samth changed the topic of #racket to: Racket v7.3 has been released: -- Racket -- -- -- Paste at
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<ZombieChicken> Anyone here know how to make a link in a scribble file to another doc. I'm wanting to link a mention of scribble/lp2 back to the actual documents for the same
<ZombieChicken> and am having problems parsing the scribble docs and figuring out how to do that.
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<ZombieChicken> So I have a 0 element gvector that I'm looking to add content to. Why doesn't (gvector-insert! gvec 10 "something") do anything? Does it not populate the rest of the vector if the index is beyond the end of the gvector?
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<vraid> populating the vector doesn't sound like expected behaviour
<ZombieChicken> I'd have expected it to do something other than silently do nothing
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<afidegnum> is there any racket's native DB?
<efm> sqlite?
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<ermo> question re. building racket (I'm on exherbo): Where are the compiled bytecode .zo and .dep files supposed to live in the filesystem?
<ermo> under /usr/share/racket/collects/ ?
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<technomancy> <- looks like the gmane links on this page aren't working =(
<technomancy> are there any other decent ways to read the mailing list archives? google groups apparently disabled their noscript interface ಠ_ಠ
<technomancy> oops never mind
<technomancy> just had to scroll down further =)
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