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<beneroth> freemint2, its an picolisp web app example
<aw-> hi beneroth
<aw-> up late?
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<freemint> i know, just made me wake up again
<beneroth> aw-, oh yeah. oh too late. got home at 11pm and then lost reading on the internet again. oopsie
<aw-> haha
<beneroth> well I can sleep a bit longer tomorrow :)
<freemint> I was curious what attempts were made to replicate ORG mode style functionality
<freemint> The first place to look seemed pil. If nothing is available i am going to be forced to built something with the web server
<freemint> *Vip
<beneroth> whats wrong with using the original emacs org mode?
<freemint> i am going to need to use the web server in the long run anyway but to find out what works for me a faster modifiable console only approach would be preferred
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<freemint> @whats wrong with ORG mode: - poor android support - i like picolisp better than emacs lisp so i better ask whether the is anything that does what i want in pil first
<beneroth> I haven't heard of anyone trying to replicate org in vip, or in pil in general. there are multiple org-lovers in the pil community.
<beneroth> rick42 is also an org lover
<freemint> there seems to be no effort to rebuild ORG mode in general
<freemint> (or i could not find any)
<beneroth> I haven't tried emacs on android, but whats wrong with it?
<beneroth> and beside the emacs gui app there might be also a emacs command line version for termux?
<freemint> all the meta keys become annoying even with physical keyboard
<freemint> support outside the console does not seem to be great. The most praised app makes it nearly impossible to do nested todo's
<beneroth> how about using it with penti?
<freemint> beneroth what is wrong with me asking for a PicoLisp solution first?
<beneroth> nothing :)
<beneroth> but we should not re-implement things without good reasons
<beneroth> (learning or for fun are good reasons)
<freemint> beneroth *duh* i had that discussion with Regenaxer already: Screen is to small
<beneroth> ah right, I forgot
<beneroth> why aren't you sleeping, freemint ?
<beneroth> I really need to go to bed now :)
<beneroth> good night freemint
<beneroth> have a good day aw- :)
<aw-> beneroth: thanks, g'nite
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<Regenaxer> beneroth, right, does the analog of #ifdef, or, more correct, #endif
<Regenaxer> freemint, I have not thought much about orgmode. Full concentration in Vip was on editing
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<freemint> Regenaxer What technical hurdles would there be to implement n ORG mode?
<freemint> Is the key handling sufficiently mighty?
<Regenaxer> Which keys?
<freemint> keyboard keys
<freemint> can you have a key binding which temporarily overshadows other key bindings?
<Regenaxer> How can that be mighty? Anyway I have no experience with orgmode (or interest)
<Regenaxer> Keys are dependinn
<Regenaxer> Keys are depending on the context
<freemint> ok
<Regenaxer> I extended my own vip in ~/.pil/viprc
<Regenaxer> there you can do many things
<Nistur> mornin'
<Regenaxer> I defined more function keys there for example
<Nistur> I see org mode mentioned
<Regenaxer> Hi Nistur
<Nistur> is that emacs org-mode?
<freemint> yes
<Nistur> <3
<freemint> my question was whether there is a PicoLisp reimplementation and how far it covers certain features
<freemint> it would interface with vip
<Nistur> what is vip?
* Nistur has been out of touch with everything because work is absolutely insane recently
<Nistur> Vi-style
<Nistur> :'(
<freemint> what do you dislike about VI?
<Nistur> Not too much actually, I just have been using emacs for the last... um... 10...12 years
<Nistur> I started with vi/vim for I think 6 years before that
<Nistur> I just like pretending to be part of the editor war
<freemint> it has better extendability than emacs, because it is not just 60% lisp but 100% Lisp (minus ncurses)
<Nistur> when actually it's just that I'm used to all the things I get in emacs
<freemint> Regenaxer Can you tell me how the buffers work in PicoLisp?
<Nistur> I'll look at vip though
<Nistur> looks interesting :)
<freemint> Regenaxer Can you have code interact with non displayed buffers?
<Regenaxer> Buffers are list of lists of chars
<freemint> ok
<Regenaxer> So yes, you can interact in any way
<Regenaxer> Even on the : repl in vip
<Regenaxer> in the bottom buffer
<Regenaxer> not trivial though probably
<freemint> Is there a notion of modes tied to buffers which control the key binding?
<Regenaxer> There is command mode and insert mode only
<freemint> could you write new modes easily?
<Regenaxer> yes!!! :)
<Regenaxer> Everything is easy in pil
<freemint> (Nistur since you more experience with ORG mode than me, could you think of some features which would be hard to in vim?)
