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<Acorn2> It looks like I did a better job correctly sending out that e-mail. Thanks for the advice and for cleaning up my mess. Cheers!
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<hobomatic> I asked this previously and someone mention --linker which I don't think is what I am looking for, but, is there any way to pass linker options to ponyc?
<SeanTAllen> ponyc --help has all the options hobomatic
<SeanTAllen> what are you looking to do?
<hobomatic> pass options to the linker to let windows know that the program should not create a console window
<SeanTAllen> what specifically are you looking to do?
<hobomatic> ... not have my program open a console window
<SeanTAllen> what options are you looking to pass?
<hobomatic> i think it would be something like /SUBSYTSTEM:CONSOLE for my linker
<SeanTAllen> if you passed the linker commands manually, what would they be?
<hobomatic> i have no idea what you are asking
<hobomatic> like the whole command line to run the linker?
<SeanTAllen> yes
<SeanTAllen> what options do you want to pass to the linker?
<hobomatic> the only option of interest to me is /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE, i don't know what the whole commandline would be, because i presume ponyc is adding many of its own to get the standard library and whatever else
<hobomatic> so something along the lines of "link.exe /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE ..."
<SeanTAllen> ponyc --linker link.exe /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE
<SeanTAllen> did you try that?
<SeanTAllen> when you tried to use --linker, what specifically did you try?
<hobomatic> i didn't try it at all, it sounded like an inappropriate solution. an argument is not a command, and it say that its for changing the command
<hobomatic> i will try it though if thats how i have to do it
<SeanTAllen> i dont know if it is, i'm looking at it and trying to figure it out
<SeanTAllen> hmmm
<SeanTAllen> ya ponyc --linker="ld -Lpthread" for me
<SeanTAllen> add -Lpthread to the normal linker args
<SeanTAllen> that should do what you need
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<hobomatic> its hard to tell, with ponyc -V=3 --linker "link.exe /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE" the printed command line for the linker doesn't seem to change from not passing the --linker argument
<SeanTAllen> i dont know what to tell you
<SeanTAllen> it does for me
<hobomatic> yeah it doesn't seem to work as expected on windows at least
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<hobomatic> probably something to do with the hoops it has to jump through to even find the linker on windows
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<SeanTAllen> the relevant code is in genexe.c if you want to take a look
<hobomatic> yeah all have a look at it. I have been banging my head against a similar (possibly related) problem with older version of LLVM being completely unable to find the linker, even if its in the path
<hobomatic> i'll*
<SeanTAllen> it doesnt appear to use the linker option on windows as far as i can see
<SeanTAllen> uses something called vcvars
<SeanTAllen> ok it uses:
<SeanTAllen> so you need to set
<SeanTAllen> and that might work
<SeanTAllen> but i dont understand the command line its constructing
<SeanTAllen> there's also vcvars.default_libs
<hobomatic> yeah it has to search the windows registry to find a script, that it then partially parses I think to get at the top secret location of MSVC's linker, headers, and libraries
<SeanTAllen> i'm doing a FAQ entry for this for the website for non-windows
<SeanTAllen> if you figure out how to do on windows can you PR an update to that FAQ entry?
<hobomatic> sure
<SeanTAllen> thanks
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<jsgrant> Popping in to say; Pony plush representing pony-lang, I just ordered tonight -- is taking the last spot on my topshelf bookshelf vision-board thingy; For projects/stuff I want to get into over the next 5 years. :^)
<jsgrant> Just got my not-approved-of-from-core-dev-members-but-better-than-deprecated-honey-badger Nim Sloth; Had a tiny bit of room left, and seems like a perfect fit.
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<wuehlmaus> who did the pony tutorial, it IS pretty impressive!
<vaninwagen> letting the statistics speak:
<vaninwagen> wuehlmaus if you find some typos or anything irritating, feel free to open an issue :)
<wuehlmaus> i did not find any!
<wuehlmaus> pretty impressive!
<wuehlmaus> but i am reading it the second time more carefully.
<vaninwagen> nice! :)
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<vaninwagen> btw, i love the cli package!
<jemc> yes, cquinn put a lot of love into it, and it shows! :clap:
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<SeanTAllen> we are still using options over here at WallarooLabs
<SeanTAllen> I have not experienced the joy
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