mbj: dude, those mutations are killed with —rspec-unit
so, no, those are not uncovered ones, it’s just that with —rspec mutant’s doesn’t work the same as with —rspec-unit
mbj: I’d expect that I would get 100% with —rspec because I get 100% with —rspec-unit as simple as that
if I don’t, I consider this to be a bug in the new system
solnic: I found the problem :D
Old mutant master simply was blind at some spots.
Yeah those mutations had been killed from --rspec-unit but NOT from your spec.
You wrote a spec for Foo::Bar#baz
but this spec did not killed all mutations in Foo::Bar#baz
Some other spec did this for you
got my point? So instead of adding more complexity, just kill all mutations from narrow example groups
it is easy fo the ones I saw.
Or dont write narrow specs at all.
mbj: this misses the whole point
mbj: this is very confusing, you said it would expand
it does not do that
the spec which kills mutation in ROM::Relation.build is ROM::Mapping spec
so it seems like mutant is not expanding specs
you said it should expand from Foo::Bar#baz to Foo::Bar* to Foo* eventually
so, it doesn’t do that
I think it stops at Foo::Bar* and doesn’t run all specs for Foo*
I know this un-killed mutation is easy to kill but that’s not the point man :)
solnic: it only expands if you dont have a dedicated example group
it expands till it finds example groups that matches
that’s so bad man
that’s not flexible at all, this still adds the constraint that you must kill all mutations via tests for a specific method
I *want* to have separate specs per method because it’s easier to work with small spec files
sooooo I’m very confused right now :)
solnic: if you write a spec for a specific method, that spec is reponsible for killing all mutations in that method, right?
because no
It does not make sense all other specs need to be executed allso till the mutation is covered.
because it’s a much bigger effort to kill all mutations through dedicated spec files
For A) speed, and B) spec is your most exact documenation if you miss a point here you are lost.
it results in much more specs than it’s actually needed
I just had to add one
look at my commits
forgot to push?
mbj: "its(:mapper) { should be(mapper) }"
I had to add this
otherwise I wouldn’t have to
in this case it’s quite OK
because of implicit coverage
The problem, implicit coverage is weak
and slows mutant down, a lot.
because this is actually part of the public API
that is my point
if you specify parts of the public api, this specs must cover all mutation of that specific public api.
but I can see cases where it would force me to write more specs just to kill something
I don’t consider implicit coverage to be a bad thing
Wich ones??
If you dont write a spec for a public method, you get implicit coverage.
Lets say we define def foo? !!@foo; end
and you dont write a spec for this, this one will get implictly coverage.
So we have the best from both worlds, no need to add an extra spec for simple stuff
mbj: lemme see what other mutations are not killed
mbj: yeah so, good example - Relation#each
now I’m forced to write stupid detailed specs for each method separately
even though its mutations are killed by other tests
imho this kind of implicit coverage is totally fin
solnic: mom lemme run
solnic: I see your point, what about to expand if mutation is not killed, but report this fact?
mbj: what about expand and say nothing? :)
mutant is a tool to verify your specs "do the right ting"
if you specified Relation#each BUT it does not kill all mutations, I'd like to know htis.
well, I don’t care, but if it is valuable to you then sure, why not have mutant telling you this
in general I don’t like when tools forcing opinions in such a strong way, so if mutant can be flexible then it should be, people will come to their own conclusions wrt mutation testing anyway
solnic: You ruin execution time this way.
And I'd like to know this.
So I'm okay to expand, but report.
doesn’t matter
yeah sure, you can report
but I think we should find other ways to improve perf
like parallel execution
tons of extra brittle tests is way worse than mutant running few minutes longer imho
But I see this also form a "specification" point of view. If you write a spec that does not cover the method and rely on another spec doing this for you, you miss a significant portion of explicitlness.
unit testing is about testing objects in an isolation
not methods
testing methods in isolation is crazy
and yes I know you and dkubb think it’s great, I think it leads to test suites that are hard to maintain and slows down development
just look at the #each case in rom-relation
now mutant forces me to write specs that check if each works, well, of course it works because it is used by #to_a which is used in shit loads of other specs
if #each was broken all those specs would fail
if I were to kill those mutations in each_spec.rb then I’d write REDUNDANT tests
redundant tests are evil
that’s an extreme anti-pattern and I’m really surprised you and dkubb didn’t see this and don’t consider this to be a problem
lemme remind you I have spec-file-per-method because eventually I realized smaller files are easier to work with even if this means *more* files
I don’t have spec-file-per-method because I want to fully cover those methods via individual files because that’s crazy IMHO
solnic: I'm already changing it, no need to convince me now :D
I also agree there are cases where this could mean incidental, implicit coverage which is not good, like in Relation#mapper :)
so, after all, we are both right to some extent :D
mbj: ok :)
I accept we have different opinion here, as long as be both can use the tool I'm happy.
You have to accept reports, I have to accept reports :D
For you these reports say: I'd did my job
fine by me
For me these reports say: I have still to do my job.
well, I will try to explain this at eurucamp :)
BUT, mutant will exit 0 in case of implicit coverage.
solnic: I already understood this.
you still don’t agree :)
We both have a differend opinions about the granularity of "unit" :D
it boils down to this: I test my objects in isolation, you test individual *methods* in isolation
and I think the latter is *crazzzzyyyy*
I plan to write my own unit test framework
but that’s ok, your code your rules, if you are fine maintaining such enormous test suites that’s not really my problem ;)
That will target got be the "best mutation killer ever"
damn, I need to talk about this with dkubb one day
lets fly him to europe :D
mbj: actually, what about minitest?
I’ve header it’s very small and hackable
header? wtf auto-correct
solnic: Lets say it this way, I know heckle internals. And minitest is from the same facet of community.
And heckle internals suck hard.
This is no prove minitest sucks, but this reduced my willingness to look into it.
Also I did a spike integration once, and I was very unhappy with it.
oh ok
too bad
well, the world needs another test framework I suppose
I think we could build a really solid one given our…interest in testing techniques :)
ok I’m gonna shut up finally and let you do the work ;)
My test framework should allow to combine all those spec/unut/foo/{class_methods/,}*_spec.rb into a single file
while still being ideomatic and focusing in invariants.