<freemint> I saw a few presentations about it yesterday, ORG mode seems decent
<Regenaxer> Vip is an editor, I see no advantage to boost it as an application
<Regenaxer> Better separate such stuff
<Regenaxer> Emacs is not an editor but a whole env
<Regenaxer> so it is a different philosophy
<freemint> mhh there is another thing i thought about, doing an emacs style web app via the app.l framework
<Regenaxer> sorry, tel
<freemint> this would allow for "handwriting" and painting with graphic tablets in the browser
<freemint> Nistur what would you think about emacs style application in the browser?
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<freemint> tankf33der do you use ORG mode?
<tankf33der> no
<freemint> or emacs?
<freemint> also i am wondering what pilDB could bring to an "picolisp-style" orgmode
<tankf33der> freemint: all this unknown to me
<tankf33der> im wrong person discuss all this
<freemint> no problem the last question was in to the round
<Nistur> freemint: I don't know what would be hard to do in vim, I just don't look because org-mode already does everything I need :P My CV's in org-mode, my dissertation in uni was org-mode, I took notes with org-mode... *shrug*
<freemint> mhh ok ... i was hoping to get some insights from ORG mode users here.
<Nistur> freemint: I can tell you some of the features of org-mode that I'd need if you really want
<Nistur> or rather, give you some use cases :P
<freemint> that would be interesting
<aw-> freemint: wouldn't it be easier to just "use org mode" yourself?
<Nistur> also, as pil runs on Android, this would be great for me, as the current thing I use sucks a bit, Orgzly
<freemint> so does emacs?
<Nistur> How dare you blaspheme against the church of emacs...? :P
<freemint> on emacs runs in Termux too
<Nistur> emacs does suck a bit, but not in ways that generally affect me (plus it is incredibly awesome in ways that _does_ affect me)
<freemint> emacs runs in the same way is pil does. Anyhow tell me about what you would not want to miss
<Nistur> anyway, one example of a relatively simple use case is my CV, it uses no really complex features of org-mode, apart from exporting to PDF through LaTeX... which, to be honest, is pretty important I think, as a lot of things I've written in org-mode, I've wanted to export at some point or another
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<freemint> export was on my list too
<Nistur> (I'm just giving examples of non-organiser tasks, as you can find examples of those all over the place)
<razzy> i am also torn. i wish for emacs functionality in picolisp. or
<razzy> picolisp hardware support in emacs :]
<razzy> now i using both, and integrating picolisp into emacs. after that i will change picolisp a bit. and after that i will migrate emacs functionality into pil :]
<freemint> razzy would you a cli interface or would a browser interface (with all the good text displaying, animateabilty, pictures) be prefered?
<razzy> for forseeable future i wish for cli
<razzy> web interface seem nice.
<razzy> but you need web browser for that :]
<razzy> my goal is cli with pictures and video (propably in separate window)
<razzy> also i would not say cli, but text-user-interface or ascii graphics
<freemint> ok i was thinking about doing everything in browser even if Javascript *shudder* since it would add features emacs can not match
<razzy> i consider web with all the mess dead :]
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<razzy> text with pictures and downloadable videos are what i consider good web :]
<razzy> kind of where w3m stopped its development
<razzy> imho is javascript experiment going wrong :] or teenage fun
<razzy> do not get me wrong. ability to run your code on visitor machine is very powerfull and can reduce server and connection loads. but todays ecosystems, OS and users are *not* prepared to handle that ability safe or productively
<razzy> so i use modern web browser least i must.
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<Regenaxer> tankf33der: I released a modifier 'create' which is a little bit more memory-conservative
<Regenaxer> s/modifier/modified
<tankf33der> i will try something.
<Regenaxer> ok
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<beneroth> Regenaxer, you stick with the name "create" ? Why not "bulk" ?
<Regenaxer> Hmm
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<Regenaxer> It is not really limited to bulk imports
<Regenaxer> 'bulk' is taken btw in many apps here
<Regenaxer> 'import' would have been best, but exists already
<Regenaxer> 'update' exists too
<Regenaxer> So I went with create, as it creates a database
<Regenaxer> typically not used in normal use, more at creation time
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<Regenaxer> The comments of 'request' and 'obj' also talk about "create", and they have a similar signature
<Regenaxer> (create '(+Cls) ... # Create objects of type (+Cls)
<beneroth> :)
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<Regenaxer> The above "little bit more memory-conservative" means also a little bit slower, but I find saving memory more important, to be able to import more indexes in parallel
<Regenaxer> (each index starts its own process with a few hundred MiB, before it was almost a GiB per process)
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<beneroth> Regenaxer, I agree
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<beneroth> bbl
<Regenaxer> cu
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