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<SeanTAllen> Hi all, those of us over at Wallaroo Labs officially opened up the Pony codebase of our fast, elastic data processing engine Wallaroo. If you've wanted to peer into the guts of a Pony application, now is your chance. Blog post announcing the release is at Enjoy!
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<tokenrove> SeanTAllen: this is great! I think the biggest problem for Pony right now is just the lack of large-scale examples so this makes a big difference.
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<vaninwagen> SeanTAllen let me cite yourself to express how i feel about wallaroo: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
<SeanTAllen> ha
<SeanTAllen> We are very excited and nervous. Lots of good stuff there. Lots more work to do.
<SeanTAllen> I was about to say "there's an IRC channel" if you want to join, but I see you already did.
<vaninwagen> i dont want to miss out
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<endformationage> Am I able to use `iftype` to specialize a generic function `get_length` to return a F32 when T is of type I32?
<SeanTAllen> i havent used iftype endformationage so someone else will have to answer that.
<endformationage> No problem! Thanks for checking anyhow.
<endformationage> ... my attempt from what I could gather from the RFC.
<jemc> endformationage: that `iftype` RFC is only half-implemented - we have `iftype` as a branching condition that can be used inside a method body, but we don't have iftype as a method signature guard
<jemc> that's why the parser is complaining at you
<endformationage> Ah, that makes sense!
<jemc> so in other words you can't yet vary the method signature based on an iftype condition, but you can vary the logic insie
<jemc> s/insie/inside/
<endformationage> Got it.
<endformationage> Sounds like it wil be pretty useful
<jemc> if you want to share more about what you're trying to accomplish at a higher level I may be able to give another suggestion
<jemc> but don't feel obligated to do so ;)
<endformationage> I will simply expand my types, they are not super complicated.
<endformationage> I thought I'd just use the feature if it were available
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<jemc> yeah, I'm super excited about getting that feature available as well
<endformationage> I am writing some Vector types to use with my pony-kore wrapper around Kode's Kore framework, as seen
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<jemc> we'll be able to do lots of nifty stuff, like make `Array[A]` a subtype of `Stringable` iff `A` is a subtype of `Stringable`
<endformationage> Those are written with C++ templates, hence my question regarding type expression params the other day
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<jemc> you could actually do something very similar to what they're doing there for `LengthType`
<endformationage> Ah, yeah I'll give it a go
<endformationage> Just a second type param I suppose
<endformationage> Lol, I just didn't notice before as I'm referencing Kode's other framework which doesn't use gernerics in the same way.
<jemc> yeah, there's a quick example using a second type param
<endformationage> Thanks.
<endformationage> Hmm, cannot open the gist.
<endformationage> There it goes
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