Also it should reduce terminal duplication to a minimum.
Lots of rom-style "defaults". If you do "describe Foo::Bar, '#baz'" you get some defaults for free
For example that framework should setup object for you (with zero arguments to constructor)
or if you give object_arguments { [foo, bar] } with arguments, etc.
I had a hack for rspec once, where these defautls get inferred from the file name, remeber?
I plan this + even more consistency
dude count me in, I’d love to help
I mean rom is my priority right now but after sql adapter is done I want to do other stuff too
solnic: I see my work as strong support, just imagine how uneasy our live would have been with heckle :D
crashing all the time, inflexible like hell and incorrect :D
And forcing us into 1.8 :D
moving to office
back in some minutes
solnic: I'm at 3.8k opensource commits, maybe I crack 4k till eurucamp
But more important, I STILL DONT HAVE A TALK :D
busy weekend :(
mbj: oops, you gotta start working on it :)
…and we gotta start working on the workshop
solnic: So lets skip slides and go directly to the Q&A
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mbj: yo
mbj: i have a mutant question
mbj: well, actually, maybe not ..
mbj: i was about to ask if it's necessary that mutant reads all examples prior to executing a very specific one
mbj: it shows that the examples work fine, but i cannot mutate them, because mutant chokes about other failing specs
mbj: note how the error mutant raises, is due to a spec *outside* of the scope that mutant is supposed to mutate
mbj: this pretty much means that as long as any specs fail to load, i cannot mutate anything (even if the thing i want to mutate, loads and runs fine=
cored: hey
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snusnu: what's up
dkubb: hi
cored: hello
cored: how's it going?
snusnu: use the -r flag, I added it again
snusnu: Most likely I forgot to require spec_helper.rb
snusnu: mutant -r ./spec/spec_helper.rb
dkubb: fine, you?
mbj: be mutant --rspec -r ./spec/spec_helper.rb ::Substation::DSL::Registry#[]= gives me the same output
dkubb: re your question about yardstick, i had an idea yesterday (not yardstick specific), lemme try to recall it
dkubb: +1 for squezing out backports
snusnu: I'm going to try to get the config working better today
I'm trying to get devtools working on a Rails project
getting a TIMEOUT error from rubygems trying to install rake vesion 1.10.x
so what if we add enabled: false flags to all devtools configs, and then have something inside devtools, that makes it so that when git branch is not master, certain configs are disabled by default .. (maybe based on another config setting) .. even if we don't switch behavior based on git branch, it seems like having the enabled: false flag in devtools config files, seems better than removing the configs altogether
yeah, I think whatever we do we should have less-strict settings in feature branches, stricter settings in master, and the strictest settings when we do a gem release
dkubb, mbj: i grepped my source, and i *never* do include Adamantium, i *always* do include Adamantium::Flat
dkubb: yeah, full ack
snusnu: equalizer
snusnu: equalizer deep frezes the generated module
snusnu: this is a wild guess :D
mbj: oh noes … now that you say it, i remember it does, but, why?
mbj: oh ok, it deep freezes the generated module, so what?
equalizer deep freezes its state and the state provided to it
but it doesn't freeze whatever it's mixed into
dkubb: why does it deep_freeze stuff?
snusnu: I said, only a wild guess
dkubb: that's too invasive?
snusnu: just place a p caller here /Users/snusnu/.gem/ruby/1.9.3/gems/adamantium-0.0.11/lib/adamantium/class_methods.rb:17 and wait for the crash.
snusnu: nope, sorry a p self :D
snusnu: deep freezing by default is a safe default. you shouldn't really be passing in state into another object if that state is mutable.. if it is, then you can modify internals of another object breaking encapsulation
snusnu: you aready staring a t a stack trace :D
dkubb: Let us exclude all kind_of?(::Class) from freezing.
dkubb: ok, but that means that i can *never* safely equalize on anything outside of my control, is that desired?
snusnu: what an initializer should do is make sure that it doesn't just use the provided object as-is
mbj: I can't do that without breaking axiom-types
well, not breaking it, but changing it to be mutable
dkubb: in my particular case, i inject classes (i could as well inject instances, but that's not actually necessary, i only rely on #call)
I suppose I could just freeze by hand
dkubb: so duping the class won't help
dkubb: You remember the days when I said axiom-types should NOT be real instancs, not classes :D
in fact, which is the fastest way to get devtools working on a Rails project?
mbj: yeah, although the inheritance did result in some nice benefits. I see inheritance-like behaviour in some ROM stuff and I wonder if it could be done more elegantly leveraging ruby's built-in behaviour
dkubb: you can also do this via modules.
dkubb: With classes you get an "unusable" interface .new
dkubb: But dont let discuss this now :D
cored: I don't recall doing anything special. I just added it to my Gemfile
dkubb: it is okay for me.
snusnu: Can I reproduce this crash easily?
dkubb: trying it
I debugged deep freeze triggerer very often.
mbj: assuming we turn off class freezing, a deep-freeze related bug is almost always a sign of a bug in the code
dkubb: not always
mbj: I saw "almost always" :P
mbj: if you pass in a mutable object into another object's constructor, you can manipulate the new object's internal state by modifying the object you passed in
one side effect of Adamantium{::Flat} is that we cannot stub methods on infected objects anymore, now that might be a good thing in general, but it certainly affects the design of the system plus tests (i have to admit, i haven't yet encountered a case where the necessary refactoring made the code worse tho)
yeah, that's definately an annoying thing
dkubb: hehe
although I don't do that so often. I find myself not stubbing "real" objects very often
dkubb: yeah, that's what i meant with refactorings never leading to worse code
dkubb: i found myself having to inject stuff into #initialize, so that i can inject a double
I see some of our techniques as gentle nudges in nicer directions.. usually anyway. I will admit that once in a while it does lead to worse code
but that's where we always have to question it and make sure we think about it and get some review when we're not sure
I got an error before which is not here now, I just remove the entire gemset
anyways, can I run devtools against just one file?
mbj, dkubb: fwiw, here's the output i get when i add puts(self.inspect) as first line in Adamantium::ClassMethods#new : http://pastie.org/pastes/8208735/text
snusnu: OMG, I'm so stupid
snusnu: nope, I'm not.
