experience is waaaay different
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<HdkR> I used to use gnome2 and I was one of the hold outs that still used the gnome2 packages well in to the gnome3 lifecycle. Then Ubuntu dropped the gnome2 packages and I floated between a few DEs/WMs before landing on i3wm when I saw a friend using it :P
<alyssa> I was MATE for a bit there
<macc24> my go-to wm is i3
<macc24> but i3 isn't touch friendly
<HdkR> All my laptops have touch now and I disable it each time :)
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<Lyude> I used to have a thinkpad with trackpoint, large touchpad, and a touch screen and I'm the kind of wild, dangerous and uncontrollable spirit who switches between all three of them regularly
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<alyssa> Sorta synthetic but I managed to beat the blob in cycle count on the massive shader in -bterrain
<alyssa> :~)
<alyssa> Unfortunately that doesn't help real perf
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<robmur01> neat, mucking with the tiling code gives me a way to reliably mess up the page cache and trigger a kernel BUG_ON
<alyssa> robmur01: lol
<robmur01> feels like that... shouldn't be possible :/
<alyssa> robmur01: Anything related to tiling in panfrost should be marked with a big "XXX TODO FIXME" tbh
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<robmur01> still, no matter how badly userspace scribbles over a BO it really shouldn't be able to kill the whole system
<alyssa> One would hope
<alyssa> Kernel bugs \shrug
<robmur01> aww, but I don't want to debug the kernel, I just want to see if I can make fish go faster
<alyssa> robmur01: aquarium?
<alyssa> panfrost or ddk?
<alyssa> firefox or chromium?
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<robmur01> aquarium, panfrost, firefox
<alyssa> Blah.
<alyssa> firefox webgl is... special
<robmur01> I have still never managed to successfully build the DDK, even the one time I was supposed to back in the early Juno days...
<Lyude> the ddk is really terrifying tbh
<Lyude> it's gotten less terrifying over time but it's, still not great
<alyssa> so I've heard