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I'm pretty pleased with (make-recommended-bloom-filter n tolerance) in particular. give it the anticipated size and the desired tolerance, and it will kick out a bloom filter with the right parameters
generally the part that has an impact on performance is memory allocation
yeah I'm not doing anything fancy in that regard, I'm just using data/bit-vector and hoping it all works out. the part that concerned me the most actually was how big all the bloom filters would be when serialized into my sqlite database
it didn't really turn out to be a problem though
I'm not really sure how to get it to play well with those murmur3 FFI bindings though, it took some coaxing to get it to produce a working dynamic library on my system, and then my racket's /lib/ directory manually before it would find it.
I'm sure there is some way to make a modern racket package that does FFI stuff cleanly, so the murmur3 package can be upgraded to that then my bloom-filter package can simply depend on it like normal and not worry about the details, but that's something I've not really looked into yet
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oh man, now that I look at that code again, it's pretty shoddy. I'm recomputing hashes needlessly for the kmo-hash.
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can you replace your use of append with cons?
I guess it's not a real efficiency hit here, but it does look odd to do (append (list 'thing) tail) rather than (cons 'thing tail)
yeah thank you
I fixed that
(list-tail lst 1) is slightly surprising, but I guess it makes sense to use list-tail in both places.
yeah I thought that'd be more readable
also is this how you would approach this problem in racket?
more or less. I'd try to avoid the call to length, since that will be expensive on long lists. I might also see if I could restructure the nested if's into a single cond
what would you do instead of length?
I don't agree so much with the if to cond conversion because I think that reduces readability
also how would you solve LIS in racket?
in polynomial time at least.
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rnmhdn: for length I would do something like (or (null? (cdr lst)) (null? (cddr list)))
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I guess for LIS you need some storage, maybe pass down a vector. Or use a for loop and a vector
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I was disconnected
bremner: did you say anything to me?
two things: for length I would do something like (or (null? (cdr
lst)) (null? (cddr list))), and I guess for LIS you need some storage, maybe pass down a
vector. Or use a for loop and a vector
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I'm looking for a function that does a right shift
I only found arithmetic-shift
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rudybot: init racket
bremner: error: with-limit: out of time
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pagnol: anyway, pass a negative shift
bremner, ouch, I thought I had read in the docs that the argument should be nonnegative
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Are there any people here?
* tilpner
beep boop
Ah hi. I just installed racket because Guile's backtraces are complete bollocks. I'd like to just run a file like I'd do with Guile. `racket x.scm` complains about missing (module) and such, can this be bypassed simply?
racket -r x.scm
That works for a boring displayln. You may need to specify the language if you want anything more
the language? i do nothing fancy, rudimentary r6rs will make me happy?
Ok, this backtrace isn't very helpful either...
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Why is it so hard to get a proper backtrace from scheme programs?
I've added (require errortrace) at the top of the source code and although the output has changed and has become more verbose, I don't even get something as simple as the line number on which the error occured when running `racket -r x.scm`
(I know from guile it's happening on (cdr #f), but nothing indicates that in the racket error)
Oh maybe not. Maybe there is a different error here
I have to investigate. Seems like racket works through the program in a bit different way than Guile
I don’t think Shriram is in this channel.
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hi. doing htdp.org. why do parens need an operator inside them
why can't things like (+ 1 (2)) work?
why can't a subexpression just be a value?
(2) is an error
yes, but why
it's trying to call 2 as a function
but it's not a function
why don't parens serve as simple expression grouping?
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why do they call a funciton?
that's what they do in lisp
is there some sort of ambiguity I'm not thinking of?
I'm new to lisp-like langs
I'm used to langs where parens can simply group expressions
I guess it makes it so your code has a normal form?
it's not really about having a normal form
is it an idiosyncrasy?
I can see the connection though
I guess the reason racket doesn't allow (+ 1 (2)) is because there is never a need to use extra parens like that, ever
because the order of expression evaluation is already built in to the syntax?
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that's true
you never have any question like 1 + 2 * 3 vs (1 + 2) * 3 vs 1 + (2 * 3)
it's always just (+ 1 (* 2 3))
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rain1: are you learning racket, too?
it's closer to what a computer understands than math
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wait why does bsl (or racket in general idk) have different equality operators for different types?
what is wrong with (= "foo" "foo")? why do I have to use (string=? "foo" "foo")?
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= is used for numbers
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there's a lot of different equality tests
If there was a general equality it wouldn't be called =
it might be called e.g. equal?
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I just don't understand why ='s semantics can't just be shared/implemented by all types
how then would you differentiate between "1234" and 1234?
just like that, i suppose
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man racketeers are geniuses
just kidding
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joebobjoe: I'm not a racketer, just a lapsed dabbler. Interesting question though. Something to do with racket not being a typed language (unless you want it to be)?
joebobjoe: EQUAL? works for everything
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also, why is it called typed/racket not racket/typed ?