Hi, need help with excercise 498 from htdp https://htdp.org/2018-01-06/Book/part_six.html#%28part._sec~3atrans-accu%29 - having trouble understanding the accummulator statement and what's the hint of the hint?
part of the accumulator statement: the second accumulator stands for the tallest branch in the part of abt0 that is to the left of abt.
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do you have any feature requests or suggestions?
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hi, is there a function for getting the MIME type of a given file?
When serving files from a static dir in teh Racket web server, the server responds with an appropriate MIME header. But is there a way to set this MIME header when your file is not served as a normal static file, but stored somewhere else, in my case an SQLite database?
Seems to me what you want is to instruct the web server what Mime-Type: header to supply. You'd need to keep that in the database too, to say how the blob is to be interpreted by the recipient.
Yea, I keep that in the database now, and it works fine, because most browsers send appropriate MIME types
I just wondered if there was a way to check it in Racket. Because not all web browsers send correct MIME types. For example Links.
... and because the Racket static file server does a good job of this already.
... without the MIME type being stored anywhere
it probably uses /usr/share/file/magic/*
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