lol don't say that, it's wrong
snusnu: just undershugared
the first statement i.e
now the ci :-)
mbj: not without asking you a ton of questions probably ;P
cored: you'll probably have to do it a few times and tweak the config files each time
but yeah, the config object containing the observers gets equalized on those
mbj: ^^
dkubb: flog is disable for 1.9.3, why?
mbj: what’s “next wider selector”?
mbj: the issue only came up, once i made all processors observable .. previously, as you know, there was Substation::Action which was the only observable thing .. now every processor is observable, hence the observers moved to Processor::Config, where they get equalized .. that must be the problem
cored: it's score incompatible with 2.0.0
cored: most likely when you see stuff disabled for one version and not another, its because they return incompatible scores with other versions
dkubb: which btw makes me think, do we really want to follow 2.0 scores for now? 1.9.3 is our primary dev env?
oh and now I notice something code climate reports stuffs on a controller but I can't see any offences now with devtools on that particular controler or on any
snusnu: is it your primary dev env? I always dev in 2.0 now
dkubb: well yeah, i develop on 1.9.3 currently
snusnu: 2.0 is actually stable now, so I figured it was a better choice than 1.9.3
ugh me too
also, mutant is faster on 1.9.3
like, significantly faster
should we all downgrade to an older version of ruby, or should we upgrade to the latest stable?
that's really weird
I should test that
I'm first planning to go with the code smells duplication and code complexity which was what code climate report, and then go with mutant
tbh, i don't care much, but i can already see us developing against 2.0, using something not supported in 1.9.3 .. thus getting broken builds when we were sure that we'll be good after push
and then it's backports all over again
the differences between 2.0 and 1.9.3 aren't very wide
which is good
not like supporting 1.8.7 and 2.0
yeah, i imagine so
mbj: have you seen speed differences between 1.9.3 and 2.0?
dkubb: my reasoning was more like, ok, realistically, 1.9.3 will be the most common ruby rom apps will be deployed to .. that's just a guess too, but given the slow adoption of 1.9, it seems like a reasonable guess
mbj: in mutant I mean
I think probably there are others problems like undefined method `source_line' for #<Parser::Source::Map:0x00000004fa2860>
snusnu: yeah, that's a good argument. maybe we're better off targetting 1.9 and then it'll just work in 2.0
and invalid option: --rpec-dm2
cored: change to —rspec
cored: you can remove that from the config. I will do it in devtools now
dkubb: imo we *should* fix build problems in 2.0 immediately, but it's ok to dev for 1.9 for the time being .. we certainly don't want to use ruby-2.0 only features
mbj: ping ;)
dkubb: ok
solnic: which particular config file?
solnic: can't find that option
cored: config/mutant.yml just remove strategy since devtools defaults to —rspec
solnic: ok
snusnu: ok, good point
also the YourLib part should be remove
I'm guessing
is everyone ok if I change flog to run under 1.9 only for now? it may break some scores
cored: what version of ruby are you using?
cored: as a test you could try changing max_statements to 0. if this doesn't cause some kind of error then we can safely assume reek isn't running
switched same thing
so, not running
ok, I've got one slightly invasive test
do bundle show devtools to find where it is installed
then look in tasks/metrics/reek.rake to find the --quiet switch in the reek config. remove it and then run the rake task again
geez this new strategy gives a significant speed boost
cored: oh I think you may have found a bug in our reek task
cored: i'm happy to describe the desired functionality again, just ping me once you wanna start working on it
dkubb: same thing
cored: it looks like by default it only scans the lib directory
snusnu: sure, thanks
dkubb: oh
cored: lemme see about changing it to scan "lib" and "app"
at least in rom-relation
so, new strategy is basically 3 x faster for me :)
solnic: interesting, iirc mbj saw roughly the same speedup .. on my box, for substation, it "only" dropped from ~280 secs to ~240 secs
hmm really?
lemme push so you can test ok?
snusnu: I just tweaked it a bit
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solnic: i thought mutant was already working like you described in your commit msg
snusnu: no it didn't
that’s why I was so surprised and a little bit confused
so, what's different now?
previously, before my commit, it would stop at the first exact match
ah ok
so, if you have a dedicated spec group for a method
it would only run those examples
w/o expanding the scope at all
i get it now
i assume it stops tho, once it killed all mutations at any scope?
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snusnu: yes it starts with the exact match and go on expanding if the first one didn’t kill the mutation
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found some smells but it's also throw an exception in the end
solnic: fwiw, i find the first "widening" reasonable, going from Foo::Bar#baz to Foo::Bar .. what's with Foo tho?
snusnu: it runs all unit tests since it’s the root namespace
basically ending up with what —rspec-unit used to be
solnic: ok, make the nesting 4 or 5 levels deep
snusnu: ah I see what you did there
solnic: I asked mbj about widening it even further to use ''
solnic: it seems to me that it could just as well go from Bar#baz to bar, and then do the equivalent to --rspec-unit
solnic: which allows the edge cases where you use core_ext extension
even though that's icky
snusnu: yeah I will work a bit more on this thing
solnic: eventually tho, i'd like it to be more intelligent even .. say i have an (abstrac) base class, i want to be able to kill all mutations from the concrete subclasses i have, i don't want to write extra tests where i basically make subject { Class.new(SomeAbstractClass) }
actually…no, it doesn’t duplicate anything
solnic: same goes for modules
since it matches example group descriptions
why devtools stills have flay on it
if reek reports duplication problems?
and then gets unique example groups only
cored: none of the metrics have perfect overlap. and the duplication that reek reports about is only within one single method so it's not really comparable
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solnic: my issue is not so much with duplication, but with potentially running mutant on a "meaningless" namespace … by meaningless, i mean that there's probably no semantic relationship between Foo::Bar::Baz and Foo::bar
dkubb: got it
solnic: ah ok, so it doesn't do anything anyway, because it finds no examples for the "intermediate" steps?
dkubb: btw, have same issue as reek with metrics:flay
solnic: in any case, you could probably call my problem related to duplication ;) of running tests
dkubb: probably same thing of not looking at app
solnic: what i'd love to have is this: if it sees a class/module which has subclasses/hosts, it should try to kill all mutations via those, and if it can, shouldn't require to have any tests for the baseclass/module
dkubb: that is inline with your thoughts on that topic too, right?
