rain2: They discuss lots of the important issues and thorny problems and also develop a new and interesting approach.
rain2: It's not Racket, but the lessons should translate well.
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rain2: I believe Erlang does something like that, might want to look into that
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Anyone have an idea why this doesn't execute 'whoami'? http://pasterack.org/pastes/7804 The equivalent works where I do this in bash, "mkfifo /tmp/sshpipe", then "ssh -tt myhosthere < /tmp/sshpipe", then echo "whoami" > /tmp/sshpipe
it prints out the initial login string but not the result of 'whoami'
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also port-closed? returns #t
er wait
which means it should be open
Does it help to use flush ?
soegaard: I don't know, would I put that after reading bytes?
After display
ah ok
I'll try it
soegaard: yep that did it! thanks
I always forget crap like that
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well - I know to try it - but also forget it in first attempt
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