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<sspi> What's the best to deal with the .messages file? (I want to change it for the JSX changes but adding everything manual is painful). Should I use menhir --all-errors? (Might have the command wrong)
<sspi> @yunxing ^
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<yunxing> sspi: currently we have to manually write error messages
<yunxing> my plan is to leave most of them as "<SYNTAX ERROR>"
<yunxing> and crowdsource people to add a meaningful message
<Algebr`> clever
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<sspi> yunxing: what kind of approach would you then recommend for the messages file? (regarding JSX PR)
<yunxing> sspi: Maybe just leave them as default message("<SYNTAX ERROR>" )
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<sspi> Hmm okay, I'll see where I end up
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<Algebr`> chenglou: ping
<chenglou> what's up
<Algebr`> how can I get a handle on the constructor ReactDOMTextComponent
<Algebr`> I can't find it
<chenglou> Oh gee it's been a while
<chenglou> And I'm on mobile
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<chenglou> Ping @soprano on Twitter or something
<Algebr`> ok
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