if it finds out that it cannot kill mutations via subclasses/hosts, then it's ok for it to complain .. you should then either write new specs for the uncovered baseclass method, or ask yourself why you introduced the (obviously unused) method in the first place
and i suspect there are valid usecases for such "currently unused" methods
especially in a system that's designed to be extensible, say, via some sort of template method
even then, most likely the code you have, should already exercise those tho
heh from 670 seconds down to 250 seconds on travis :)
dkubb, snusnu: ^^
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snusnu: I'm not sure. This may get kind of abstract, but I think it depends on how you view inheritance. are you inheriting the implementation or interface? if it's the former then you can assume both implementations are the same, and testing one tests the other. if it's the latter then you have to assume both classes are black boxes and test them as if the other doesn't exist; specs can be shared of course
snusnu: in most things I fall on the side of thinking about the interfaces more than anything, but I haven't thought much about this specific case. I suspect I am leaning in the same direction though
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dkubb: i agree, in any case, if mutant *finds* subclasses/hosts, it can try to kill via those, if it finds dedicated specs for the baseclass/module, it should of course not complain either .. in any case, it's a decision the developer has to make
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dkubb: but imo mutant shouldn't blindly force you to write potentially superfluous tests
dkubb: you need support, regarding the "first match must kill" :D ?
completely offtopic .. does anyone know the *reason* why ruby devs decided to *not* have Boolean but TrueClass and FalseClass instead?
snusnu: because
I would bet it was due to performance considerations
maybe they need to test on the type a lot or something
people have tried to get ruby-core to add #to_bool type methods
and the reason for not wanting it was the same, perf
I would love to have a method that is called in boolean context
so we ended up writing a ton of libs that provide to_boolean :D
it would make lots of things so nice.. like proxy objects
haha rbx finished mutant task in 23 minutes (vs > 50 minutes that was terminated by travis)
mbj: ^
mbj: with your recent changes, does it make paralellization easier or harder or about the same?
dkubb: the same
solnic: nice!
btw, how would the gist linked by mbj impact performance?
I think we can soon run mutant in self test mode, it was terminated for the same timeout before.
I heard extending or including modules in primitives creates an "extra" lookup table for regular dispatches.
So there is a penalty for all primitive operations on the same type.
BUT the community accepts active_support, so we should not even talk about this.
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mbj: I’m reeeeeealy surprised you prefer testing methods in isolation, that’s crazy, an object is not a collection of methods that work independently, it’s a whole thing and should be treated like that IMHO /cc dkubb
And if mri would add a few special cases to the C implementation of Object#kind_of, I thin the difference would only be measureable in microbenchmarks.
solnic: the thing is the public api, if some method is dedicated public api, it should have a spec, so that with internal refactorings, the public api doesn't break
mbj: or rather, your specs tell you it does
Its all about the interface, I like to make 100% clear what my interface does, via specs.
but dude, all tests for a given object make sure if it’s not broken
ehm, solnic^^
but if you have to change a spec for a public api method, you have a chance to examine it, and potentially bump version and rerelease
I like testing my interfaces, not the implementation. I don't like relying on a side effect that method A uses method B to verify that I've tested method B's interface
solnic: i can't exactly put my finger on it, but the stuff you're doing, is really close to incidental coverage .. saying that without judging in any way
solnic: We'll have LOTS of fun arguing about this with beer :D
hah, +1
eventually I will be screaming and jumping in agony
but that’s ok
and fun for us
well, I think it’s taking arguments with incidental coverage way too far
but that’s OK
maybe I’ll change my mind, maybe you will
Its fun to have differend opinons. Talking with people that agree all the time is boring
I think it is a good idea to have mutant warn you about specs for other methods/objects that kill something
forgot to mention that
solnic: So we are 99.9% in sync
I do agree in most of the cases a dedicated spec should kill mutations
solnic: I'd nuke that warings, you not.
solnic: i do agree that it all depends on what you view as the black box, with oop, it's definitely fair enough to view the object as the black box, but from a stable public api pov, it's just equally fair enough, to treat the supported messages as blackboxes as well
as I described in the commit msg
snusnu: see, I dunno, I’m not sure :)
need to digest that
fair enough again
my point is basically that you should have only one test that check something
if you have two or more tests checking THE SAME THING
then imho you’re doing it wrong
solnic: Imagine a spec framework that lets you test THE SAME THING without duplication?
wat? :)
dooh I just realized I’m hungry, bbiab
take a simple example tho, you decided to make a method public api, people rely on it, now you changed your code which changed your public api method, you adjust your specs, and since there's no *dedicated* spec for that one public api method, you might overlook that breaking change .. which is more unlikely imo, if there were a dedicated spec in the first place
solnic: you know my plans to develop a spec framework dedicated to kill mutations :D
snusnu: +1
snusnu: +1
snusnu: A VERY good point!
snusnu: The one I was looking for so long!
hah, well i'm glad then ;)
just because one method uses another method doesn't mean it will always be the case. if the only way an interface is tested is via a side effect, then it's not really tested imho
yeah, i agree
snusnu: no I won’t because mutant will tell me about that
from mutant's pov, all mutations are killed
because you already adjusted your specs
mutant probably can't tell you that. if method A uses method B, and you change B's interface and update it's usage in A mutant won't know there'sa change
you don’t understand my point (because I probably don’t explain this correctly)
client code using method B will break though
I have specs for all my public methods
solnic: The example group that does your incidential coverage just might be another after the refactoring
I do not have all mutations killed via dedicated spec-per-method approach
see my point?
solnic: this is only true for public interfaces
solnic: i know you have them, and then all is good .. as long as you kill all mutations via dedicated specs for public api method, all is well
mostly because in some cases I’d have to write specs that are redundant
solnic: for private interfaces you are *free*
solnic: I'm sorry to say this, but I'm thinking about to revert that change you did, or make it available via a configuration flag.
