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<elcaro> what is the idiomatic way to sum hash values
<elcaro> i know i can do (for/sum ([(k v) (in-hash h)]) (+ v))
<elcaro> but wondering if there's a better way
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<clacke_movim> (for/sum ([v (hash-values h)]) v)
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<bremner> clacke_movim: btw, are you clack@ something on mastodon?
<bremner> cool.
<clacke_movim> That's me
<clacke_movim> Also a bunch of other clacke, notclacke and reposterclacke, but that's my main.
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<greghendershott> clacke_movim: elcaro: Using `in-hash-values` with `for` can be faster (than using `hash-values`).
<greghendershott> Another option, if you don't want to use `for` and don't mind producing an intermediate list, is `(apply + (hash-values h))`.
<clacke_movim> greghendershott: ah! Thanks.
<clacke_movim> (the in-hash-values info)
<clacke_movim> Apply + was my immediate thought, but that would work well only for short lists of values.
<clacke_movim> I hope for/sum is able to compile to something neat if the length of the list is known?
<clacke_movim> Does it run + on some empirically chosen n number of operands at a time?
<soegaard> clacke_movim: for/sum uses + on two arguments at a time
<soegaard> In an (apply + terms) the standard + will also loop through the arguments and the current element to a tally using binary addition.
<clacke_movim> Ok
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<ermo> bremner: thanks for tips and pointers ^^'
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<winny> (time (apply + (range 100))) => 4950 (time (foldl + 0 (range 100))) => 4950 ; so they are roughly equivalent in this case?
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<soegaard> winny: What does (define xs (range 100)) (time apply + xs) (time (foldl + 0 xs)) give ?
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<winny> oh silly me, I wrote the wrong part of the output. Interestingly the foldl takes longer? cpu: 0, real: 0, gc:0 for (apply + xs) and cpu: 0, real: 1, gc: 0 for (foldl + 0 xs)
<soegaard> Results that small drown in noise.
<soegaard> Try a substantial longer list.
<soegaard> Like 10000 or 100000.
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