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The above idea is probably not practical except with base tables, because databases don't do nullability inference, alas.
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they do have nullability declarations fwiw
I guess you knew that
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bremner: Base tables, yes. Not views, much less ad hoc query output.
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you need full-blown bottom-up type infreence
jcowan: right. I see you're way ahead of me ;)
just relaying wasamasa's insight
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ecraven: you're right, mapping it to #f was wrong and hasty on my part.
I dislike the sql-null value from db in particular because it doesn't go through place channels unless you serialize it
I'm thinking of just mapping it to some symbol or something
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lavaflow: I wasn't talking about you specifically, I've done the same thing in my code sometimes, it all depends on many things :-/
when I did it, I didn't consider query-maybe-value that returns false when the query finds nothing to return
at least with sqlite, the rest of the query functions wouldn't return #f ever I think, just the maybe functions
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