I'm inserting a bunch of lines between begin-edit-operation and end-edit-operation on a separate thread, but this is painting the canvas white for that interval, instead of what I specified with set-canvas-background.
Inserting to the canvas's editor (a text%), that is.
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the documentation for racket-mode is really nice
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Hi. I'm creating a build recipe (exheres) for racket on Exherbo Linux. I'm wondering under which circumstances it makes sense to enable the --enable-jitframe option?
tips and pointers welcome =)
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hello, i made a parser using the brag library and it's really slow. is that normal? here's the code for the parser http://pasterack.org/pastes/87363
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escew: I don't know if it's normal but in my limited experience sometimes the grammar is the biggest factor in performance.
You know how a different algorithm can be the biggest improvement; well the grammar is effectively your parsing algorithm.
Sometimes a small tweak can improve it. Minimize re-parsing prefixes, minimize needing to back-track, etc.
I'm afraid that's all I can suggest; hopefully others will have better ideas. Meanwhile you could try tweaking the grammar.
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ermo: in general, you don't need it. it's primarily useful if you're using gdb
samth: so if I'm debugging a compiled racket program with gdb you mean?
or, more likely, if you want to use profiling tools like perf that need the frame pointer
but I can't remember ever having used it
Exherbo supports the concept of options. I'd like to be able to set a 'debug' option to get a build with maximum inspectability of racket programs enabled. Which configure variables would you suggest enable for that specific (non-general) case?
so almost certainly you won't want to do that
(exherbo is a from-source distribution)
samth: ... and thanks for engaging with me ^^'
I'm new(-ish) to racket, so I'm just trying to find my feet
none of the configure options are likely to be useful for someone debugging their own racket programs
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oh, so the debugging-related configure options are mostly useful to racket-the-language developers who might need to inspect its internals for correctness and to suss out the root cause of bugs/performance deficiencies?
thanks -- that clears things up for me :)
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greghendershott: thanks. i already tried minimizing it to the point where it's not even useful anymore but it was still very slow so i'm kind of lost at this point.
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samth: Do you happen to know what the '--enable-docs/--disable-docs' configure switch is supposed to turn off? When I compare a build of racket-7.3 with either option, it comes out exactly the same in terms of the files that are installed to the system?
despite the fact that the ./configure script clearly outputs different things with the option enabled/disabled?
is it supposed to change the generated Makefile install target or somesuch?
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it passes --no-docs to the `raco setup` command
could it be because I'm packaging the tarball containing pre-compiled racket bytecode?
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i doubt it
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according to the racket help, -I <path> : Set <init-lib> to <path> (sets language)
racket -I typed/racket works fine
but racket -I web-server/insta doesn't
open-input-file: cannot open module file
spacedbat: web-server/insta doesn't work at the REPL
is there any way to know which langs work in the repl?
ermo: mostly I'm suggestion something more like the debian text -- lead with what Racket is, not the history
bremner: and thanks for the pointer
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I'd drop the (formerly PLT Scheme) thing from the debian text as well -- 2010 was a long time ago
* ermo
adopts the debian text
samth: yeah, I should do a "forget plt-scheme" cleanup, there are virtual packages and so on that could also go
my current summary is "Racket is a LISP/Scheme-family full spectrum programming language."
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I would say "Racket is a general purpose programming language with a focus on extensibility and constructing domain-specific languages" or something like that
samth: Why would you prefer not to mention the LISP/Scheme roots?
ermo: I don't think it helps people much in understanding Racket
of course, other people may disagree
I'm genuinely curious about why you feel that way ^^'
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bremner: may I pm?
depends what you're using the description for.
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mentioning that it's a lisp will cause ~3 reactions: (1) "yay, a lisp!" (2) "what's a lisp?" (3) "ugh lisp"
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danderson: the same can be said for a C-like language though.
so, it depends on the audience.
ermo: ok
if you're trying to sell Racket to a room of folks who've done nothing but Java for 10 years, "it looks and feels very different" is a problem and you probably want to focus on the benefits before getting into the switching costs
danderson: My audience is tinkerers with a strong diy and comp.sci. background
if it's for a room of freshmen doing CS101, "it's a lisp" won't mean anything without a history lesson, etc. :)
then mentioning lisp isn't a big deal, imo. It helps people load in the right context.
or, that's one audience. The other audience is a "What's this Solus thing I keep hearing about?" type of audience
danderson: that's what I was thinking
that said, I think samth's overall phrasing is better, specifically because it focuses on what Racket is *for*, not where it comes from
maybe a bit of merging of the two, if you want to keep the lisp mention
... what is this solus thing? I find a linux distro and a playstation VR game
the former
samth: switching to the sources with no precompiled bytecode packages and using --disable-docs resulted in a substantial reduction in installed files and much fewer .html files.
ermo: note that that will result in programs running much more slowly
samth: so clearly it would appear that `raco setup` ignores the --no-docs argument for the sources that contain pre-compiled bytecode.
because of the lack of compiled byte code
samth: can I add an extra compile step in the compile phase of my package?
tradition in exherbo dictates that documentation not be installed by default
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(don't ask)
I think the --no-docs flag may not be working correctly
samth: can I instruct raco to pre-compile bytecode during the compile step somehow?
raco setup does that
but I'm not sure exactly what you mean about precompiled bytecode
AIUI, racket is distributed in unix source format with and without "built packages". The version with "built packages" is the one where I have found that --disable-docs doesn't work
I assume that "built packages" means "pre-compiled bytecode" for said packages? Am I mistaken?
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samth: ^
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I think that version comes with the docs already built
which is why it doesn't disable them
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samth: the sources without precompiled packages calls 'raco setup' which precompiles all .rkt into compiled/.zo files locally -- it makes the build take a little longer, but it's not a problem for the target audience.
* ermo
is curious to see where typed racket will end up
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