Prolog substitutes each value, and then matches
but @ is not substituted
so @ acts like NULL in SQL? then (not (equal @ @)) would be true
I mean
You never really need @
don't I use @ if I want ignore some variables in a rule?
you can use @foo if @foo is not used anywhere else
yeah, just dont use it
eg @fio
all pilog variables are always "global", even when they are within a rule, right?
that is my current strategy, T
no, local in this level
nothing is global here
Prolog does not "execute" in the normal way. It only matches patterns, nested constants and variables. A match happens if all constants are the same, and varibles are unified with the corresponding variables or constants
sorry, must stop
got that
see you later, thanks anyway :)
I give up for now
I will just recurse on picolisp level, repeatedly calling pilog..
orivej has joined #picolisp
oh :(
I know these problems, switching the brain between Lisp and Pilog
It is very different, and the normal thinking of function calls, arguments and variables does not apply to Pilog
A variable is not passed into a predicate. It immediately replaces all its occurrances in the body with its value, and the resulting body is used for further matching