Guile has had a bit of a Renaissance in recent years.
would racket be "cleaner" since it is intended for educational stuff?
ah ok
not sure what cleaner is supposed to mean
I find the library naming conventions make more sense in Racket though
johnjay_: Racket is academic. It has the two goals that higher education in general has: teaching and research.
At least, that's my impression of Racket.
well gnu code doesn't have the reputation of being the most concise and uncluttered
Probably because GNU has a lot of the oldest projects
anyway that's cool if that's all ya go
i've used racket a little but didn't know guile was active
People didn't know how to write readable code back in the old days, or wrote code intentionally unreadable so it would run very slightly faster.
Not saying that Guile or things written in Guile are like that, but lots of stuff from the 1980s are.
(Guile's from 1993)
is racket dev mainly on the github or on a mailing list?
johnjay_: if you want to contribute then github is the place
at least in my experience
ok. some projects just use github as a mirror
I think the mailing list is for more in-depth discussion
=> is like anaphoric macros!: "The proc-expr is evaluated, and it must produce a procedure that accepts one argument, otherwise the exn:fail:contract exception is raised. The procedure is applied to the result of test-expr in tail position with respect to the cond expression."
what a great idea. thanks for that soegaard
Apropos match:
(match 42
[(and (? even?) x) (~a x " is even")]
[x (~a x " is not even")])
~a ???
is that "format"?
Yes, a convenient short form of format.
Yes, because sometimes it just *is* less verbose to use Common Lisp-style control structures. Looks good. You made that library?
Yeah - but I don't use it.
Great way to learn about macros though.
Thanks for all that. Racket has really good libraries, but I just find that writing pure Scheme-style Racket code is a bit draining, and I have some web app stuff I just need to get done for a customer. That pattern matching stuff and cond's => look really interesting.
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match is definitely worth investigating
note that you as an user can extend match with your patterns
your patterns -> your own patters
The pattern (list a b) is builtin and matches a list with two elements.
If you define your own data structure, say a table and representes in some way,
then you can define a pattern (table a b) that matches tables consisting of two elements.
they do match on a struct, like this: [(struct binding:file (field filename headers content))
basically to check if there's a file being uploaded, i think
the match from line 25 onwards
The pattern (struct binding:form (field value)) can also be written (binding:form field value)
I think the old match implementation used an explicit (struct ...) and the new implementation allows both types of patterns.
looks somewhat similar to what Java is doing with overloading, except just more powerful/flexible/well though out. thanks for pointing me to those things. Also, those Alexander Knauth libraries look interesting (although I'll probably be staying mostly with built-in language features for what I'm working on now)
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Why would this work but not that?
where: this = `(require (file "/home/phf/tools/websites/blog/content/generated/compiler/src/config.rkt"))`
that = `(require (file (some-system-path->string (build-path "/home/phf/tools/websites/blog/content/generated/compiler/src/config.rkt"))))`
because the here in (require here) is not an expressions (and require is not a function)
Ok, will check that. Thank you very much!
ROFL: "source_to_org: broke its own contract" :-)
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Perhaps a silly question, but what's the 'idiomatic' way to write a function or macro that takes a function f, and generates n successive applications of it?
i.e. (iterate f 3) ⇒ (lambda (x) (f (f (f x))))
(preferably as a macro)
I have a feeling there is a function somewhere ...
But for/fold can be used.
As do I, but I'm not sure what it's called here.
(define (double x) (* 2 x))
(for/fold ([x 1]) ([i 3]) (double x))
Well, one issue here is that for/fold is not a function I have access to :). I'm in a restricted subset the language.
So, I really want a macro and not a HOF.
The use case here, more or less, is that I'm generating program sketches for Rosette, and I want to be able to generate n-depth ASTs.
Then it might be simpler to implement it your self.
So, in the above what I actually want is the suspended form '(lambda (x) (f (f (f x)))
Yeah, I'm just not sure how to do that.
The names in racket are all different than those I'm used to in the Ocaml/Haskell worlds.
The simple case: (iterate f 0) => (lambda (x) x)
How can (iterate f n) be written in terms of (iterate f (- n 1)) ?
Yes, I get how to write it inductively in the general case, just not with macros.
Or well, with racket's macros anyhow.
There is no advantage of using macros here.
Sure, but I'd like to know how to do it.
How would you do it in Haskell?
Haskell doesn't have macros.
How would you do it in Haskell with functions?
That's not directly applicable here, as the standard formulation using `iterate` is non-strict and generates a stream.
I know how I would implement a simple function here.
Btu that's not my question.
How about:
(define (iterate f n)
(λ (x)
(let loop ([i n] [x x])
(if (= i 0)
(loop (- i 1) (f x))))))
Or perhaps:
(define (iterate f n)
(if (= n 0)
(λ (x) x)
(let ([g (iterate f (- n 1))])
(λ (x)
(g (f x))))))
Those are both way more complex than necessary?
(define (iterate f n)
[else (f (iterate f (- n 1)))]))
(cond [(= n 1) (f x)]
whats your question?
I was wondering how one would write a macro that expands to n successive nestings of a function.
i would have to use syntax-case I think. syntax-rules wouldn't be able to deal with a number
I'm completely unfamiliar with the racket macro system.
let me paste you something related, so you can adapt it
You did write "function or macro" in your original question... which explains why I wanted to show you a function solution.
I just wanted to see an example of how such a recursive macro w/ numbers would work.
so here's a macro that expands (make-list 3 'e) into (list 'e 'e 'e)
Hi everyone. I'm going through one of the beautiful-racket tutorials (specifically https://beautifulracket.com/bf/a-functional-expander.html), and running the tests on the bf code produce an error (I will bpaste one second)