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<freemint> beneroth: The tragedy of systemd worth a view - really excellent commentary?
<beneroth> Thanks freemint, I'll check it out!
<beneroth> freemint, btw. I would be interested in a pil wrapper for telegram.
<freemint> beneroth: i proposed several levels of implementatino, i would like your feedback on that. Do you need a refresher?
<freemint> my ideas are for the telegram bot are 1. dumb interface (message "bla") '*Group1) 2. an http_server like setup (text is parsed in to commands triggering functions) 3. 2 but with addtional times/conditions/IFTT(if this then that) to make use out the "push" side of messaging and domain specific language to manage all that.
<freemint> or to express in existing picolisp analoges: 1. 'client 2. @lib/http.l 3. @lib/form.l
<beneroth> yeah. I'm interested in telegram.l :)
<freemint> beneroth: how does that help me with my decision. I have 3 ideas how to do it.
<freemint> And i can not decide.
<beneroth> ah. well I understood as one idea. I would split the stuff up.
<beneroth> 1) telegram.l which does the wrapping, so which handles the telegram API. 2) telegram-hooks.l (or however you name it) to do your text parsing to trigger something 3). telegram-trigger.l for the IFTT features.
<freemint> good idea.
<freemint> I might start in a month or so earliest.
<beneroth> different layer for different tasks/logic. 1) is just encoding/decoding, pil API for telegram.
<beneroth> no pressure. :)
<freemint> beneroth: that really helped me -
<freemint> thanks
<beneroth> you're welcome
<beneroth> make an effort of trying not to build unnecessary restrictions on the lower level functions (e.g. type/number of arguments or so). I mean: try to only restrict what is necessary to be restricted to gain the intended functionality, but try to no have any other restrictions which are a result of "it will never be used that way anyway".
<beneroth> this is one of the things I learned and try to make a habit thanks to picolisp (applies also to other languages)
<beneroth> that way you get great re-usability and maintainability you can't plan for.
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<beneroth> freemint, I watched the full talk. Thank you very much for pointing this out! Great talk!
<beneroth> I wish I would have found such an explanation of systemd a year ago. I researched a bit but not enough, as it appears. the notion of systemd being intended as a universal process-watchdog I kinda missed until this talk, and I can see the attractiveness for that concept.
<beneroth> humm.. I still suspect the systemd implementation is rather flawed, but I can see the concepts are meaningful and valuable.
<beneroth> I will forward the talk to other people. Thanks freemint !
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<rick42> <beneroth> and in a way it serves as a good filter to keep the people away who are not really interested in understanding programming stuff, who would probably attempt to pollute picolisp with comfort.
<rick42> Read: pythonifying the language. lol :)
<beneroth> I don't know python enough to say so :)
<beneroth> One thing is having a tons of libraries, that must not be bad. But compromises on language principles is another thing.
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