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<sspi> @chenglou, what's the idea for standard libs?
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<companion_cube> they didn't decide yet, I think
<sspi> hmmm okay, was just brainstorming about it - ideally there should be a switch within package.json I guess to target a certain environment
<bsansouci> I think we're gonna use a boiled down version of Core. I already spent time getting core_kernel to compile with jengaboot:
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<bsansouci> We're probably not even gonna use this, it contains a lot of stuff
<sspi> bsansouci: perhaps things should be installed on the fly?
<bsansouci> sspi: what do you mean
<sspi> well, if I import cohttp for example - you could just say import cohttp (or whatever the syntax will be)
<sspi> and it automatically installs
<sspi> adds a dependency inside package.json
<bsansouci> Oh that's a different thing. I think commonML didn't support this but it's part of what jengaboot should be able to do
<bsansouci> Yeah or maybe ask you if you meant to get the latest version of cohttp from npm and you say y/n
<sspi> exactly
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<Khady> go has something like this
<Khady> but it's not working as well as expected IIRC
<Khady> because of incompatibilities between multiple projects and versions of the libs
<bsansouci> Does go allow multiple version of the same dep? Like A depends on B and C@2.0 and D depends on C@1.0
<bsansouci> eh I got that wrong but you know what I mean
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<chenglou> sspi: yeah I supported that
<chenglou> didn't reintroduce it when I rewrote our thing in jenga
<chenglou> I'd like that a lot though
<companion_cube> core_kernel is still big on JS, isn't it?
<chenglou> still too big yes
<companion_cube> I suppose you ruled containers out
<sspi> don't think you should support the same set for different environments
<sspi> ideally you want to have the ability to target environments, and get access to dependencies that support those environments
<sspi> for instance, it would nice to have react-dom and react-native targets
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