alyssa changed the topic of #panfrost to: Panfrost - FLOSS Mali Midgard & Bifrost - Logs - <daniels> avoiding X is a huge feature
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<robmur01> I think you misspelled "fat"... MP24!
<macc24> oh god
<macc24> that's so bad
<macc24> where can i get one so i know which places to avoid?
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<alyssa> robmur01: Why do Chromebooks get the small configs :(
<alyssa> I want a fat Mali! :p
<HdkR> It's the highest end Valhall that you can create, that's a good Mali :)
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<alyssa> good Mali = supported by Panfrost ;P
<macc24> if anyone wants to get rid of it because it's so bad i can help with it
<HdkR> Huawei needs to create Linux dev boards :(
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<robmur01> HdkR: Hikey9000?
<HdkR> I'd buy a few
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<robmur01> alyssa: because the last time a Chromebook had a flagship SoC from a premium SoC vendor was also the first time :P
<macc24> i wish i had a chromebook with fast soc lol
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<archetech> latest mesa broke my kde wayland I think
<archetech> on N2
<macc24> archetech: latest mesa as in mesa master or mesa release?
<archetech> was working with patched 5.9 kernel
<archetech> master
* macc24 runs away
<archetech> works but freezes with release
<archetech> weston too I get those mouse trails and black screen for a second
<archetech> weston dont use messa so idk
<archetech> mesa
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<SolidHal> Hey all, I'm using a gru-kevin (samsung chromebook plus), mesa 20.2 with kernel 5.9.1 panfrost and getting some nasty graphical glitches in gnome and xfce4. In the kernel logs, there are many panfrost errors complaining of "INSTR_OPERAND_FAULT" and "Unhandled page fault". I can provide full pastebin with logs.
<SolidHal> I'm assuming I have a configuration issue, because I know others have used gru-kevin with panfrost just fine.
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<daniels> yeah, the fact it happens immediately rather than only sporadically is definitely suspicious
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<alpernebbi> isn't it the devfreq thing
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<robmur01> that should be fixed in 5.9
<jgmdev> archetech: which kernel are you using? I'm using chewitt branch with patches from hardkernel everything merged here and on all desktop environments I have tested (gnome, wayfire, weston, kde) I get solid image on first launch but when moving the cursor everything else turns black except for the
<jgmdev> Some of them work with mouse cursor not visible as an issue. I have noticed that sometimes when closing and opening multiple 3D applications the driver throws some message as "DRM_IOCTL_MODE_CREATE_DUMB failed: Cannot allocate memory" and it is not possible to open them until a system reboot. In an effort to make things easier for testers (like myself who uses the N2 daily), I also want to share an archlinux repository
<jgmdev> tiles around the cursor. On kde things seemed more stable on the past but the system always panic after a couple of seconds (so not sure if besides mesa, the panics are caused by the panfrost kernel driver). Tested working applications from people on odroid forums and me that work without too much rendering issues or perfectly are kodi-gbm and within gnome-shell: supertux2, openarena, serious sam first encounter, Cendric, Trigger Rally and Warzone 2100.
<jgmdev> archlinuxdroid/aarch64/ that besides some kernel packages also serves automatic builds of mesa master. Also put togeter an archlinux image (for odroid n2/n2+) with the repository already enabled and included panfrost (bifrost enabled) kernel + mesa git Anyways this message become too long :D
<macc24> oh god
<robmur01> however there do seem to be fewer power-tree-related messages than I might expect...
<alpernebbi> IIRC Clément Péron's patches were going to fix it, and that got into Linus' tree after v5.9
<robmur01> SolidHal: do you have CONFIG_REGULATOR_PWM and CONFIG_REGULATOR_VCTRL enabled in your kernel (and/or the relevant modules in the right place)?
<SolidHal> robmur01
<SolidHal> whoops, sorry, that was the wrong kernel config. CONFIG_REGULATOR_VCTRL=y and CONFIG_REGULATOR_PWM=y
<robmur01> alpernebbi: bleh, you're right, sorry for getting mixed up
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<alyssa> archetech: setting PAN_MESA_DEBUG voids your (nonexistent) warranty ;)
<alyssa> but yes, reloading broke at some point, fix is under review
<alpernebbi> I think is the latest (which got merged)
<SolidHal> Hey alyssa, long time no chat. I'm finally bringing panfrost support into PrawnOS hahaha :)
<SolidHal> alpernebbi alright, I'll give that a try. Thanks!
<alpernebbi> I didn't test that but this was a small workaround:
<alyssa> SolidHal: 👏
<alyssa> SolidHal: alpernebbi: Haven't seen either of you around much :)
<alpernebbi> I recently started logging in more frequently to IRC so hi :)
<SolidHal> alyssa life got in the way of project for a while, but that has settled down now. I got my hands on a gru-kevin, so thats exciting. Much nicer than veyron-speedy.
* archetech reads up
<archetech> jgmdev: I read the pnafrost thread @odroid daily it's a good and needed thread however there's alot of inconsistancy in it to wade/sort through
<archetech> mainly whats done with mali_kbase vs panfrost
<alyssa> SolidHal: kevin's pretty great!
<archetech> Ill reply over in #odroid to your comments
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<macc24> >@alyssa | setting PAN_MESA_DEBUG voids your (nonexistent) warranty ;)
<macc24> what if i set it in my distro ;D, would that void my warranty, user's warranty or my cat's warranty?
<alyssa> macc24: all three? :p
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<macc24> alyssa: also today i made deb-to-go not unusable
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