I don't know where else +1 would be a thing
Ah! Actually, a few of the other IRC channels I'm in have a bot that keeps score. You can "beneroth++ for asking questions" and it will record it. (inc) seemed the picolisp equivalent.
ah nice
to be precise: (inc 'beneroth) (destructive, notice the quote) would be beneroth++. (inc beneroth) (no quote) would be beneroth + 1 (not changing beneroth)
Ah, right. It's obviously been too long since I've actually used picolisp. :)
hello peeps!
mutually exclusive statements:
1. git-bug is a distributed bug tracker embedded in git.
2. To install: go get ...
freemint has joined #picolisp
not exactly, rick42. TOR is also distributed and decentralised (something can be distributed and centralised btw)
but you still need some hardcoded list of initial tor nodes.
(discovery is the problem)
beneroth: It is discovery or trust. You could try to find peers by brute force but assuming you start in china how do you know you do not talk with the great firewall?
afaik TOR has a network of people in China distributing lists "secret" TOR entry nodes
it's an arms race.
hi beneroth, hi freemint
Is there a way to stop function written in ASM without losing process data?
beneroth: was referring to "this is embedded in git" and then "now, install this go program" lol :)
(like without using the data of the process)
* rick42
is enjoying reading tankf33der's git-addon list
$ git blame-someone-else 'Steve Mao <maochenyan@gmail.com>' 2efb4e3a061a2e8aaa58033e9c13c3e0e5fcde4b
Steve Mao is now the author of 2efb4e3. You're officially an asshole.
aye, I had to chuckle too :)
rick42, yeah, I got the irony ;-)
freemint, I would guess there might be a kernel call to stop the execution of a process, freezing it so you can inspect the process in /proc ? just a guess.
freemint, also, what does this have to do with ASM at all?
I gotta go :)
have a nice weekend folks!
if it were interpreted then it would be easier to cancel
i accidently killed the process
hours of wokr gone :(
and is just wanted to diff two lists :(
You still edit your sourcen in-heap only?
I was filterinf
i was processing a long list (> 200MB) of dns stuff so i can find a small subset which has a certan properties + exploration of that dataset
I see
when you have more powerfull language, people use it for bigger jobs
any ideas how to intergrate backups in to the work flow?
(length Brave) -> 902441 and that is already aggressevly pre-selected
To keep data, do (out "saved" (println ...)) T
'T' is to suppress print
lets suppose i have entries like (("timestamp" . "1541170211") ("name" . "0-onetechnologie.net") ("type" . "mx") ("value" . "10 mx1.hostinger.fr")) is there a nicer way to get the name property than cdadr?
If you use internal symbols for the keys, you can use 'get'
(get L 'value)
(; L value)
or (; L name) in this case
(; name or (; "name"
"name" only works if you are sure you have the *same* symbol
but my daf
Regenaxer my data looks like "name"
Then == cannot be used, eg 'get' or 'asoq'
You can use 'assoc'
(cdr (assoc "name" Lst))
ok then cdadr is simpler
But if the form is known, 'cdadr' is fine
and faster
i ran in to the c*r limit several times
i whished we had longer cddadadaddr s
I would use 'nth' then
though cddadadaddr would be faster ;)
me plays chess for days now
and already managed to beat the stupidly simple chess engine?
Great razzy! I'm glad to hear that :)
picochess? yes :] but i had to look under the hood :]
I'm too quickly frustrated as I have no chance
razzy how does looking under the hood help?
you find a weakness and exploit it :]
and that weakspot was?
it considers hard depth
and than cost function
so you must play just one step ahead, always :]
i am playing with picochess on my side. using it for analysis
and i think picochess undervalue pawn before promotion
and undervalue mobility of pieces
I see
You tune the cost function?
picolisp not undervalue it by much i think
i use depth 8 and it is max my CPUs can take :]
so i will be tuning alphabeta search :]
Wow, depth 8 must take very long
i had "obvious" exchanges taking 7 turns and could not trust picolisp with evaluation :]
i value picochess because it can say that oponnent canot have material gain in *Depth moves
with high propability
depth+1 could be huge loss
and also i think picochess overvalue middle
in certain cases
Does anybody see a mistake in (setq Temp (by '((X) (pack (reverse (chop (cdadr X))))) group Brave)) i takes longer than i think it sgouls
forget that
does by use = or ==
I think you can omit the 'pack', it is a bit expensive
also 'flip' is faster than 'reverse'
'flip' is destructive but safe here as the list is fresh from 'chop'
'by' does not do any comparison
Ah, yes, 'group' uses '='
mhh i need parallelism now checking the head of 226717 domains is something that takes to long by hand
for that i would go with thell?
or is having counter in file easier
I suggested a pipe
Each process fetches the next domain from the pipe when ready
until EOF
$ mkfifo p
ahh that is cool
i dump once everything in to the pipe and the create childs/processes?
the writing side (parent) will block until it can be written
Needs some experimentation
Just try
does caching make trouble with pipes?
Which caching?
the caching in does when reading files?
With experimenting I mean to make sure that no 2 processes fetch the same item from the pipe
No cache involved here
A cache is a serial kernel structure
But sometimes tricky when what blocks
Reading and writing ends
First play around with pipes only, no other logic
To make sure the setup works
For example, if it is better if the parent opens also the reading side of the pipe and inherits it to the children
or if better each child does its own (open)
I'm not sure atm
Experiment, or read up about Unix pipes
Experimenting is easier ;)
Once it works, this load-distribution via pipes will be very useful also for other use cases
You should write about it :)
it does not work at all
How did you do it?
cat stuff >> pipe
(in "pipe" (prinl (line T)))
let me try some more
after i close the pipe and reopen it is empty ...
yes, may well be
mhh works as expected with different processes
I tried too
one process (out "p" (loop (pr (inc 0)) (wait 1000)))
2 other processes: (in "p" (while (rd) (msg @)))
You subscribe to pipe once you open it. Data which was put in before you opened it is not avaiable.
They read different items it seems
hmm, no
but you got to decide how many processes you want per each batch you put in to the pipe you can not add processes once you filled it