I don't think anyone is saying private interfaces need to have direct tests.. as far as I'm concerned those are implementation details and I try not to test implementation details
snisnus argument is very good.
lools weird
solnic "doesn't get it" because he's already doing it
if a project has a dedicated spec for every public method tagged @api public .. all is good
I need to get on that mutant-yard plugin that can scope tests to just @api public methods
yeah, that'd be cool
I would also want to exclude methods and classes that have @private
yeah, that'd be cool too
mutant needs to know what humans consider public api, otherwise it has no chance
mbj: you’re joking right? with that reverting?
since not every public method is public api, it needs hints, period
solnic: refactoring to a configuration option
solnic: think about snusnus argument
solnic: Mutant is a tool to verify specs describe the public interface very exactly
solnic: So if I allow incidential coverage I lower the maximum value of the tool
this is ridiculous but whatever
solnic: It is okay for not using the maximum power
solnic: But I dont want to lower the maxmimum power a tool has.
solnic: Just *thinking* load.
mbj: I think I agree with you. metrics defaults should be strict with the ability to loosen them. if you go the other way, people are lazy and will never "raise the bar" on their own
fwiw, i tend to agree with mbj, if you the human say: i want to test this public api method with this exact spec, mutant should not allow you to slip through and rely on incidental coverage
you can easily not rely on the most exact matcher in this case
solnic: don't get me wrong, but your approach relies on being smart all the time, we all consider ourselves smart, but we all know that we actually aren't really smart, all the time
tools shine at proving that we were doing something "wrong" out of habit and/or laziness
solnic: What about an --rspec-all, with warnings
solnic: I'd use that for myself with libraries under development
ok this time that failure wasn't my fault! :P
Before I push 1.0 I'd switch to --rspec and try to reduce spec duplication via shared specs.
flog now runs under 1.9.3 only
dkubb: I already updated flog threshold but in a separate commit
it’s green
snusnu: yes my approach totally relies on being smart and knowing what you’re doing
not being smart is not very smart ;P
but having something remind you if for some weird/crazy reason you're actually not being smart atm, is a good thing too, right?
mbj: I think —rspec should do what it does and warn you
snusnu: hey I said I want warnings right?
solnic: warnings for what? that you changed the behavior of a public api method? how would mutant do that?
solnic: this is "soft"-ware, can be changed later, deal: I accept --rspec-all for now and we see how well it goes?
Or we can go --rspec with the expansion and --rspec-strict being less permissive.
but I wanna have a mode that reduces coverage
solnic: if it's a warning that says: dude, you have specs that test public api, but not in a dedicated spec, than yes, it could do that (given some yard integration)
solnic: otoh, i'm not entirely sure how it would do that, but i guess it could, given it tracks which specs kill what subjects
snusnu: I think he is talking about warnings when example scope is widened to kill a spec.
mbj: i can already see me ignore those, not being smart while doing so
then again, i hate warnings, most likely i would not ignore them after all
warnings are interesting things
if you aren't overwhelmed, and a new one pops up many people will attempt to fix them
I'm okay with two strategies
and see how they compeate
but I think more people will ignore them to just work on a feature or are under pressure to ship
yeah, it's becoming problematic once there are so many, that your brain just sees a wall of ugly text
We had three inflexible ones before
and once they've gotten used to them they will ignore them
BTW someone knews how warnings got activated in mutant?
stupid question maybe
<-- this guy
dkubb: not who, HOW :D
dkubb: point me to the commit :D
oh, hmm
I added --warnings to a few of my gems' .rspec files
and a few rom related gems too
imo a future mutant should be totally strict, and require a dedicated method spec killing all mutations, for any @api public method it encounters .. it should *not* care about other public/protected/private methods
it's possible rspec sets $VERBOSE based on that
snusnu: I think mbj didn't want a hard dep on YARD
dkubb: it should be realized via some sort of plugin
snusnu: I would be ok with this as a mutant plugin, at least until we get all the kinks worked out
yeah, if we end up using it 95% of the time, then we can talk about including it in mutant itself
dkubb: A hard dep on yard would be okay
oh really?
dkubb: But I dont want to force the user to use YARD.
dep != use
oh yeah
yard is the defacto ruby doc anyway, every ruby lib using rdoc, is well, i'm not gonna say it ...
so I'm okay with developing this feature in tree and split later.
I think in the absence of @api tags it would just do what it does now
I'd love to see yard using parser
that said, i realize that there are *a lot* of gems that don't use yard but rdoc :p
if rdoc was not bundled with ruby I don't think it would be used as much as yard
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mbj: parser can parse comments now can't it? or at least track them
dkubb: It allows to get comments per associated node, yeah
so comments are NOT part of the ast
yeah, I think I fixed some bugs in rubocop around that
but you can query an object per node to get the comments
there's an associator object I think
Yeah, IMHO it was a good decision NOT to make the comments part of the ast
but I plan to reproduce comments in unparser
+ some other optimations to honor 80chars unparser could make a nice prettifier
that would be sweet
yeah, run unparsed code through rubocop for verification
heh, yes
which we talked about before I think
I'd love rubocop coulr replace reek
reek is outdated and broken and inflexible
rubocop has a good community and lots of momentum
dkubb: OT, do you deploy your jruby installations with oracle or openjdk?
s/dkubb: //
mbj: I haven't deployed jruby in production recently
I had some crashes with both
My own installations still work sane
mbj: I would probably just start with openjdk on principle ;)
but I'd still use oracle as a last resort
same here
but this time I'm bound to oracle (current client)
my own stuff happily deploys via openjdk
you’d be surprised by how many people actually dislike yard
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oh yeah, I'm sure there are. probably not more than the number that dislike rdoc though.. but that comes with the territory of being the default implementation
based on what I've seen in the wild ruby developers dislike writing documentation in general :P
dkubb: heh
The only reason I wrote mutant and keep zombie broken: The last place where it is allowed to cowboy code :D
Nope tbh, its just lots of work doing unparser and mutant :D
yeah, mutant represents a ton of work
mbj: are you adding second strategy or just adding warnings to —rspec?
