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hjek: The markdown renderer for scribble exists mainly because there was a time when the new package system didn't render docs automatically like the old PLaneT system.
I submitted a PR to add export-as-markdown so you could at least put something in your e.g. GitHub
nice. that would be neat
It was an interim thing. It sucked, but not as badly as having no docs online. :)
I think these days it's moot.
oh, i see you're the creator of the racket markdown package!
trying to move a dot left or right via key events
it runs fine but fails when I press a key: vector-ref: expects a vector as 1st argument, given (void)
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i cant see how the value is void
appreciate any help
vector-set! returns #<void>, and the on-key handler is supposed to return a new state.
also i have zero programming experience
why is it void?
vector-set! performs an imperative update that modifies an existing vector. You might want to use vector-set instead of vector-set! to produce a new vector instead of modifying the old one.
but still (vector-set! X/Y 0 (sub1 (vector-ref X/Y 0)))
i dont see why this isnt just decrementing the value instead of returning void
It just happens to be defined that way. (It actually does return a value, but that value could be anything depending on the implementation.)
This is true of most update operations in Scheme.
rudybot: init racket
lexi-lambda: your sandbox is ready
rudybot: (define v (vector 1 2))
lexi-lambda: Done.
rudybot: (vector-set! v 1 3)
lexi-lambda: Done.
rudybot: v
lexi-lambda: ; Value: '#(1 3)
On the other hand, basically every Scheme takes undefined literally and returns something like #<undefined> (or in Racket's case, #<void>)
Apparently Racket doesn’t provide vector-set, only vector-set!.
While in Scheme everything is an expression, not everything is meaningfully useful as an expression, which is unfortunate.
lexi-lambda: was just looking in the reference for vector-set
rudybot: eval (define (vector-set vec n v) (define vec* (vector-copy vec)) (vector-set! vec* n v) vec*)
lexi-lambda: Done.
rudybot: eval (vector-set v 1 4)
lexi-lambda: ; Value: '#(1 4)
rudybot: eval v
lexi-lambda: ; Value: '#(1 3)
ok i am more confused now
can i simply index the vector an mutate the value?
big-bang is designed to be used in a pure way, without mutating the state.
ah i see
The idea is that each on-tick, on-key, etc. handler is supposed to return a new state.
ok i shall change to a more functional way
Yaargh: If you wanted, you could probably just put (define (vector-set vec n v) (define vec* (vector-copy vec)) (vector-set! vec* n v) vec*) at the top of your program and change your vector-set! calls to vector-set, and things would likely work.
in this case it is trivial but wouldnt a lot of vector copying be less performant?
Yes. My guess is that is why Racket does not provide vector-set.
alright thanks
I have a pvector package that implements persistent vectors, which have an efficient functional set operation, but the package is maybe not ideal at the moment.
With vectors of two elements the cost should be irrelevant, though.
i am on the first chapter of how to design programs
am punching above my weight here
i will just continue the book :)
I think if you are using BSL, vectors are not even available. :)
I think BSL has a posn struct that might work better for you here.
oh cool
Maybe posn is only available in ISL, though, I’m not sure.
it was a case of "you don't know what you don't know"
ha thats actually the chapter im reading but i hadnt got that far down yet
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It's odd that BSL has no vectors when it has everything else your basic Scheme has, plus structures.
why is that odd to you?
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What is so special about vectors that they should be left out? Lists have more conceptual issues than vectors, not to mention worse terminology.
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