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The effect of these two queries is different, and I don't understand why:
(query-exec (sqldb-param) "UPDATE OR IGNORE TagCardinalities SET cardinality = cardinality + $3 WHERE a=min($1,$2) and b=max($1,$2)" 494 1822 1)
(query-exec (sqldb-param) "UPDATE OR IGNORE TagCardinalities SET cardinality = cardinality + 1 WHERE a=min(494,1822) and b=max(494,1822)")
As far as I understand, they should be making the same change to the db, but I see the first update making changes to rows that seem unrelated
it seems like either there is something screwy in the racket db library, or in sqlite, or my understanding of how this works is flawed.
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for now, swapping out the $[digit] notation with the ? notation and repeated arguments gives me the expected behavior. but now I'm twice as curious about what's going on here.
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I'm trying to do this, but it refers to the second definition of apply in the first line, instead of the built-in one.
(I'm porting some R5RS code)
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m1dnight_: defines in a module behave similarly to letrec afaik, in that they can all access eachother
since apply will be shadowed in the entire module, you could define old-apply in a separate module
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anyone here know Megaparsack?
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Am experiencing unexpected behavior in integer/p and want to make sure I'm not just misunderstanding something before filing an issue
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J_Arcane: feel free to ask
lexi-lambda: so I have this problem with the integer/p parser. Writing a JSON parser, and my number handling has some weird cases because it turns out integer/p doesn't fail if there's extra characters on the end?
ie `(parse-string integer/p "345dave")` just happily returns "354"
and actually, I have the same problem even doing something like `(many+/p digit/p)`, so I'm wondering if I'm just not understanding how `many+/p` is supposed to work
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J_Arcane: sure, that’s intentional. integer/p parses an integer from the front of the input stream, nothing more. if you want to parse an integer followed by whitespace, then parse integer/p followed by space/p.
if you want to make sure the whole string is an integer, parse integer/p followed by eof/p.
m1dnight_: you want (require (only-in racket/base [apply old-apply]))
lexi-lambda: ahh, OK. I had actually experimented with doing some version that followed it with space/p but it seemed hacky. I follow now though, and I guess I'll have to be more explicit
megaparsack can’t assume that you want a delimiter after parsing something because it doesn’t know what the delimiter would be
Yah. I guess I was expecting something more like the Haskell parser I'm porting.
what Haskell parser are you using?
My own, built on top of the mini parser combinator library from the Hutton book
Mostly I just wanted to try something "real-world-ish" to get the hang of the library before I start my real project, which is a parser for a new Heresy syntax