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<afidegnum> can anyone please clarify this for me, `#lang racket` vs i.e `#lang racket/gui` are those language having different libraries ?
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<kd7ixo> afidegnum: i believe racket/gui is `racket` + `racket/gui/base` and `racket/draw`
<kd7ixo> where `racket` is the set listed in the 2nd beige box on
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<evdubs_> afidegnum, if you're trying to decide which to choose, you may consider `#lang racket` and `(require racket/gui)`
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<afidegnum> ok, thanks,
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<afidegnum> hello, i m trying to build an HTML builder in a graphical way, so far i have read about the GUI toolkit and the racket/draw but i need more suggestion on how to go about it. I want to draw a rectangle which will generate a div layout containing css property of the size of that rectangle, and also a way to finally preview the output
<afidegnum> i m trying to build an HTML builder in a graphical way, so far i have read about the GUI toolkit and the racket/draw but i need more suggestion on how to go about it. I want to draw a
<afidegnum> sorry for the repetition, my mouse
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<zipper> Sorry how did you guys say I can get a tuple in racket?
<soegaard> vector
<zipper> I'm trying to write functions like dequeue and pop which means I want to return a value and an updated list
<zipper> soegaard: vector?
<soegaard> well, depends on your definition of a tuple :-)
<zipper> A pair of things
<zipper> In this case a value and the updated list
<zipper> if I try this with cons I just prepend the value
<soegaard> (struct tuple (value list)) is one option that gives you accessors tuple-value and tuple-list
<soegaard> (list value updated-list) is also an option - the accessors is first and second
<soegaard> Finally if the issue is that you have a function that returns two values, then you can return two values directly without wrapping them.
<soegaard> (values v l) will return the two values v and l
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<zipper> The problem with values is it's hard to use repeatedly
<zipper> I'll use the tuple struct
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<zipper> What's the difference between macros and hygenic macros?
* ermo muses that the offensive answer must be "cleanliness"
<soegaard> It's easy to shoot your self in the foot if you are using a macro system without hygiene.
<ermo> "Hygienic macros are macros whose expansion is guaranteed not to cause the accidental capture of identifiers." says wikipedia.
<technomancy> is a macro system that disallows non-gensym'd symbols used as identifiers considered "semi-hygenic" or ... how would you describe that?
<soegaard> Yes, in short a system that supports hygienic macros makes it possible to write macros whose bindings are lexical.
<zipper> Okay idk what hygiene is in this context
<soegaard> In other words if a macro insert an identifier, the meaning of the identifer can be infered from the bindings where the macro is defined - not where the macro is used.
<zipper> By lexical bindings you mean the definitions are going to exist in the scope and the enclosed scope
<zipper> hmmm
<zipper> An identifier is what is umm created with define, right?
<technomancy> or let or match or ...
<zipper> Okay cool :)
<soegaard> The first two pages of has a nice example.
<zipper> and I have no macros expereince
<zipper> but I've written quite a bit of LISP
<zipper> but hoping I can follow from racket
<soegaard> Haven't watched the videos, but Byrd knows his stuff.
<soegaard> So does his special guests :-)
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<deeglaze> Yosef: which c++ standard are you compiling with
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<nisstyre> soegaard: except for this talk
<nisstyre> (he had to give it when someone else couldn't make it)
<nisstyre> still a great talk though
<zipper> what is #' or syntax in racket exactly?
<nisstyre> zipper: syntax object I believe
<zipper> nisstyre: heh, what is a syntax object?
<zipper> Something that can be evaluated?
<soegaard> ' means quote and 'datum produces a datum which is prints as datum
<soegaard> #' is syntax-quote and produces a syntax object representing a datum which prints as datum
<soegaard> You can think of a syntax object as a piece of (input) syntax along with information of lexical context and source location information.
<zipper> I was reading fear of macros
<zipper> I guess I'll try the racket guide first
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