I read this blog about hygenic quasquotation thats makes syntactic closures
and I was wondering how that compares to scope sets?
is it a valid/correct approach to hygiene and does it have some limits that scope sets doesn't?
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rain1: hi! I wrote that blog post (... almost ten years ago now)
hey :D
I don't remember all the details, but it definitely has some limitations that Racket's hygiene system doesn't
im a fan of your work
in particular, with my approach, as I remember (it's been a while), there's no good way to destructure or pattern-match on the code you're given as an argument
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rain1: thanks!
because the code you're given as an argument is wrapped in this opaque "syntactic closure" structure, so you can't ask "Does it look like (some-sybmol x ...) or like (some-other-symbol y ...)" without peeling off that closure, at which point you've lost the context that you needed to enforce hygiene
i see
Would it be possible to implement analogues of free/bound-identifier=?
I don't know. I don't _really_ understand free/bound-identifier=?
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I also don't understand scope sets well enough to compare how my approach & scope sets work "under the hood"
I _do_ think you could in theory get around the limitation about destructuring your arguments by doing something like what racket does with syntax-e.
so I think the key thing I can take from this is that for a macro system we need a good set of tools for destructing as well as building up syntax objects
yeah, I think that's right. certainly if you want "sophisticated" macros that can take arguments with interesting structure.
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rntz: free-identifier=? just means that both identifiers are bound to the same thing (even through `rename-in`s and rename transformers). Put another way, it computes whether or not both identifiers share the same binding site.
bound-identifier=? is much less useful—it computes whether or not the two identifiers would bind each other, so if you have two identifiers x and y, then #`(let ([#,x 1]) #,y) and #`(let ([#,y 1]) #,x) would both produce 1.
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bound-identifier=? is mostly used to detect “duplicate identifier” errors in binding forms, so you can signal an error on things like (lambda (x x) x) or (let ([x 1] [x 2]) x).
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I’m not sure that the names are very good ones, but I think free-identifier=? is named as such because it detects binding if the identifiers are free in their enclosing expression (though I think this is a little confusing because they are not really free, they are bound, and it isn’t clear what they are supposedly free with respect to).
say rather, "as if they were free"
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Just getting started with racket, downloaded the standard 7.1 linux version. In the racket REPL, when I use ",doc add1" (or any other function) it launches Chrome. My default browser is Firefox. Any idea how to open doc in Firefox?
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I am using Gnome, in the preferences panel the default application for web sites is set to Firefox
One odd thing that might cause this: I didn't install firefox with the system package manager, but downloaded the .tar.gz and run it from ~/.local/bin/
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jcowan: If they really were free, they would be unbound, and free-identifier=? wouldn’t mean anything (it would just be the same as comparing the identifiers symbolically).
zakora: According to http://docs.racket-lang.org/net/sendurl.html#%28def._%28%28lib._net%2Fsendurl..rkt%29._external-browser%29%29, on Unix, the browser launched will look at the 'external-browser preference.
I expect (sqldb) to resolve in functions called by that search-frame created by (new-search-frame) to be the sqlite connection created by (connect ...)
but when I run it, the actual result is null (which is the default value of that parameter)
parameters should go across module boundaries, right? so is there anything special going on with dynamic scope and racket/gui?
my parameter is defined thusly in headspace-sql.rkt which is where it's also used (but not where it's set): (define sqldb (make-parameter null))
this is the first line that errors out, also from headspace-sql.rkt: (define (prepared sql) (hash-ref! prepared-sql-cache sql (thunk (prepare (sqldb) sql))))
hmm, could this be because of the thunk? is (sqldb) getting called there when the module is first initialized, not when that function is first run?
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no that doesn't seem to be it
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yeah I'm stumped. it sure seems like when I create a new frame% it gets a brand new dynamic scope, resetting parameters to their default values.