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new to racket, I'm writing a simple tictactoe game and I'm not sure how best to write a function that will return say "x" on first invocation then "o" then "x"...
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hi all, I am trying to get little doll walk in the maze and she could find the right way to find the exit of the maze but im stuck. . Can someone help me where im going wrong
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newbie_: Well, for one thing, what's with all the '.)'?
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yo is anyone around?
bremner sorry to ping you, but this gives me an error of define: expected only one expression for the function body, but found two extra parts
can you take a look at it?
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oh sorry meant to say, i'll check the logs if anyone responds even tho i'm not here, thanks!
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anything built in that I can use to set a range of values in a list? e.g. (set-vals 0 3 123 '(1 2 3 4 5)) ==> '(123 123 123 4 5)
maybe vectors :)
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Do we have a wee Racket icon somewhere in AVG path format?
Gonna start a PR to add it to howoldisit, but it'd be nice to have an icon for it.
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Also, when would you consider the "release date" of Racket to be? the original PLT Scheme/DrScheme release, or 5.0 when the Racket name was adopted?
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I notice the site no longer seems to host builds prior to 5.0.
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J_Arcane: the older builds are on
and I think the "original" release is the one in 1995
samth: ahhh, right, now I remember.
there should be an SVG somewhere
I went digging there way back because I wanted a scheme that'd run on Classic Mac OS
sleepnap: (note that info.rkt and raco pkg aren't about PLaneT, which is the name of an older and now-deprecated package system)
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Hi... I'd like to use Racklog ( ) for an app, and I need persistent data storage, which the Racklog docs don't really cover. Apparently facts in Racklog are not serializable (using racket/serialize), but I guess I could just store facts as lists. But, then I need to load those lists back into facts somehow, e.g. using %assert, but I can't really figure out how to pass a list to %assert. I guess I mig
ht have to define a macro to do that? Or am I going about this in an over-complicated way?
Really, it's an open question here: How to store (and load) Racklog facts?
ah, ok, never mind. it is actually easy to store them as list and use pattern matching to pass them to %assert.
what about making a racklog source code fiel
rain2: how?
just print out the facts as source code
good idea
makes sense. i was just watching this rich hickey talk "the value of values"
that you shouldn't overwrite values
and racklog fits that idea well. makes sense to just eval a racklog source file.
hjek: Could you use datalog instead?
hjek: datalog has write-theory and read-theory for serialization.
lexi-lambda: possibly. i just don't know enough about how the various DSLs interact with plain racket
datalog is significantly more restrictive (which is essentially what makes it serializable).