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<sspi> I was brainstorming about the module system #617 - and wondered if we could generate a .depend file to solve the relative path challenge
<sspi> import {foo} from '../Bar'; could be "simple" to implement
<sspi> as it would translate to `let foo = (open Bar in in`
<sspi> the only challenge is connecting the Bar to the right file, which I think we could do with using `.depend`
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<yunxing> sspi: I think it is a good idea. We can have an augmented ocamldep that generates correct ".depend" file by scanning the source file first
<bsansouci> sspi: I remember Jordan mentioning that the build system should generate an output file with all the module's paths
<bsansouci> chenglou: ^
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<chenglou> yes but I'm not for relative paths
<chenglou> writing some stuff
<bsansouci> relative paths help if it's relative to project. I know of one case where absolute paths break (the byte code executable that has the absolute path of the interpreter)
<bsansouci> when you compile to bytecode
<bsansouci> I'm not sure what the arguments against relative to project are
<sspi> I think a path from the project root would be better for ease of use - but can live with relative paths
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<chenglou> much less convenient to move files around
<chenglou> also you'd have to resort to using strings
<chenglou> unless we have a path literal, which I'm ok with. Maybe we should propose that or something
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<sspi> chenglou: would it still be easy to find the dependent file as a developer?
<bsansouci> chenglou: Would a variant type help? type relativeT = Relative of string; type absoluteT = Absolute of string;
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<chenglou> bsansouci: jenga uses path types already. We just need literals for them
<chenglou> Having a tag doesn't help that much. You're still left with a string after
<chenglou> sspi: jengaboot used to output a depend file
<bsansouci> chenglou: mmmh right
<sspi> chenglou: I like your idea, I worried about finding the dependency location - but Merlin is there to help
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<canadaduane> Hey, awesome, it's good to know where you all hang out :)
<bsansouci> canadaduane: welcome! :D
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<canadaduane> thanks!
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<canadaduane> I've been really excited to learn more about reason, but it was hard to figure out where the discussions are happening, so I'm grateful to chunglou92 for pointing me here
<canadaduane> (from
<bsansouci> chenglou: ^ :D
<canadaduane> oh hey, I guess he's just chenglou around here :)
<canadaduane> btw, I've been trying to google for info around `reason` and, as I'm sure you know, it's such an ambiguous phrase, so I started brainstorming related names. recaml is taken but reacaml was search-friendly. reason-lang is available. reasonml is one I partularly like. And now I see you've already started using the latter. Excellent.
Guest63776 is now known as rickyvetter
<chenglou> reasonml
<chenglou> I've squatted on reasonml on twitter
<chenglou> I should start using it
<canadaduane> that'd be cool
<canadaduane> BTW I have another idea that I'd like to toss around--because reasonml is new and interesting to a lot of folks, I think there's a growing need for beginner activities similar to They started with a weekly "quiz" and challenged folks to send submissions to problems to the list. Then some of the best solutions were curated and discussed.
<canadaduane> I'd love to see something like that (and perhaps even willing to be That Guy) however, I'm not sure where to host the discussion.
<canadaduane> hence the reason I asked about a reasonml google group on reddit
<bsansouci> canadaduane: oh that's cool. Have you heard of codewars?
<canadaduane> I haven't
<bsansouci> You should try it, it's on the same vein
<canadaduane> Is it easily adapted to reason?
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<bsansouci> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ no idea
<canadaduane> looks like it's for a specific subset of languages
<canadaduane> cool implementation though
<chenglou> canadaduane:
<chenglou> canadaduane: have you seen codewars
<canadaduane> awesome!
<chenglou> ops ben mentioned it
<chenglou> codewars is open-source and has basic ocaml support
<chenglou> there's another site with reason support already but I can't recall which
<canadaduane> 'with reason support' meaning support for teaching/learning reason?
<canadaduane> Hey, can `refmt` be built with js as target? It'd be really cool to have a Chrome plugin that lets you highlight OCaml code and have it switch to Reason syntax.
<bsansouci> refmt would need the ocaml parser + reason pretty printer. Not totally sure how portable those are. A potential solution would be something like but where you'd send ocaml code and get reason code back :D
<canadaduane> a web service
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