alyssa: any plan/WIP for veci8 support? my min/max index search shader is using such ops for 8bit indexes
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bbrezillon: i8vec4, that is?
it's an "eventually" issue right now
when I start playing around with OpenCL, sure
in the mean time, getting it right for Bifrost will take a -lot- of work and there are frankly much more impactful opts
i16vec2 is complicated enough as it is right now
alyssa: is performance on kevin still kinda bad?
macc24_: Yeah although I'm less and less sure whether that's purely a mesa issue..
italove: Seems heavy-handed but there's not an obviously better solution so... meh.
well on cros it's kind of better, no idea if it's ui or something else
trying to drive 2400x1600 screen with a midgard was a mistake...
1366x768 with t760 otoh is pretty nice :p
yeah, my c201pa is gonna get used more after i transplant it into chassis of a thinkpad x201
alyssa: can we at least lower those in the meantime?
bbrezillon: It should be getting lowered now?
things are scalarized, yes
lower_alu_to_scalar should be scalarizing it, and we should be handling scalar i8
[If we're breaking on *scalar* i8, yes I do consider that a bug that does merit my attention now instead of later.]
but i8vec4 component extraction and packing are failing
I see. Could you push the repro case? (even if it's just "my indirect draw branch, this deqp case")
will look later today
alyssa: I thought you'd say that, that's why I mentioned in the commit that we might need to optimize this later, I agree that there isn't a better solution that's quick to implement
i wonder if i can glue duet to kevin and use kevin as just virtualgl client