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<achambers> Sure, as long as its a conscious decision.
<achambers> Btw, I think I may have found a performance bug
<achambers> not totally sure.
<achambers> FileLines is taking an extremely long time to iterate a 180 meg text file I have.
<achambers> and memory usage is up to 5 gigs
<achambers> (I'm aware not returning from a behaviour means it won't be freed)
<achambers> mainly the time it takes, (a few minutes)
<achambers> I will create an issue when I get home today
<achambers> after i try some more platforms
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<SeanTAllen> achambers: excellent. please include minimal reproduction code.
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<achambers> created with the code.
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<SeanTAllen> thanks achambers
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<fluttershy_> doublec: hey, is there an easier way to cross compile pony for Android aarch64.
<doublec> fluttershy_: not that I know of
<fluttershy_> doublec: does pony support llvm 4 yet ? because then It would be easy to compile ponyc on android.
<doublec> fluttershy_: why would it be easy?
<fluttershy_> because termux provide an llvm 4 package already compiled for android
<fluttershy_> with its package manager
<doublec> fluttershy_: the main issue is that ponyc hard codes aspects of the platform which is not what you want for cross compilation
<doublec> fluttershy_: eg. there are checks if building on X86 to do certain things
<fluttershy_> oh I see.
<doublec> fluttershy_: nothing that can't be solved though
<fluttershy_> is anyone working on it ?
<doublec> fluttershy_: not that I know of
<fluttershy_> ok ty.
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<SeanTAllen> cross compilation is always a pain
<SeanTAllen> llvm 4 support is underway but not done yet
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<SeanTAllen> you can cross compile pony now but like almost all cross compilation its not fun
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<fluttershy_> SeanTAllen: yes, it is very difficult. well ty anyway. I'll be waiting for llvm 4 support to test it with termux and see if I get something out of it.
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<endformationage> Hello. I'm wondering how one might use partial application instead of closing over `this_foo` is the following example:
<endformationage> I couldn't figure out the refcaps to use partial application.
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<endformationage> I'm also curious as to which might be better to use? I know partial application would create an object literal to wrap the partially applied `finish_up()`, which seemingly could be more expensive than closing over `this_foo` in a hot path?
<SeanTAllen> what is this_foo endformationage ?
<SeanTAllen> perhaps you meant some different code endformationage ? this is what i got:
<endformationage> `this_foo` is the object of type Foo, returning the object literal I want to close over the function finish_up
<doublec> endformationage: I don't think you can use partial application there
<doublec> endformationage: you're doing it how I would
<endformationage> see line 28
<endformationage> Ah, OK.
<endformationage> Thanks.
<SeanTAllen> see line 28?
<SeanTAllen> can you click "gist" in ponyplayground and send that?
<SeanTAllen> you seem to be having it try to send the entire program in query string and its causing me issues
<doublec> SeanTAllen: I am seeing 60 lines in the link that endformationage posted
<SeanTAllen> im not
<doublec> odd
<SeanTAllen> perhaps you could help
<SeanTAllen> my browser does think he is trying to launch a cross site scripting attack on me
<SeanTAllen> so thats good
<SeanTAllen> ah better
<SeanTAllen> i go with doublec's statement
<endformationage> Hmm. :(
<endformationage> Yeah I used the shorten link on the playground.
<endformationage> Here's the gist
<SeanTAllen> yup
<SeanTAllen> what you are doing seems reasonable for as much as i understand the context
<endformationage> I have an FFI object that has an array of floats, and I wanted to more safely expose a Pony array built from the Pointer[F32], exposing only apply and update operations on the data, so the size can't be mucked with via other Array functions (like push/pop/etc.)
<endformationage> So I thought I'd expose the data via an object litteral as shown in the example.
<endformationage> .. with only apply/update funs via the trait
<endformationage> I wanted to support Pony's `with` syntax for interacting with the data access object, and so also made dispose part of the trait.
<SeanTAllen> seems reasonable
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<endformationage> In my actcual code, finish_up would result in a call to the FFI side of things, further processing the data.
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<endformationage> Hmm, just tried again with partial application an it seemed to work:
<endformationage> lpl
<endformationage> lol*
<endformationage> :/ Not sure what I was doing before.
<endformationage> Ah, I think I had finish_up `ref` before and got this:
<endformationage> {(): None val} ref is not a subtype of {(): None val} ref: method 'apply' has an incompatible signature
<endformationage> This seemed strange to me, but seeing partial application creates an object literal that is applied, I think the apply is box
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