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<sebastian_> I'm sure it's a common, boneheaded mistake, but I really can't figure my way around using map_stateful. I'm trying the following: and receiving these errors:
<sebastian_> I can't figure out if the base of the problem is a capability issue, or just a misuse of basic language constructs
<sebastian_> any help is much appreciated! Thanks
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<sebastian_> I'll be offline for a bit, but I'll come back and check the log
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<doublec> sebastian_: map_stateful maps from a State to a State, so I changed the result from 'None' to 'State'. This means I have to return the modified state.
<doublec> sebastian_: collect() takes a generic argument that defaults to an Array. Since you use a list we need to be explicit about it being a List, hence: collect[List[State]]
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<kjekac> hi all! currently trying to write some Pony code after reading the tutorial. is "classes are for data, actors are for behavior" a useful rule-of-thumb?
<kjekac> sorry, realize that's an unfortunate choice of words. I don't mean "behaviors" as in the language construct, but as in "this is what my program should do" (as opposed to "this is how my program should store and handle its data")
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<SeanTAllen> kjekac: kind of?
<SeanTAllen> classes are good for "do" but not "communication"
<SeanTAllen> so it depends on how you define "what my program should do"
<SeanTAllen> that said, it sounds like a reasonable rule of thumb to start with
<SeanTAllen> one thing that helped me when i started was i added documentation to parts of the standard library and got to see what was an actor and what was a class.
<SeanTAllen> that might be helpful for you as well.
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<kjekac> SeanTAllen: ah, that makes sense, especially that classes are for "do" but not "communication", but I also realize that I need to refine my notions of what those two concepts constitute.
<kjekac> for example, I realized just now, that if multiple actors should be able to write to some data structure, that has to be handled by an actor, even though "write" feels more like "do" than like "communication" to me, at least intuitively.
<kjekac> add documentation is probably a good idea if I have further problems moving forward. :)
<kjekac> might come back with some other specific questions though.
<sebastian_> doublec: Thanks for the tips! That all makes sense, and works inside the Pony Playground, but when I try it locally I still get an error:
<sebastian_> Is there some difference between flags used by the Playground and just running ponyc? Or a substantial version difference?
<sebastian_> This is my `pony --version`:
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<SeanTAllen> sebastian_: playground is on 0.19.1. List of changes is here:
<SeanTAllen> the code in question is taking advantage of new lambda inference capabilities that aren't in 0.19.0
<SeanTAllen> if you upgrade locally, you should be good.
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