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<achamber1> there is a json package in the stdlib, but no parser?
<vaninwagen> achamber1, you parse json strings with JsonDoc.parse(String)
<achamber1> oh, thank you
<achamber1> i totally missed that
<vaninwagen> achamber1, yeah, maybe it should be mentioned in the package docs or something
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<Candle> I'm missing the syntax to unpack the entries in the ArrayPairs entry on line 13 of
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<SeanTAllen> can you use the "gist" button and send your link Candle, however you did it, results in my browser thinking its a cross site scripting attack
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<coopernurse> hello! has anyone tried implementing any of the Benchmarks Game problems in Pony yet?
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<SeanTAllen> coopernurse: not that i am aware of. anyone who did that should read the how to write high perf pony guide before tackling it.
<SeanTAllen> FYI to anyone who tries. Because of how pony shutdown work, "time" is a very inaccurate "benchmarking" tool. Ponybench is much better.
<coopernurse> SeanTAllen: thanks for the info
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<gregrcline> Hey all, I'm trying to get started with Pony and I'm running into a little trouble. I wrote the hello world program and tried compiling it and I'm getting a linker error.
<gregrcline> error: Invalid bitcode version (Producer: '802.0.42.0_0' Reader: '800.0.42.1_0') Error: unable to link: ld -execute -no_pie -arch x86_64 -macosx_version_min 10.8 -o ./helloworld ./helloworld.o -L"/usr/local/Cellar/ponyc/0.19.0/bin/" -L"/usr/local/Cellar/ponyc/0.19.0/bin/../lib" -L"/usr/local/Cellar/ponyc/0.19.0/bin/../packages" -L"/usr/local/lib" -lponyrt -lSystem
<gregrcline> I'm on OSX and I've update XCode but I have to admit I'm a little lost. Any ideas?
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<SeanTAllen> How did you install Pony gregrcline ?
<SeanTAllen> If you installed from homebrew try building from source. If that works for you l, can you open an issue with information about your install. Is version. Xcode version. LLVM version et fêtera
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<gregrcline> Hey sorry I was at dinner. I tried building from source and got a similar linking error
<gregrcline> Linking ponyc error: Invalid bitcode version (Producer: '802.0.42.0_0' Reader: '800.0.42.1_0') clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) make: *** [build/release/ponyc] Error 1
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