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<SeanTAllen> lungaro: we have a series for the ponylang blog called "my first pony" where we try to get people to write about their first week or two playing around with Pony. if you'd be interested in contributing one, you can email me at
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<aturley> does anyone happen to remember why the `cancel` behavior in `HTTPClient` is commented out? i uncommented it and it seems to work, but i'm probably missing something.
<aturley> sorry `cancel` is a function, not a behavior.
<aturley> but i still can't figure out why it is commented out.
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<SeanTAllen> I have no idea
<SeanTAllen> But beyond looking at the various performance issues, I haven't looked at the HTTP code
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<jemc> got some nice progress on ponycc pushed from the past few nights - now have a generic mechanism called `BuildCompiler` to link together a set of type-interlocking asynchronous Pass functions to eachother - also, the Sugar pass is almost done
<jemc> next step is to tackle File resolution for importanting and linking Packages from `use` statements
<jemc> then work on cross-package type discovery
<Praetonus> That's super nice jemc
<jemc> err... s/importanting/importing/ :D
<jemc> guess my fingers ran away with things a bit too much on that one
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