solnic: still no consensus
dkubb: BTW you mentioned the fact I'm talking to the PIT maintaner
dkubb: It gave me some ideas already, especially how to measure kill times better
mbj: I think the less strategies the better because new users wouldn’t have to learn about the 2 strategies
solnic: TBH, I'm confused now
wont decide this today
BTW once tihs is decided, we can IMHO release 0.3.0
non --pre
mbj: I believe you can just add one line
which spits a warning when a mutation wasn’t killed after the first group run
I'd love to default to strict rules
with the ability to lower the strictness to personal preference
but tool default should be optimum
I like compilers that dont emit warnings
just accept or error
no grey areas
well so maybe a configuration flag
or something
—strict and —no-strict
with --strict as default
but I think two strategies would be easier to support
two subclasses of Rspec
*rspec killer
not sure, it maybe discourage people because nobody is writing specs like that
well except you and almost me
imho you should do something special to be less strict
nobody will write method specs
ok let’s start with strict
and see what people will say
and this is the point
if people do describe Foo::Bar { my_specs_here }
they will be happy in strict mode
that’s what people do in 99% cases
a lot of libs don’t even have unit tests
so they can use strict mode
mostly integration ones
if you start off less strict it is really hard to raise it up later
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see --rspec-dm2 envored Namespace#method
and --rspec does not
well, true otoh many people will try to use mutant with existing libs/projects
so they'll be happy ootb
so strict by default might scare them off ;)
solnic: nope
oh wait
only if they use method level granularity
rite :)
and most people will do describe Namespace { here the dragons }
so strict default is perfect, IMHO
snusnu: wdyt about 2 modes for mutant —strict and —no-strict?
--strict and --no-strict are just the same as --rspec-weak and --rspec
yeah but later on you can expand it for other runners where it would mean the same thing
that’s why having 2 strategies wouldn’t be smart
so I vote for this extra conf option
good point
internally it could still use two strategy classes
the question, is this premature optimization of the future, we dont know of other spec frameworks will/can work in strict/no-strict modes.
double dispatch
on two "signals"
dontlike, but hey we have consensus
let's think about minitest
provide two strategies/flags whatever, use strict by default
that's the most requested one atm
I would expect the same kind of spec layout differences as with rspec
I think we should start just like with new axiom adapters
first read-all-tuples/run-all-specs
than feedback cycle it :D
I'm fine with doing the simplest thing that could work, based on the current knowledge we possess. I don't have a super strong opinion on specific switches, beyond my preference that the default should be the strictest possible setting, you should have to do something extra to loosen constraints
it goes without saying, but there shouldn't be any extra "stricter" mode
I do not plan to use minitest in one of my projects
So I'll not push this forward now
Apart from the fact I could use a stable minitest integration for my rails story :D
no, I think it approaches it in a different way
it's more about reporting the state
dkubb: BTW, I talked to snusnu once about mutcov, I could host some central "report your metrics here" service
so we share metrics across developer machines
much better than "violatil" storage on developer devbox
yeah mutcov site would be awesome :)
would love to help building it if I could only find time
solnic: I'd start with mutcov.org
and if there are enough requests for private repos add a mutcov.com
dammit I clicked
but only lateeeeeeeeerrrr
solnic: this is snusnus job to click on all links :D
snusnu: ^^ go
* dkubb
is scared to click now
haha it’s not live that’s the problem :)
I've been burned too many times by friends posting innocuous looking links in chat and then clicking on them
you cannot unsee some things
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dkubb: curl, always browse with curl before :D
going to sleep, cu tomorrow
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dkubb: no set_trace_func or TracePoint atm btw on rbx
we might add support for the latter
but i'd rather develop better tools :)
ahh I see, better libraries than those
dbussink: mbj and I were discussing using those within mutant a bit on twitter today
what would you use it for then?
dbussink: what mutant would do is run the specs once and trace which lines are being executed, then relate that to each spec. from then on, whenever a line is mutated mutant would know precisely which specs to execute
dbussink: right now we kind of don't really know the association, beyond using naming conventions, so we kind of have to do a scattershot approach in some cases
i think that would be easier with more fine graining coverage support
fine grained
enable coverage, run spec, store coverage
reset coverage and go to next spec
dbussink: oh you're talking about using the Coverage lib?
afaik even the coverage api can already do that
that's better than the set_trace_func stuff
I find that api confusing
anyway, nite for me
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solnic, mbj, dkubb: i'm fine with —no-strict and —strict, the latter being the default
snusnu: nice
but tbh, i don't see the value in —no-strict .. but i'm not opposed either
I'm okay with providing less strict modes for libs in development
also, i do not care *that* much about how other people use rspec .. if they're inclined to do mutation testing, they might just be inclined to do it full on
mbj: imo that doesn't help
as dkubb said, starting out non strict, will make it much harder to go strict eventually
snusnu: I'll start strict
But only mention --non-strict for cases where developer chooses to loose some requirement
like we all adjust rubocop/reek/flay/flog
i just don't cloud mutant's sharp focus, for usecases where people write shitty specs … do you really expect those to do mutation testing?
just because mutant exists and is cool?
i doubt it
we all need a --cowboy and a --james-cameron mode :D - dkub
well, nobody forces us to run mutant on our code
so much for cowboy code area
finally hitting bed, cu
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snusnu: what about methods like Foo.build? if I use this method in all of the tests for Foo then what’s the point in having a separate test for this method?
esp that this method…builds an object, so the only way to have full coverage of this method is to either inspect object’s *state* or…use it methods in tests to see if it behaves like expect which is…redundant since you already have tests for that
solnic: i'm not that opposed against testing state, i usually have equalized objects, and i don't mind an it { should eql(expected) }
that’s a smell IMHO
unless the state is public
solnic: so tell me exactly why, leaving no blurry stuff
solnic: nope it's not imo
well, I test behaviour, not state
for equality tests, protected visibility is enough, and that's good as it is
well, why
as a hard rule
i don't see the point
because that’s what counts
you have tests for behaviro, why do it again
geez exactly
just because state checking is bad, i don't buy it
it is terribly bad
when used wrongly
an object can have some state that allows it to do its job and that state might change over the course of development even though the behaviour might not change
i followed too many "don't do this it's generally bad" .. there are *always* exceptions to the rules, that's what makes them rules
right, and you have tests for that
yes, the exception here is when the state is public
yes, so why the hell would I write a special test that check object state
to make sure the interface didn't break
i.e., it is an additional hint
if the interface was broken
yeah yeah, you'd change your other specs
most or even all of the tests would fail for that object
know what? let's not reduce to a single "special" method, .build
I have 3 cases like that, #each and 2 builder methods
both are not fully mut-covered through their dedicated specs
and I think it’s totally fine
because if I wrote those specs I would introduce redundancy in my test suite
because I would have to check behaviour that’s tested in other places
like the fact that #each actually works
or that builder method create valid objects
but you'd nail down public api behavior, so that once you change it, you don't need to rely on being smart, to find out
so you think growing your test suite with redundant specs is better?
not to mention that IF I broke anything either my tests or mutant would tell me about it?
