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I really wish area<%> had max-width/max-height
maybe a mixin could add it, but getting all the various area-container<%> implementors to respect it would be a problem.
if anybody can think of a potential workaround for at least panel:dragable<%>, I'd love to hear it
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soegaard: Finally I can see you online! Many thanks for that fixnum/fxvector hints you gave me.
soegaard: I managed to pack everything into 63bit fixnums, create a customized merge-sort for that and even leverage futures to split the work evenly between available processors and now I can sort 2^27 records in 9s, 2^28 under 20s and 2^29 in 40s without any problems.
For more, I don't have enough memory on my laptop :)
The only thing that baffles me is the necessity of hardcoding fx< as the comparison function and providing it as a function argument with fx< completely breaks the futures down.
Looks like ((lambda (a b (cmp fx<)) (cmp a b)) 1 2) triggers some sort of indirect call while simple (fx< 1 2) is inlined (looking at the fixnum.c explains that though).
I have never worked with futures - when I read the docs I get the impression that they are a bit finicky.
I was wondering if it might be useful to create a package for polished version of that - but with the indirect call kicking in, I do not think it would be very useful for others.
And just providing very fast fxvector-sort! is (in my opinion) too little ...
Well, visualize-futures helps a lot
I must say that there were days when I was working solely in DrRacket to analyze what I can and what I can not do within future without blocking/syncing.
Sorting vectors of fixnums might be the most important special case.
So I'd say it is useful.
Yes but I cannot get it working with futures when providing the compare function as an argument of the sorting function.
Maybe rewrite it as macro to ensure the code gets inlined?
I was about to write, that a macro solution is the only thing I can think of.
In my usecase I would love to be able to write (fxvector-sort! unsorted (lambda (a b) (fx< (fxand a #xffffffff) (fxand b #xffffffff)))) - but now the comparison logic had to be hardcoded.
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Ok, I'll play with that later on, it is actually very interesting (and relaxing) thing to do.
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