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<emilbayes> why is this illegal?
<jemc> it's just a design choice that was made in pony early on - the names of methods, fields, params, and local variables in the same entity aren't allowed to shadow eachother - the idea was that such ambiguity tends to result in subtle bugs
<emilbayes> jemc: Oh okay, was just caught by it in my iterator stuff. List has a constructor call `from`, which means that can't be used for the range arguments
<emilbayes> I could go with the hack from' but ...
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<jemc> yeah it'll have to be `from'`
<jemc> it's pretty common to get forced into making params have a prime
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<ada[m]> Does pony have anything like python generators/list comprehensions?
<jemc> ada[m]: I think it's not quite the same, but filling roughly the same "role" of Python generators in Pony is the `Iterator` interface:
<jemc> and there's a nifty package for doing various transformations on iterators that are similar "in spirit" to list comprehensions:
<jemc> the gist is that an `Iterator` is a stateful object that gets mutated to "point to" the next element in whatever you're iterating over, with `next` being called repeatedly to return the next element
<jemc> we don't have `yield` keyword from python or anything like it, because we don't have continuation passing at all, really