I need to see some clear examples
it's just a feeling, but i don't think that redundancy would be *that* much in a properly designed system, with mutant really only checking @api public methods
because I’m giving you examples and you’re giving me some nice sounding theories
also, i don't mind a bit of redundancy in specs .. tbh, while writing it, yeah, i somehow hate duplicate setup .. but when browsing specs after some time, i hate shared contexts
dude, i totally see how you can cover it all, with potentially doing no harm with a little bit of "incidental" coverage … i'm just not sure if for long lived projects with sharp, nailed down public api, the little bit of extra overhead really is the problem
snusnu: well, I dunno
how many projects have you written like that, maintained for some time, extended, refactored etc?
time will tell probably, which somehow implies that we take both approaches to be able to compare them :p
btw, i should add that i'm not going to curse you if you (we) decide that it's fine for special methods in rom, to be covered "incidentally"
i'm only thinking hard about the issue :)
if we find it to be a "rule" that methods needing that special treatment are all somewhat alike, then that's fine
well, I don’t think extreme approaches are good, and this feels extreme to me
one could say that mutation testing in general is extreme
but that doesn't add anything to the discussion ;)
no I think heckle was extreme
mutant is totally cool
I find it mostly very easy to kill mutations and I immediately see the positive impact it has on my code
same here
I couldn’t say the same about heckle
tbh, i haven't used it extensively enough to be able to compare it
the problem with heckle was that every single thing had to have specs
or at least that was our setup
it’s really great with mutant now
dkubb's heckle grew out of axiom, and axiom is somewhat special imo … the kind of api it exposes, isn't quite like other stuff
no it’s not
actually, once I stopped speccing every-single-class-in-the-lib it started feeling really good
also, using the strictest form of an (otherwise comparably "weak") mutation tester seemed (and still seems) feasible .. axiom is hardcore foundational stuff
like what we discussed today isn’t a huge issue for me
rom-relation had 6 un-killed mutations
from over 8000
right, i was surprised for a moment ;)
rom-relation is much smaller than substation, and substation has ~1400 mutations currently
axiom somewhere near 5000 iirc
yeah rom-relation is tiny
and that's awesome
re not writing specs for every single class in the lib … i also can't wait for the @api public and @private integration with mutant
that will have a huge impact on the amount of methods we'll have to spec
again, depending on the project domain
snusnu: hmm? but new —rspec already solves that
if there’s no spec file it’ll expand
so, no need to write tests for stuff that’s @private or @api private
well, what can i say, i've mentioned quite a few times, that i want it to force me to write a spec for every @api public method … and yeah, @private support isn't all that useful, as those classes probably shouldn't contain @api public methods :p
also, it'll be interesting to see what mbj comes up with, once he writes the rspec replacement he's talking about .. maybe that, plus something in mutant can work around the issue with the special methods you encounter
because i *do see* the point you make, it *is* duplication .. i'm just not entirely sure if that duplication is harmful to *me*
in any case, i know that mbj made mutant happy with symlinking specs in some cases … a new testing framework targeted for mutant might be able to bake this in without falling back to symlinks
these are just wild thoughts tho
I have a bunch of internal private objects
those are a subject to change w/o changing the behaviour of my lib
the are used by other objects that actually expose public interfaces
those objects are the ones I’m covering with tests
so far so good
if I were to spec the internal ones I’d have to write tests for public ones and mock the internals as dependencies
which I do not want to do :P
me neither
really, our *only* difference is in our thoughts on mutant forcing a dedicated spec for a specific public api method to kill all mutation
apart from that, we're in complete sync i guess
yeah lemme put it this way
what would be cool, is if mutant printed out superfluous specs … i have tons of them in substation, because i did —rspec-dm2 style … otoh, i don't need it *now* … because i haven't yet nailed down the public api :)
with new mutant, my first step is to try and see what happens if i just nuke an offending spec, when refactoring :) only given it most likely is private api of course
I see lots of improvements in our dev style, it’s changing all the time and we’re clearly going in the right direction
yeah, i see it the same way
once ROM is released and axiom is battle-tested in the wild we’ll see what worked well and what didn't
yeah, everything else is speculation, but yeah, we can say one thing i guess .. most of the code should behave *as specified* .. which of course doesn't mean it doesn't contain bugs, might well be that we specified "wrong" behavior, but yeah, that's a different class of bug
as you pointed out - axiom is a very special library based on solid theoretical foundation, so I totally get the enormous effort to have it tested in 10000%
it’s different with ROM though, at least IMHO, I’d prefer to get the alpha out even if docs aren’t 1000% and there are 6 un-killed mutations via dedicated specs and get to know what people think about it
the other tools we use, should help us with moving us in a direction, where fixing bugs becomes easier
full ack
anyhow, it’s gonna happen in a little over a week yay :D
even tho 6 unkilled mutations sounds arbitrary, i guess we'd just kill those prior to release :p
well, those are killed in non-strict mode ;P
so, they are not actually unkilled
see, i get you ;)
and really, it's totally fine at this stage .. it's NOT like we nailed down the public api, 1.0style already
but i probably wouldn't want to let that number grow and grow over time .. it'll be hard to switch to strict mode for a future James Cameron release
but we can only speculate about what our toolchain will be able to do at this point in time ...
