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<_spyder> Hi, I just posted on twitter that the installation instructions aren't working for me on OS X... here's the terminal log
<chenglou> _spyder: thanks a lot, looking
<_spyder> I built the docker image successfully yesterday so it's probably something unique to OS X that's going wrong
<yunxing> _spyder: thanks, we are taking a look now
<yunxing> _spyder: what's your opam version?
<_spyder> 1.2.2, the current one in homebrew
<yunxing> same as mine. It looks like the result of the opam pin command is problematic -- it kept complaining it couldn't find the source code.
<yunxing> while the source code should already be pinned from git
<_spyder> yeah, I haven't used opam pin before so I'm not sure what's going on
<yunxing> _spyder: could you show me the result of "opam pin"?
<_spyder> or rather I have, but not for git URLs
<_spyder> shinji:~ spyder$ opam pin
<_spyder> merlin.2.3.1 (uninstalled) git
<_spyder> merlin_extend.0.2 (uninstalled) git
<_spyder> reason.0.0.5 (uninstalled) git
<_spyder> and the git clones appear to have been placed in ~/.opam/4.02.3/ correctly
<yunxing> could you try "opam install merlin"
<yunxing> it forces the package to be reinstalled
<_spyder> same error
<_spyder> at one point I tried removing the pin and it installed the current release without any issue
<_spyder> while it's gathering sources it does mention updating git (that isn't in the log as the message is overwritten)
<yunxing> _spyder: yeah, we need the git pinned version of merlin -- we are still waiting for a new release that supports reason
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<_spyder> I was just in the process of trying that ;)
<_spyder> seems to be working
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<_spyder> although I just used the existing clones from the ~/.opam folder rather than make new ones
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<yunxing> _spyder: hmm, don't know if that would work -- when you local pin, it syncs the package to your ~/.opam folder
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<_spyder> I moved them out, first
<yunxing> _spyder: oh okay
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<_spyder> couldn't find any issues about opam pin to git urls on osx, but it's a bit of a weird thing to search for
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<_spyder> ok reason is working now :)
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<yunxing> oh nice !
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<yunxing> don't know what exactly is the root cause, though
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<_spyder> it just seems like opam pin on osx has a bug with using git urls
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<_spyder> might try a few things and submit a bug report to them
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<yunxing> I know there are some issues with 1.3, but this is the first time I see git issue with 1.2.2 .
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<_spyder> ooh, it's the branch. opam pin add -y merlin '' works just fine.
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<yunxing> _spyder: cool, thanks!
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<yunxing> _spyder: and happy hacking with Reason!
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<_spyder> I'll try :)
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<_spyder> some of the chat around reason talks about compiling to JS, but reason itself doesn't seem to do that? was the intention that it should be done with things like js_of_ocaml or bucklescript?
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<_spyder> sadly I can't lurk here. Oh well, bye :)
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