bremner: error: second: undefined; <NEWLINE> cannot reference an identifier before its definition <NEWLINE> in module: 'program
rudybot: init racket
bremner: error: with-limit: out of time
Nikon: sorry, I can't make the bot demo it. But does (second (second your-list)) work for you/
no i need to basically check everything in the big list, keep it if y = the second entry
i was thinking sift
but i had no idea how to get it to use the list that was currently being checked
ah, that's a specific function for a course, I'm not familiar with sift.
so in a nut shell, we have a list of lists, i want to go and look at the seecond value of the inner most list, and if it equals some y, then i want to keep that entry, if not i discard it
the "entry" being the list of lists?
so as a first step ex: ((1 2) (3 4)) -> (1 2) -> does 2 = y? if yes continue, then (3 4) does y equal 4? if yes continue, if no remove (3 4)
that doesn't sound like a very rackety way of describing the algorithm. Is that your problem description?
I suspect you'd be better off trying to think about the problem recursively.
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or use a for/list if that's part of your course.
yeah, sorry i'm helping my gf, i'm a C programmer so my algo doesnt work heh
looking at sift, it looks like it could work
yeah thats what i was thinking, i just dont know how to make it evaluate like i want it to
because i want it to look at the list of the list its currently evaluating
but i'm not sure how to do that
like the list in the current step of map you know?
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i've been using racket for quite awhile, and still don't quite follow the "racket-way" to make your own languages via transforming the syntax then defining your own s-expression based language. Is there a terse guide about this besides beautiful racket?
rather, i guess what has me tied up is the best way to define a reader that isn't related to racket syntax in any way
* winny
crosses fingers and hopes to make racket school 2019
you can do it using my peg parser winny
:) i'd enjoy reading it
i just remembered there is the paper that uses MiniJava which seems a bit more consumable
I'm not certain if that made sense, my one semester exposure to the subject could use some self-study
it's kind of close of CFG but it doesn't fit exactly into one of these standard classes, because it picks a less theoretically pure but more pragmatically useful option of left biasing alternation
in terms of parsing programming languages this choice is pragmatic because it lets you do things like dangling else
interesting. I'm sure this paper will describe that too
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so my understanding is PEG gives you two things: (1) lookahead-like checking on the grammar (2) a simpler way to encode precedence and alternate syntaxes
oh and less ambiguity with greedy matching
yeah and it also has semantic actions
so you can put minor AST transformations into the parser source code itself
is that a kind of extension to the original work (ford 2004)?
I think that it did come a bit later, not certain
that idea can be taken much further with attribute grammars
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Hi, ffi question, what exactly happening when I call some math function (for example bitwise-xor) on ctype(_uint64)? Performance wise...
I am trying to write some efficient bytestring comparison, and the idea to get cpointer to bytestring and use it as _uint64 reference
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