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I think I cover most of the stuff by default in strict-mode
the "it" blocks are called examples in rspec
well those read nicely
i'm almost certain that no one will ever complain about not being able to read rom spec output in nice english
just a guess of course ;)
I guess you’re right
I was more curious about what it was
I mean, I do try to write descriptions that make sense
but I don't measure it or audit it regularly
it's different with end user projects maybe
but with library code ...
imo a lot of the info already is in the context description
i see, ah, that context, ok, green? cool
I might just try it in a local branch over time
I do try to write spec examples that make sense both in the source and in the specdoc output. if looking over a report once a month to see what the output looks like helps me become better at that I may just do it
ok guys, i hear alarm bells ringing because we need consistency … can i keep on *testing*, or do i have to come up with boilerplate english text in the future?
because i *will* write that text if it's necessary, but i don't want to write boilerplate crap
snusnu: are you talking about the README template we discussed a bit last week?
dkubb: heh no, still talking about: describe Relation, #delete, it 'deletes tuples from the relation'
oh heh
I dunno. what does the specdoc output show? I do sometimes use that as a guide
no idea, and tbh, i don't care much ;)
but that's my personal opinion of course
I figured you cared because you asked about it :P
solnic, dkubb: actually, my first thought when i saw solnic writing spec descriptions like that was, ok, i know, he's writing a lot of application specs and he's gotten used to it :p
dkubb: hehe
dkubb: i actually do not care about the spec output .. i want dots :)
dkubb: that's why i strongly prefer it { should_not include(whatever) } over the long form
snusnu: I do try to use the tools as they were designed. our usage of subject{} is a bit off what the rspec-core team wanted, but I think it's a reasonable change.. so when I'm not sure if something is correct I sometimes try to understand the original intention
dkubb: yeah, and my feeling is, that the original intention is (rightfully) deducted from application specs
yeah, most of the time I care about dots too
dkubb: in which our style probably doesn't make that much immediate sense, but for our stuff, it's different imo
I dunno, if I was concerned I would check the specdoc output and whichever made the most sense I would choose that as a convention
well, then our style looses big time .. with no loss for ourselves (if i dare say so)
the output doesn't read nice at all .. but hey, it's green or red
only sometimes it's not (looking at jruby on travis ;)
i just have this feeling, that our "audience" are developers, and i like to think that most of those, don't need to rely on specdoc output to get an idea what stuff is doing or not, they just look at the code/specs, because they have to do that anyway
when developing an app for a client that might be different
I always wonder about developers who use cucumber for libs
i *absolutely* don't get it
is it because it helps the way they think?
or is it because they're just in a pattern, or want to use something cool?
that may be, yeah, dunno
the latter seems more likely to me
I know sometimes I like to see things from a different pov
for all I know cucumber does give you a different perspective on the code. ime it was such a pain
I may try it again *if* someone I was working with had lots of experience with it and could guide me, but for the most part I just see it as alternate syntax for writing integration tests
it might be nice as an acceptance test tool … stuff like FIT imo is totally justified .. but yeah, that's a different audience .. requirements engineering is done differently with apps and libs
but i can't really comment, cause i haven't used both cucumber and FIT
or FITness, or what it's called
altho i suspect it's good stuff for domain modelling .. like, when you really need your customers to tell you about the domain, and hardcode facts about it in an executable spec
re libs using cucumber, i cried a little bit, when i made specs for a small reek commit pass, and then saw a broken cucumber build because it was expecting a different line number to be printed out somewhere, because i added, well, locs
the fact it was checking line numbers makes sense, it was testing its own output, i only never saw the point in using cucumber for that
snusnu: and why do you think I did this huh?
i know why you did it, that's why i said it's fine with me
slightly OT, will Mapper.build be public api?
i guess so
snusnu: not sure, it is public now
we have a del that builds mappers
so I dunno
maybe if you want to inject a mapper with custom loader/dumper
solnic: i guess it will at least be what dm1 had api protected, a distinction we don't make anymore
then having Mapper.build comes in handy
wait, it was called @api semipublic
I think people might wanna use Mapper.build
we’ll see
solnic: btw, i'd love to have an ultrasimple substation/rom app ready for euruko, thinking about doing a lightning talk
solnic: maybe an initial mutcov
as i hate to build useless apps
and of course i meant eurucamp
snusnu: gonna be hard w/o key generator
time for bed
good night
solnic: ok good night
just generate keys using uuids
simple_uuid is nice and easy
dkubb: as solnic mentioned it, wwyt about axiom going through some KeyFactory api whenever it sets keys?
dkubb: it be cool to be able to inject whatever strategy one wants to use to generate keys
dkubb: including server generated values
snusnu: well, I'd probably want to get it all working in the context of an adapter first before introducing it in the main part of axiom
snusnu: there's actually quite a few issues you have to consider with server generated keys, and I would rather deal with them locally in an adapter first
snusnu: for example, say you're inserting into a join. you have to propagate the inserts in the right order, and you have to figure out some way for the id to be communicated down to the other branch of the insert
and you have to handle it for more than just a single id.. you can't assume it's one serial id
you could have a natural join with 4 keys, all of which are decided at insert time
you also have to handle more than join, it needs to be handled across every operation that is writable
i see, i was mostly thinking about some api we can use in rom for now (it can very well be implemented in rom) to do simple stuff that makes the memory adapter usable without laying the burden on the app, to pass in keys by itself … i'd love to get to a point soon, where i don't need to expect the app to change once persistent adapters are introduced
maybe i want to much at this point?
I think it's too much
my idea was mainly just, ok, if there's nothing built in that generates keys, lemme inject something that does
we have so little information about how it should work, except at the highest level, that any decision we make at this point will be the wrong api
I would just say "use UUIDs" for now
and generate them from "rom's client", the app?
that's simple and easy, and you can generate them far before axiom sees them
you could, or you could have an enumerable that does it
yeah, tho i wanted to avoid that, but i can see how it might be the most feasible thing to do at this point
having some Sequence class that gives me uuids will be good enough
i thought we could maybe already get closer to the real thing, but yeah, i didn't think about the edge cases obviously
dkubb: my thoughts, iirc, were something like: if axiom/rom sees a tuple with one or many undefined key attributes in it, send that tuple to some injected class by doing key_factory.call(tuple) and expect that to return a new "complete" tuple … i realize how that was just a quick thought tho
dkubb: ok, it would probably also need the relation, or at least the header (but that's accessible in tuple, isn't it?)
the header i mean
anyway, if you say that won't work, i guess i'll just believe you, it's not like i spent much more than 5min on that topic
yeah, I probably won't design the api until I actually start to implement it